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"9/13" - Thwart an imperialism that's again conquering the West via anti-Semitism

Islamists hijack jets as missiles into NYC
World Trade Center towers 9/11/01

How do Western societies, (who on Sept 11th used to believe "Never Forget") or North American Jews, (who profess "Never Again") fail to see and fight the connection in today's times? Germany's National Socialists rose to power by scapegoating Jews and stoking religious and ethnic supremacy among Aryan Christians. Upon the Nazi defeat, Egypt repatriated  Goebbels' propagandists to advance pan-Muslim power by combine Muslim theology's Jew-hatred with a socio-political hatred for the Jewish expansion in Palestine. Unified by anti-Zionism, the Islamist global revolution spread to the reaches of Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. 

Today, anti-Christian Americanism and anti-Jewish Israelism has years of global spread by Al-Jazeera, A.P., Reuters, and Muslim news outlets. So what happened to concerns of Never Forget and Never Again when it comes to Judeo-Christian societies importing Islamic supremacist-raised immigrants from societies raised to hate "the infidel" and "the Zionist Jews?"

"9/13" by Daniel Greenfield in "Sultan Knish," Sept 11,'22

"As another 9/11 anniversary arrives, we are not in 9/10, a world before the fall of the towers, nor 9/12, the world that was born in the aftermath of the attacks, rather we are in 9/13.

In 9/13, years have passed without significant Islamic terrorist attacks taking place on American soil. In past surveys, concern about Islamic terrorism ranks in the low single digits behind everything else.

In 9/13, culture wars, COVID, pronouns and other concerns have vastly eclipsed not only the barbaric mass murder of thousands, but the recognition that we are at war. And that war is far from over.

America’s Islamic population is growing. The open border doesn’t just bring in drug dealers and gang members, but massive numbers of people from the Muslim world. The Afghan airlift and visas will probably end up importing at least a quarter of a million as family reunification kicks in. Our national demographics are being transformed - with the same eventual outcome as Europe.

9/13 is all about forgetting . . .  After WWI, most people were done with world wars. But world wars weren’t done with them. ... the Jihad isn’t some nationalistic European grudge match. It’s a thousand-year assault on the rest of the world that will not stop just because we’ve decided to move on Article continues:

Middle-Eastern Muslim immigrants to America march through L.A against Israel and her supporters.
In the ensuing days, some protesters hunted Jewish civilians to attack (May, 2021)

Last May 2021, in reaction to the anti-Semitism exhibited in Islamo-Marxists' anti-Israel demonstrations in New York and Los Angeles  (whose vitriol matched that in European cities), Daniel Greenfield explained that Jewish-Americans should stop (not enable) immigration of Muslims into North America. 

"Stop Jew-Hate: End Islamist Immigration" by Daniel Greenfield 26 May'21 Frontpage Magazine:
In 2015, The Atlantic ran a cover story titled, “Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?” In 2021, the question is whether it’s time for the Jews to leave New York and Los Angeles. ...  Most stories about antisemitism in Europe reference the Swedish city whose Jewish population dropped from 3,000 to barely 800. Current estimates are that Malmo will have no Jews left by the end of the decade as its population flees Muslim mob violence, firebombings, and random assaults: including 100 aimed at its sole rabbi. “Anti-Semitism in Malmö reveals flaws in Swedish immigration system.” There are equally big flaws in our immigration system and too many Jewish groups have wasted time on outreach - instead of working toward immigration-reform to stop the ‘Malmoization’ of New York and LA.  

(May 21, 2021) Investigations are underway in New York and Los Angeles after antisemitic attacks earlier this week. In New York, a man was attacked during dueling rallies over the violence in the Middle East. In Los Angeles, Jewish diners were attacked at a restaurant. Jeff Pegues has the story.

