Over 10,000 marched on Times Square in opposition to Obama's Iran sanctions / nuclear deal with a message resounding across the West. Experts and luminaries delivered impassioned explanations and demands for Congress-people, particularly NY Sen. Chuck Schumer- to work to over-ride the expected presidential veto in the launch, "Stop Iran Rally" in NY on July 22nd.
Watch addresses by Col. Allen West, Alan Dershowitz, Caroline Glick, Monica Crowley, Mort Zuckerman, Steve Emerson, NY Gov. George Pataki, British Col. Richard Kemp, Wiesenthal's Rabbi Abe Cooper, Helen Freedman, and former Manhattan district attorney Robert Morganthau, among others.
Original video by DemoCast.TV
The message resonated through regional rallies this week throughout North America- in Washington, Southern California and scheduled ones in Winnipeg, Canada and London, England.
Thousands of Americans Rally to Demand Congress Vote Down Iran Nuke Deal
The “STOP IRAN RALLY,” the largest, grassroots bipartisan American protest against the deal granting Iran a fast track to a nuclear bomb, was held in Times Square on Wednesday, July 22.
Thousands of Americans from all faith traditions, political interests and communities, including Christians, Muslims, Jews, registered Democrats and Republicans, LGBT, Iranian-Americans, and others demanded that Congress vote down the Iran deal.
Under the umbrella of the STOP IRAN RALLY COALITION, more than 100 organizations spanning the nation's political, religious and social spectrum will participate. A roster of preeminent experts from senior levels of the military, government, academic, and media establishments will speak at the rally.
“Strip away the administration’s rhetoric and it's clear this deal gives the Mullahs – the world's foremost sponsors of terrorism, $150 billion in return for effectively nothing: no dismantlement of Iran's nuclear program; no anytime or anywhere inspections; no eradication of Iran’s ballistic missile program; no maintenance of the arms embargo; and no halt to Iran's sponsorship of terror, said Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, STOP IRAN RALLY’s co-organizer.
Wiesenfeld added, “Washington is prepared to give Iran virtually all that it needs to get to the bomb. To release $150 billion to Iran will result in the expansion of worldwide terror. New York Senator Charles Schumer has the votes as presumptive leader to override this deal if he wants. To do anything less is cynical and disgraceful, and the public will not be fooled this time. Americans will not stand for another North Korea. If this deal is not stopped, New York voters will know whom to blame.”
“The Administration uses scare tactics in falsely claiming that the alternative to this deal is war,” said Steve Emerson, Executive Director of The Investigative Project on Terrorism and a speaker at the STOP IRAN RALLY. “This deal would actually lead to more war, many more deaths of Americans and our allies and much more international terrorism.”
“This is a bipartisan issue, not a political one,” said Richard Allen, a local activist leading the STOP IRAN RALLY volunteers. “Now, Congress must rise to the occasion and expose evisceration of U.S. national security and pass a resolution of disapproval. Congress must also override President Obama's threatened veto, and return America's Iran policy to dealing from a position of strength rather than appeasement. We are mobilizing nationwide to let our lawmakers know we will hold each and every one of them to account for the consequences of this dangerous deal being foisted on the American people.”
