Sen. Ted Cruz addressed the R.J.C. Spring Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas on Saturday (John Locher/ A.P.) |
The Jewish Insider has curated a collection of coverage from the Republican Jewish Coalition Spring gathering in Las Vegas:
"Sheldon Adelson and top GOP donors retreat to the sidelines" by Alex Isenstadt and Katie Glueck: “Burnout’s real. People spent a lot of time and energy traveling on their own nickel, asking friends for money from different candidates. There’s only so many times you can go back to the well,” said Jay Zeidman, a Texas executive who has thrown his support to Cruz after initially backing Jeb Bush... Ronald Krongold, who has yet to endorse another contender following Bush’s departure, added: “I’m a little disappointed as to how the race has evolved.”
"On Friday night, Cruz courted over a dozen RJC members at AquaKnox, a dimly lit seafood restaurant just off the casino floor. He schmoozed with attendees including Texas businessman Fred Zeidman and California venture capitalist Yitz Applbaum, both former Bush supporters, and former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer. Among the topics discussed, according to one person briefed on the informal get-together: how the ongoing delegate fight will play out." [Politico; CNN]
(Video: CBSN via Ted Cruz campaign)
Where was Sheldon? "On Thursday evening, Adelson hosted some of the organization’s top officials at his palatial mansion. While former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper discussed how fractured parties can unite, Adelson listened but said little, according to three people who were present. And on Friday, rather than preside over the deliberations, Adelson and his wife, Miriam, departed for a wedding... in Baltimore." [Politico; Guardian] • Which Wedding? Ariel Garber & Scott Goldstein [TheKnot]
Ari Fleischer tweets: "Ted Cruz helped himself a lot at the Republican Jewish Coalition meeting. He's going to leave here with a lot of support." [Twitter]
David Frum tweets: "At @RJC weekend in Las Vegas, Ted Cruz moved a number of important party leaders from “I guess … ” to “yes!!" [Twitter]
Cruz woos pro-Israel coalition as backers seek to build on momentum” by Peter Stone:“Roughly a dozen wealthy board members of the RJC hosted a roundtable discussion with the Texan, giving him a chance to woo donors in a more intimate setting. “The Cruz train is looking appealing,” said Michael Epstein, an RJC board member and commercial estate developer from Maryland who only recently joined the campaign’s finance team, after initially backing Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and then Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Epstein told the Guardian he and a dozen other board members – including the California venture capitalist Elliott Broidy, the New York real estate investor Ben Heller and the Houston businessman Fred Zeidman – organized the roundtable, which drew about 75 people, giving Cruz a chance to “welcome everybody” to become supporters. “Obviously money is important, and we’re talking to everybody else” about the campaign’s needs, he said.” [TheGuardian]
HOW IT PLAYED: "At Meeting of Jewish Donors, Cruz Talks Up Electability"
[TexasTribune] •
"In Las Vegas, Cruz touts his support for Israel and ability to defeat Clinton"
[LasVegasSun] •
"Cruz Rails Against Trump as Republican Jews Ponder Options" [AP] •
"Cruz to Jewish Republicans: I'm perfectly electable" [CNN]
"Cruz tells Jewish Republicans Trump is 'a disaster'" [ArutzSheva] •