One of greatest musicians in Israel's history passes away at 74 after being evacuated to hospital in critical condition due to aortic aneurysm by Yaron Kelner in YNet News Nov 26' 13
Arik Einstein, widely considered one of the greatest singers in Israel's history, died Tuesday evening at the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv. Einstein, 74, was evacuated from his home in critical condition at around 7 pm due to an aortic aneurysm. He was rushed to the emergency room, where he underwent a series of tests while being anaesthetized and given artificial respiration. He was later taken into the operating room, where doctors attempted to fight for his life but were forced to pronounce him dead. "The condition he arrived in made it impossible to save him," Dr. Gabriel Barbash, the hospital's director general, told reporters. "There will be no one to sing for us anymore," he added.
"The songs he composed and sang are the soundtrack for Israel," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement. "With much sadness Israel parts with a cultural giant."
President Shimon Peres said that Einstein's songs are the soundtrack of an entire nation; his voice was holding the people and embracing the land… I loved his songs from an early age. Though he's gone, his songs will continue to play life and hope."
Shawn Evenhaim, chairman of the Israeli-American Council (IAC), said in a statement: “We are sad to hear about Arik Einstein’s death and send our condolences to his family, friends, fans, and to all Israelis. Einstein is an Israeli cultural legend and probably the greatest Israeli singer of all time, and we’re sure that every Israeli who lives in the US today shares in the sadness of his passing. A major icon of Israeli culture has left us, but his memory and songs will stay with us forever.”
Israeli-Americans perform tribute show of Arik Einstein's music
At Los Angeles' Mitchabrim Center on Sunday 22 December, Israeli-American Sagie Shemesh organized a tribute concert of Arik Einstein's songs. Both Israeli and diaspora musicians collaborated to perform songs Israelis of the Einstein era identify with.
Enjoy this video playlist of the impromptu concert. (Advance through lower-right and left menu buttons).
Ms. Hila Halutzy, representing the Mitchabrim Center, introduced the evening, which began with a biography of Arik Einstein from Israel Channel 2 TV.
Guitar/vocalists Dudu Zar, Jimmy Gamliel, and Ronen Pollak alternated fronting the backup band of Patrick Azria- lead guitar & keys, Avi Broohim- drums, Ayal Vishnitzer- rhythm guitar, Ami Benee Levy- violin, Sagie Shemesh- guitar & shared bass with Scott Jenkins. (Ishay Raveh assisted Sagie in operating the multimedia display).