The collapse of a liberal middle class into dueling Marxist and Fascist youth mobs is mainstreaming antisemitism in America the way that it already has in Europe. But the heavy lifting will still be done by young men whose parents came here from Iraq, Pakistan, or Gaza that we’ve seen assaulting random Jewish people in New York and Los Angeles. The cries of “Kill Jews, Free Palestine” are not a horrid aberration: they’re the new normal. The one thing that could have stopped this and perhaps still might would be for American Jews to be willing to say the unspeakable: that some people belong in this country and others don’t. The idea that immigration should be a mutual social contract instead of a suicide pact is profoundly alien to everything that millions of Americans, Jews and Christians, have absorbed over the years. Beyond the Christian churches and HIAS which lobby to resettle more Islamists in America, much of the country is wedded to the idea that we must take anyone who comes. But when we take anyone who comes, then we’re the ones who get taken for a ride.

While our streets are filled with the homeless and unemployed Americans are dying of drug overdoses at record rates, churches and temples lecture their parishioners on their moral duty to bring more Iraqis, Syrians, and Pakistanis to America.

But 9/11 and the occasional terror attack in a major city are just the appetizers of Islamist demographic colonization. The next stage, mob violence by what the European press carefully calls “angry youths”, is now underway in New York and Los Angeles. It won’t stop there. The era of the “lone wolf” Jihadi hasn’t ended yet, but the future of Islamic terror in America will be group attacks, like those in Bataclan in Paris, and more routine riots and mass assaults abetted by their leftist allies.

Jews in New York City are the easiest targets, but as the Swedes or the French could tell you, or the Poles and the Czechs, it rarely ends there.

Muslim violence isn’t a response to oppression or persecution. It’s a supremacist theological mission to colonize and subjugate non-Muslims as numerous Jihadis have told us at their trials. We chose not to take them at their word.

Israel is not the issue. Just as Mohammed cartoons, a teddy bear with the wrong name, or false reports of a desecrated Koran were not the real issues at the heart of other Muslim rampages.

Where is the movement to close the Democrat open-border policy - which permits in immigrants from countries other than Central America, such as Venezuela, where Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards  Corps (IGRC) has a strong military relationship? In August, they announced simulated war games (along with Russia and China) in Venezuela. 

At the 9/11 Memorial Garden Park 5-years ago, writer Daniel Greenfield addressed the issue of 9/11 commemorations omitting educating about the cause of the Islamic imperialist crusade against the West.

"The war continues, the war goes on, and as each September 11th passes we become less cognizant of the original attacks and of the causes of those attacks. 

People are forgetting the history. they're forgetting just why this happened and what this all meant. We are forgetting the stories of the heroes but we're also forgetting that we were attacked because we are a free people. Because we choose to believe that we can actually elect our own leaders. That we can actually allow everyone to practice their own religion and that we can actually allow people freedom of speech and yes that does include drawing Muhammad cartoons.

We've forgotten all that and in the process we are forgetting the reason why we are a threat to the terrorists. We are not a threat to the terrorists because we have large bombers or because we have missiles and tanks. There are other countries including countries in the Middle East that have those.

What threatens the Islamic terrorists - and it is indeed an Islamic terrorist - is our culture our way of life and the fact that we do not obey them. That we do not worship as they do. And that we believe that we have the right and the responsibility and the power to be what we are.

This is a cultural war it is a civilizational clash. The terrorist attacks, even the devastating terrorist attacks of September 11th, were just a worst-case scenario. Even as Islamic migration continues to flood into this country, the Islamic population of this country has dramatically increased. Instead of reducing the population of Islamic settlers since September 11th, we have dramatically increased both them and their policy and their influence. Keith Ellison was formerly with the Nation of Islam (and is now is affiliated with Islamist organizations such as CAIR) is now the second in command of the DNC (currently seeking re-election as Attorney General of Minnesota). 

Barack Hussein Obama, a man who described the Islamic call to prayer (which includes the very prettiest sound on Earth, that was heard by the passengers on Flight 93) became the president of the United States. And so we are still commemorating a war that does not end, we are commemorating a tragedy that has never been resolved, the war continues the struggle goes on and we must go on with it." 


