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After "Team Israel" opened historic Spring for Zionism, Yesha advocate calls balls and strikes at AIPAC Conference

AIPAC highlights administration's pro-Zionism but downplays Zionist milestones; Judea/Samaria advocates hold separate conference; Leftist Jewish IfNotNow augments anti-Zionist protests, encourages the ferocity of IslamoMarxist protesters against Jewish Defence Leaguers, 2 of whom now pursue criminal defenses against charges.

Excerpted from AIPAC 2017 by Yishai Fleisher in The Jerusalem Post 4/11/17
Yishai Fleisher interviewed
by JooTube at AIPAC
"Here I am again reporting on what I saw at the massive gathering of Jews and Israel lovers the AIPAC Policy Conferencein Washington, DC.

An Awesome Gathering:  Indeed, in terms of numbers AIPAC did not disappoint as 19,000 participants showed up, 4,000 of whom were school and university age, and bringing them all together is no small feat.

 The atmosphere was electric when US Vice President Mike Pence spoke and the crowd went wild when the new US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, told the packed Verizon Center that “there’s a new sheriff in town.”

(Excerpts from Vice President Mike Pence's address)

But for me, the real magic was at night, after the official program had ended. Young Jews gathered in bar events run by organizations like Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), The Israel Project (TIP), Stand With Us, Israeli American Council, Students Supporting Israel (SSI) and Young Jewish Conservatives, among others. Beer was flowing, business cards were exchanged, hearts were opening – and the huge ocean that divides Israeli Jews and American Jews dried up like the Red Sea on Passover.

Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld of Marble Arch Synagogue in London hailed the Trump Administration's alignment with Zionism and hoped American Zionists activism might set an example for British Jewish leadership.

While the physical gathering itself was inspiring, the messaging of it was, in my eyes, less so. You might have thought this year’s 50th anniversary of the miraculous Six Day War and the triumphant reunification of Jerusalem would have been the overarching theme of the conference. The Six Day War did get a few honorable mentions, including a outstanding movie clip from Christian Broadcast Network, but that’s it. While we all remember the famous AIPACian phrase “Jerusalem will always remain the eternal undivided capital of Israel,” this year the motto was noticeably absent.
(Photo: Zola Levitt Ministry)

The neglect of unified Jerusalem at AIPAC was made even more conspicuous in light of the Trump administration’s exploration of moving the US embassy to the City of Gold. But while there was no finer moment to make an appeal to move the embassy than the giant annual pro-Israel gathering in Washington on the 50th year of reunification, alas, the issue was dropped.

Balfour - Not Dead, But Buried:  Yet another theme which was amazingly absent at AIPAC was the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
The key document to the birth of the State of Israel is celebrating its first centennial, precisely as Israel’s international legitimacy is being threatened. Yet the instrument of American pro-Israelism, AIPAC, neglected to so much as mention Balfour.

Post-Wikileaks revelations, lifelong Democrat urges uniting under Trump administration; 'Far-Left dominated Democratic Party no longer Jews' home'- Principal argues

Alan Bergstein argues Florida's liberal Sun-Sentinel biases the electorate
When liberal pro-Obama and pro-Clinton speakers appeared at Delray, Florida's Vizcaya 
community "The Forum,"   attendance reached into the hundreds. Cars overflowed the parking lot, extending outside the community's gates. However, when lifelong Democrat-turned-independent, Alan Bergstein, 83, appeared as part of "The Forum" civics lecture series on April 5th, only about 30 (rather than 200) people attended.

Mr. Bergstein, an independent who encourages patriotic Americans to re-unify under the legitimately elected Pres. Donald Trump cautions other lifelong Democrats to reconsider their reflex support of the now, Leftist dominated Democratic National Committee platforms and candidates. He is introduced by Steve West, The Forum's manager in this talk.