• James Woolsey, Former Director of the CIA and Chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
• Gov. George Pataki, Former Three-Term Governor of New York
• Robert Morgenthau, Manhattan District Attorney from 1975 to 2009
• Allen West, Former Congressman and retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel
• Prof. Alan Dershowitz, Attorney and Professor at the Harvard School of Law
• Caroline Glick, Deputy Managing Editor of The Jerusalem Post
• Pete Hoekstra, Former U.S. Congressman and Chair of the House Intelligence Committee
• U.S. Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, Former Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and Senior U.S. Military Representative to the United Nations
• General Paul E. Vallely, Former U.S. Army Major General and Chairman of Stand Up America
• Mortimer Zuckerman, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of U.S. News & World Report and the publisher of the New York Daily News and former Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
• John Batchelor, Radio Talk Host, WABC-AM
• Steven Emerson, Executive Director of The Investigative Project on Terrorism
• Frank Gaffney, Founder of the Center for Security Policy
• Kasim Hafeez, Founder of “The Israel Campaign” and Christians United for Israel’s Outreach Coordinator
• Tony LoBianco, Actor and Activist
• Clare M. Lopez, Former CIA officer, Terrorism and Iran Expert at Center for Security Policy
• Herbert I. London, President Emeritus of Hudson Institute and former Dean of New York University
• Colonel Richard Kemp, Former Commander of the British Forces in Afghanistan
• David Brog, Executive Director, Christians United for Israel
• Genevieve Wood, Senior Fellow, The Heritage Foundation
The STOP IRAN RALLY is coordinated by the STOP IRAN RALLY COALITION, a grassroots movement of volunteer citizens, in partnership with more than 100 organizations spanning the entire political, religious and social spectrum. More information can be found at www.stopiranrally.org. Follow updates about the rally on Twitter @stopiranrally and #stopiranrally.
Rally'ers arrested asking Sen. Schumer for Senate Dems to over-ride Obama's Iran shift
Original, full video from New York City protest by Americans for a Safe Israel and Assemblyman Dov Hikind- arrested for obstructing Sen. Chuck Schumer's office building.
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Iran appeasement "worse than Munich" historians agree; Will Jews help override BHO's veto?
Pro-Israel lobbying group is urging Congress to reject the nuclear deal with Iran. (AP)
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee had reserved judgment about the deal when it was announced on Tuesday. But now the group says it believes Congress should insist on a better deal. AIPAC says in a statement that the deal is flawed because it doesn't allow inspectors immediate access to suspicious sites, and it doesn't dismantle Iran's nuclear facilities. The group also is expressing concern that arms and ballistic missile embargos on Iran could be lifted in the coming years.
Vice President Joe Biden will head back to Capitol Hill on Thursday to urge Senate (AP) Democrats to support the nuclear deal with Iran. The White House says Biden will discuss the deal with the Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the committee, invited Biden to brief his party's senators. The meeting will come a day after Biden made a similar pitch during a meeting with House Democrats. Biden has also been calling lawmakers, including Senate leaders, to discuss the deal. Congress will have a 60-day window to review the deal and could pass legislation stopping Obama from lifting sanctions on Iran. The White House is focusing its outreach on Democrats in hopes they'll provide enough votes to stop Republicans from overriding Obama's likely veto.
Forget Obama. Republicans made the Iran nukes deal possible
Mark Levin has been shouting until he is blue in the face that this truly awful nuclear deal with Iran has only been made possible with the help of Senate Republicans, who passed a bill (99-1, with Tom Cotton of Arkansas the only sane dissenter) making it nearly impossible to stop Obama's agreement with the Ayatollahs: Read more in NewsMachete
John Feehery in Washington Wire: Opponents need 290 House members to override a veto, which means they would need 43 Democrats to abandon Mr. Obama. It’s hard to see where they get that many votes. There are 18 Jewish Democrats in the House, and many of them will probably stick with the president. Neither the black caucus nor the Hispanic caucus is likely to abandon Mr. Obama, and it is highly unlikely that House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi will either.
CNN Politics reports: Among those immediately praising the accord were California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who called the deal a 'diplomatic resolution' to a significant matter of international security. ...
The 15 Senate Democrats considered in-play by aides beyond Menendez, Schumer and Cardin are: Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, Sen. Ben Nelson of Florida, Sen. Joe Donnelly or Indiana, Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan and Sen. Angus King, an Independent of Maine who caucuses with the Democrats.
On Sean Hannity's Fox News Channel Show 15 July '15, he introduced "Mark Steyn says he thinks what President Barack Obama did is "significantly worse" than what former British prime minister Neville Chamberlain did. He also stated that he doesn't think the president was negotiating on behalf of the United States."