"After the ADL gets caught spreading woke ideology, Greenblatt must go" writes Jonathan Tobin, of JNS.org

Under its current leader, the group discarded nonpartisanship. But the inclusion of critical race theory in the curricula it gives schools is not an isolated blunder.

Jonathan Greenblatt leads the A.D.L.

(Sept 7, 2022/JNS.org)  According to the Anti-Defamation League, it’s just a mistake. A Fox News Digital exposé showed that the curricula they hand out to schools as part of their anti-hate programs included critical race theory (CRT) teachings about “white privilege,” the need to address the problems of “whiteness,” praise for the anti-Semitic Women’s March group and support for the idea of contemporary Americans paying reparations to those whose ancestors were enslaved.

Faced with hard evidence that its lucrative “No Place for Hate” initiatives are immersed in the woke leftist ideas that are actually legitimizing racialist attitudes and granting a permission slip for anti-Semitism, the organization had no choice but to say that the Fox News report was accurate and that “there is content among our curricular materials that is misaligned with ADL’s values and strategy.”

Yet rather than admit that the inclusion of such ideas in the material they are pushing on schools reflected a broader problem in the group’s work, the ADL still insisted: “We do not teach critical race theory. Period.”

That’s a blatantly dishonest and even illogical claim since the material in their curricula shows that is exactly what they’re doing.

The upshot of this weasel-worded non-apology is that the group founded to defend the Jewish people against anti-Semitism is trying to claim that this is all somehow a misunderstanding. They want their donors, who were under the impression that the ADL was belatedly confronting left-wing anti-Semitism, to believe that the organization isn’t actually part of the problem rather than the solution.

But no one should be buying this disingenuous line of defense.

What Fox discovered was entirely consistent with the organization’s actions and decisions in the years since Jonathan Greenblatt took over as its CEO replacing longtime leader Abe Foxman.  

Greenblatt has helped shift the ADL from its former stance as the nonpartisan gold standard for monitoring of hate to being just another liberal activist group whose priority is helping the Democratic Party—something that makes sense for a former staffer in the Clinton and Obama White Houses. Rather than being “misaligned,” endorsements of CRT teachings are very much aligned with the way the ADL has made it a priority to stay in sync with fashionable radical ideas about race and to avoid being tagged as a bastion of Zionist privilege by their left-wing allies.

All of this means that the only thing ADL’s board and donors should be reviewing in the wake of this expose is their continued employment of Greenblatt. If it wants to truly demonstrate that it is rejecting CRT and the anti-Semitism that comes in its wake, then Greenblatt has got to go.

Far from being an isolated instance, the group’s inclusion of critical race theory concepts and ideas in their model anti-hate curricula is very much in line with the group’s approach to racial issues in recent years.

  • There was its endorsement of the Black Lives Matter movement, which had itself endorsed anti-Semitic attacks on the state of Israel; and its “anti-racist” agenda about white supremacy.

  • There was its defense of two anti-Semitic members of Congress—Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.)—against criticism from former President Donald Trump, largely on the basis that they were “women of color.”

  • There was the hiring of left-wing Twitter troll Tema Smith as an outreach director tasked with educating about race and racism, whose main priority seems to be calling Jews racists for not going along with radical concepts about white privilege.

  • Then there was the fact that its website had a definition of racism that invoked CRT teachings about privilege.

That the ADL is primarily interested in attacking anti-Semites on the far-right that it tries to link to Republicans and conservatives while downplaying the way left-wing anti-Semites have taken over academia and gained acceptance in popular culture and the left-wing of the Democratic Party has long been obvious. But the content of their school curricula in their hate-education program speaks to the way these ideas have become integral to its core business model and seem in line with much of the material that is routinely tweeted out by the @ADL_education Twitter account.

All of this speaks to a pattern of behavior under ADL that demonstrates that from the top down, the group has doubled down on the BLM agenda of equity as opposed to equality by emphasizing ideas about race and privilege.