We asked Mr. Bergstein, a retired Bronx, NYC middle-school principal, to explain what about his remarks the audience (which is offered an open mic to address him with questions) elected to avoid. Mr. Bergstein is concerned that the Left-wing ascension within the Democrat National Committee party leadership is an issue the audience shies from having to be presented with. Here is his response:

AIPAC Conference encourages global attendees to dialogue; Protesters prefer guerrilla tactics, 2 Jewish bodyguards provoked, arrested; Were cops complicit?

Israeli Amb. to U.S. Ron Dermer addresses AIPAC in D.C.
At the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington last week, some 18,000 Israel supporters from around the world Jews were encouraged by words from Trump administration's Vice President Mike Pence, US Amb. to the U.N. Nikki Haley, as well as Congresspeople and (via satellite) Israeli diplomats, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

While many repeat North American attendees have become accustomed to politicians' platitudes of support for Israel which ultimately ring hollow, the Trump adminstration is offering renewed hope
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) addresses AIPAC convention
in supporting Israel and challenging its nemesis, political Islam- particularly that backed by Shi'ite Iran. And few of the attendees may appreciate this espirit des corps as much as those hailing from multicultural liberal (read anti-Israel, philo-Muslim) Europe and Australasia.

Sr. Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld, Marble Arch Syn., London, UK
Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld, senior rabbi at London's Marble Arch Synagogue told JewTube.Info "I have the honor of being the only British Orthodox rabbi at AIPAC for the second year running. And I do it so I can get a fix and tell my congregation what it's like to hear 18,000 people to sing the Hatikvah and root for the vice-president. We need it in London. London is so wishy-washy when it comes to Zionism. We need this." In a message for the British Board of Deputies, Rosenfeld says, "Stand-up stronger for Israel and for the Jewish people. Don't keep your heads below the parapet."

The violent anti-Israel demonstrations in France and Canada have warranted the organizing and deploying of Jewish self-defenders.
IfNotNow Jewish Leftists closed the Convention entryway
At the past 2 years' AIPAC Conferences, well-organized Socialist and Islamist groups protested intimidatingly, impeding the ingress and egress of conference attendees and starting fights (including with sign-sticks) against the small number of Jews who came outside to defend their honor before the news and social-media influencer cameras.

Palestinian for Israel,
Sondra Solomon drew
Muslims' menacing, violence
This year, the Toronto, Canada-based Jewish Defence League organized a counter-presence to clear a path and deter violence against Zionists from militant anti-Zionists. While the J.D.L. group, led by Meir Weinstein, was outnumbered exponentially by the aggressive anti-Israel protesters, they would not be intimidated by physical threats and did, in fact, combat force with greater force. 

For unknown reasons, the D.C. police did not separate the aggressive crowd of Israel-haters from J.D.L. When their comrades Ram Lubranicki and reformed-Palestinian Sandra Solomon were hit and menaced, JDL'ers caught and punished Kamal Nayfeh, 55. In JewTube.Info's exclusive interview, Sandra Solomon recounts Nayfeh's menacing her and theft of her Palestinian flag. Israeli-Canadian Yosef Steynovitz, 29, and Israeli-American Ram Lubranicki, 59, were arrested (no Muslims were arrested) and charged by D.C. police (respectively) with felony assault and misdemeanor assault. The men are accepting donations for their legal defense.
Arabs beat Yosef Steynoitz (who wears hearing-aids), 
but D.C. Police arrested him, brought him to 
the hospital for treatment, then jailed him

While the information and dialogue presented by politicians and experts to the AIPAC-amassed Zionists, protesters were closed-minded to the reasoned information and arguments the few Zionist attendees attempted to dialogue with them. Organized antagonists and hostile provocations resulted in D.C. police restricting ingress and egress to the attendees.

This video playlist features JewTube.Info's original coverage from inside and outside of the Conference (including attempted dialogue with Arab and Leftist protesters, and interviews with Harold Rhode and Ryan Bellrose at the separate Judea/ Samaria event).

Latino zionist, Luis Cruz, attempts to engage in reasoned dialogue
with anti-Israel antagonists outside AIPAC