Mark Steyn excerpted his remarks from his article, "Far Worse than Munich," Steyn Online, July 15, 2015
Historian, William Langfan, 92, feels he's reliving the parallels he experienced as a young man at that time: 'Iran deal parallels "Peace in Our Time" blunder, leading to a World War, from a weaker position.'
In 1938, pre-college Langfan saw that Britain & France, hoping to avoid violence, presumed Hitler demanding land sacrifices would be appeased by their sacrificing Sudentenland, Czechoslovakia. Mr. Langfan warns that the same Western pacifism trusting a contract Hitler would not violate is being repeated by Western leaders today, enabling money and weapons materiel capabilities to an enemy intent on destroying the Jewish state - in hopes of appeasing the jihadist juggernaut from seeking further power and control.
Former Israeli Parliamentarian, Dr. Aryeh Eldad cautions politicos from setting-up Israel to be sacrificed against Iran. Knesset Member Dr. Eldad told JewTube.Info in 2008 that Washington has abandoned the world to a nuclear-mad, apocalyptic Iran. He asserted, "There's NO CHANCE in the world that Israel would be willing to live under an nuclear Iranian threat.," He cautioned western negotiators not to consider Israel a modern-day Czechoslovakia. 'Sacrificing us won't appease them against you, and don't expect us to forget you sold us down the river,' he cautions. Jewish blood no longer comes cheap.'
A Rally to Prevent a Nuclear Iran is being held in Times Square on Wednesday, July 22 from 5:30-7:30pm. Speakers include Clare Lopez, Steven Emerson, James Woolsey, Alan Dershowitz, Mort Zuckerman, Caroline Glick, Frank Gaffney, and Rep.Alan West.
Secy John Kerry, EU reps & Iranian lead negotiator Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Vienna |
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee had reserved judgment about the deal when it was announced on Tuesday. But now the group says it believes Congress should insist on a better deal. AIPAC says in a statement that the deal is flawed because it doesn't allow inspectors immediate access to suspicious sites, and it doesn't dismantle Iran's nuclear facilities. The group also is expressing concern that arms and ballistic missile embargos on Iran could be lifted in the coming years.
Vice President Joe Biden will head back to Capitol Hill on Thursday to urge Senate (AP) Democrats to support the nuclear deal with Iran. The White House says Biden will discuss the deal with the Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the committee, invited Biden to brief his party's senators. The meeting will come a day after Biden made a similar pitch during a meeting with House Democrats. Biden has also been calling lawmakers, including Senate leaders, to discuss the deal. Congress will have a 60-day window to review the deal and could pass legislation stopping Obama from lifting sanctions on Iran. The White House is focusing its outreach on Democrats in hopes they'll provide enough votes to stop Republicans from overriding Obama's likely veto.
Forget Obama. Republicans made the Iran nukes deal possible
Mark Levin has been shouting until he is blue in the face that this truly awful nuclear deal with Iran has only been made possible with the help of Senate Republicans, who passed a bill (99-1, with Tom Cotton of Arkansas the only sane dissenter) making it nearly impossible to stop Obama's agreement with the Ayatollahs: Read more in NewsMachete
John Feehery in Washington Wire: Opponents need 290 House members to override a veto, which means they would need 43 Democrats to abandon Mr. Obama. It’s hard to see where they get that many votes. There are 18 Jewish Democrats in the House, and many of them will probably stick with the president. Neither the black caucus nor the Hispanic caucus is likely to abandon Mr. Obama, and it is highly unlikely that House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi will either.
CNN Politics reports: Among those immediately praising the accord were California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who called the deal a 'diplomatic resolution' to a significant matter of international security. ...
The 15 Senate Democrats considered in-play by aides beyond Menendez, Schumer and Cardin are: Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, Sen. Ben Nelson of Florida, Sen. Joe Donnelly or Indiana, Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan and Sen. Angus King, an Independent of Maine who caucuses with the Democrats.