A closer look at the material that the Fox News report highlighted shows just how far into wokeness the ADL has gone. The whole point of the topics covered points consistently towards justifying the BLM movement.

Cornell Law School Professor William Jacobson’s criticalrace.org website is an essential resource in discovering the influence of toxic racial theories that are spreading throughout the education system. In an email to me, he said that the ADL curricula is particularly damaging because it validates discredited talking points about the 2014 police shooting in Ferguson, Mo., that helped launch the BLM movement.

According to Jacobson:

“The lesson plan (‘privilege, discrimination, and racial disparities’) on the shooting of Michael Brown is highly misleading and irresponsible. As an investigation by the Obama Department of Justice confirmed, Michael Brown was shot after he sucker-punched a police officer who was seated in a patrol vehicle and tried to steal his weapon. The police officer was not charged because the shooting was legally justifiable. None of that is mentioned in the ADL lesson plan, which instead suggests that Brown was a victim of racist police violence and uses that as a launch pad to delve into issues of white privilege and other racial justice topics.”

Nor was that all.

“The second Michael Brown lesson, ‘Power and Privilege’ misleads by suggesting that Brown was unarmed,” said Jacobson. “That’s true but incomplete because he was shot in an unprovoked assault on a police officer sitting in a patrol car in an attempt to steal his gun. The lesson also says that the police officer was not indicted, which also is true, but fails to explain that the police officer was not indicted because the officer used lawful force to defend himself. The lesson plan also fails to point out that the Obama Justice Department came to the same conclusion.”

Both these lessons are, as Jacobson states, “misleading and manipulative.” Along with parts of curricula that seek to engage students by indoctrinating them with notions about white privilege and “structural racism,” this reflects the ADLs acceptance of racial-justice dogma and ideology in order to promote ideas about race that are aimed at polarizing and racializing society. The fact that information from a Jewish defense agency would ask students to reflect on the “achievements” of BLM without also taking into account the anti-Semitism and hatred for Israel that is associated with it calls into question where the ADL’s priorities lie.

Equally troubling is ADL’s embrace of intersectionality, a concept that falsely analogizes the Palestinian war on Israel with the struggle for civil rights in the United States and other anodyne causes. In one lesson plan about equality for women, the ADL advocates for students to “reflect upon the [2017] Women’s March,” using “an intersectionality approach.” It completely ignores the fact that the anti-Trump protest group, which was led by prominent anti-Semitic activists like Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour, was completely compromised by Jew-hatred.

Groups that claim to oppose racism ought to be advocating against intersectionality and the anti-equality “equity” agenda, not endorsing it. Groups that are supposed to be opposing anti-Semitism should be at the forefront of the fight against ideas that seek to view everything through the prism of race and identifying Israel and Jews as privileged oppressors. Yet the ADL, which raises close to $100 million a year to oppose racism and anti-Semitism, is, in essence, endorsing both.

Greenblatt’s skill at raising money even while trashing the ADL’s reputation for fairness and nonpartisanship has seemingly solidified his position at the head of one of the organized Jewish world’s most prominent organizations. His leadership also reflects the way American society has become polarized and driven to extremes as politics now serves in the role that religion used to play in most people’s lives. Seen from that perspective, perhaps it was inevitable that a liberal group like ADL would begin to drift to the far-left even while pretending to still speak for the center. The group’s involvement in Internet censorship with Big Tech allies like Google—ostensibly to educate against hatred—also showed its new bias as well as a propensity for other “mistakes” in which it wound up promoting extremism rather than stopping it.

Yet if the ADL is to retain even a sliver of credibility, it will require more than a pro forma “review” about “misaligned” lesson plans. It’s going to need a complete overhaul and a purge of the woke leftism and one-sidedness that now permeates almost everything it says and does. The only way to begin that effort is to fire Jonathan Greenblatt. Anything less than that will be a further betrayal of the organization’s responsibilities to speak up for its founding principles and mission.