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Lyrics of "Prince of Egypt" Passover story still apply in our lives

The redemption of the Hebrew children of Israel from the Exodus from slavery outside the Promised Land is brought to life in Disney's animated "Prince of Egypt." Touching, authentic-seeming excerpts from the Hebrew version of the film, translated into English (and transliterated Hebrew subtitles).  

"Deliver Us" ("Hoshia' na") shows the experience of Moses and the Jewish people's exile from Israel into slavery. 

The second song, "When You Believe" ("Eem Na'amin"), shows the experience of the Almighty returning the caretakers of His law and His land to their guardianship of the Promised Land.

Translation credits are due a 22 year-old defender of the Holy Land and the Jewish peopleserving in Israel's Defense Forces, who donated this effort.

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