On Sean Hannity's Fox News Channel Show 15 July '15, he introduced "Mark Steyn says he thinks what President Barack Obama did is "significantly worse" than what former British prime minister Neville Chamberlain did. He also stated that he doesn't think the president was negotiating on behalf of the United States."
Mark Steyn excerpted his remarks from his article, "Far Worse than Munich," Steyn Online, July 15, 2015
I think the nuclear issue was a mere pretext, a Hitchcock-ian McGuffin. Iran will be a nuclear state, and very soon. The joke inspections regime - under which Teheran can block any inspections for the best part of a month - will facilitate the nuclearization of Iran and prevent anyone who objects to it - such as Israel - from doing anything about it. That's a given.
But that's not what the talks were about. Obama's vision of the post-American Middle East sees Iran as the dominant power, and that's what the negotiations were there to finesse.
I think what happened at these talks is that he and the Iranians were, in a sense, negotiating together to anoint Iran as the regional power in the Middle East and to facilitate Iran’s reentry, the biggest planetary sponsor of terrorism, to facilitate its reentry into the global community. That’s what Obama was there doing.”
I think what happened at these talks is that he and the Iranians were, in a sense, negotiating together to anoint Iran as the regional power in the Middle East and to facilitate Iran’s reentry, the biggest planetary sponsor of terrorism, to facilitate its reentry into the global community. That’s what Obama was there doing.”
Historian, William Langfan, 92, feels he's reliving the parallels he experienced as a young man at that time: 'Iran deal parallels "Peace in Our Time" blunder, leading to a World War, from a weaker position.'
In 1938, pre-college Langfan saw that Britain & France, hoping to avoid violence, presumed Hitler demanding land sacrifices would be appeased by their sacrificing Sudentenland, Czechoslovakia. Mr. Langfan warns that the same Western pacifism trusting a contract Hitler would not violate is being repeated by Western leaders today, enabling money and weapons materiel capabilities to an enemy intent on destroying the Jewish state - in hopes of appeasing the jihadist juggernaut from seeking further power and control.
Former Israeli Parliamentarian, Dr. Aryeh Eldad cautions politicos from setting-up Israel to be sacrificed against Iran. Knesset Member Dr. Eldad told JewTube.Info in 2008 that Washington has abandoned the world to a nuclear-mad, apocalyptic Iran. He asserted, "There's NO CHANCE in the world that Israel would be willing to live under an nuclear Iranian threat.," He cautioned western negotiators not to consider Israel a modern-day Czechoslovakia. 'Sacrificing us won't appease them against you, and don't expect us to forget you sold us down the river,' he cautions. Jewish blood no longer comes cheap.'
A Rally to Prevent a Nuclear Iran is being held in Times Square on Wednesday, July 22 from 5:30-7:30pm. Speakers include Clare Lopez, Steven Emerson, James Woolsey, Alan Dershowitz, Mort Zuckerman, Caroline Glick, Frank Gaffney, and Rep.Alan West.
Israeli Amb. Michael Oren discusses revelations about Democrat administration shift against Israel, towards Iran in "Ally"
Israel's Ambassador to U.S. Michael Oren at Nixon Library, July 2, 2015 |
Amb. Oren engages with audience's questions in the continuation of our original video, filmed July 2nd 2015.
David Suissa in the Jewish Journal of L.A. (who interviewed Amb. Oren the previous night at the Museum of Tolerance), analyzes Oren’s book as
... threatening to liberal Zionists because it makes a compelling case that their hero Obama has severely undermined the very thing they crave – negotiations towards a two-state solution.
With the sharp eye of a historian, Oren explains how, in Obama’s zeal to create diplomatic “daylight” with Israel while reaching out to the Arab/Muslim world, Obama brought terminal darkness to the peace process.
Read more
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