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Jews are Under Siege: A call for new leadership

Charles Jacobs and Seth A. Klarman of the David Project made this call for new leadership almost 2 years ago (courtesy Unity Coalition for Israel). With Yom HaShoah on Thursday, May 1, it is time to reconsider this appeal.

"A rush of shocking events is creating a "tipping point" in Jewish consciousness. Increasingly, Jews feel our situation has substantially changed, and for the worse.
The events include Iran’s nuclear threats and Holocaust denial, Hamas’ electoral victory, the torture and murder of Ilan Halimi in Paris by a Muslim gang, the "discovery" by a Harvard dean that Jews actually do conspire to control Congress and American foreign policy in the service of Israel and to the detriment of U.S. interests, and the British academic boycott.
All of these demonstrate for many that there is a new assault on the world’s Jews. The hostility is based on a unique and intense hatred of Israel and deep resentment of its supporters, accompanied by a growing willingness to use violence.
As though in a "perfect storm," two global ideologies, rooted in different radical critiques of the West, have suddenly aligned against us:

1. Islamic anti-Semitism. Fueled by Saudi petro-dollars and Iranian revolutionary zeal, a global campaign in mosques and madrassas (Islamic schools) teaches hundreds of millions of Muslims that Jews are the sons of monkeys and pigs, and killing them is a holy deed. The internet and television embellish the message: docudramas in Iran, Egypt and Jordan depict Jews harvesting the organs of Muslim children, killing non-Jews to make matzo, and plotting to rule the world.

This poison reaches Muslims in the West. Europe’s Jews are besieged and violently assaulted -- on the streets and in the no-longer varnished rhetoric of polite society. In America, Freedom House told Congress it found Saudi-produced hate literature aimed at Americans, Christians – but mostly Jews – in mosques across the U.S.

2. In the West, "Palestinianism" -- the notion that an innocent, indigenous people suffers a senseless, cruel oppression by the Jews of Israel (who ought to know better) threatens to become the standard view. It is the basis for an attack by Western radicals on Zionism, Jewish national self-determination, and by extension on Jews everywhere. The "oppression" of an Arab people by Westerners is, for the far Left, morally and politically more consequential than the massacres, enslavements, beheadings, bombings, and ethnic cleansings committed by Arabs and Muslims from London to Sudan, from Spain to Indonesia. These are treated by radicals as distractions from (even caused by) the deeper Zionist evil.

Rooted in separate critiques of the West, Islam and the radical left are now allied – in Europe and increasingly in segments of America’s professoriate, media, human rights community, and the leadership of certain Protestant churches.

In America, Jews fret as a vicious anti-Israel movement has taken root on American campuses, and Jewish organizations reeled last summer when five mainline Protestant denominations passed anti-Israel resolutions. Most Jews don’t yet know the extent to which public high school texts – and teachers – are delegitimizing Israel.

Anti-Semitism is a virus that morphs. In the West now, hostility to Jews has little to do with the familiar hatreds – of Judaism or the Jewish "race." Today’s antipathy makes Israel "the Jew" and its "crimes" the old "Jewish crimes" – killing of the innocent, theft (this time of land), arrogance, and the control of business, finance, government and the media by international cabals. As before, "Jewish crimes" stand out as uniquely, even cosmically evil. And as such, they call for correction.

We were unprepared; we remain confused. Arab and Muslim Jew-hatred was misread as mere "street talk" that would dissipate when Oslo brought peace. Instead, Jew-hate is an engine of the global jihad. We are flummoxed by the new breed of Western adversaries. After centuries of attack by brutes, illiterates, right wing lunatics, and Christian anti-Semites, antagonism to the Jewish collective is now generated by soft-spoken moralists with high ideals, by "anti-racists" – some of the most articulate of whom are Jews. Set to defend against thugs yelling "kike," we are attacked instead by college professors – today a far more insidious enemy – who berate us for supporting "immorality."

No one wants to think that sixty years after the Holocaust, a new storm threatens Jews everywhere. But reality cannot be avoided or minimized. Confused, with our defenses down, Jews need to consider the profound impact of losing the ideological battle that can destroy the Jewish state. This new time requires courageous and talented leaders to grasp these new realities and create strategies to defeat the latest defamations, grounded in a libelous portrayal of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

A leadership correctly prioritizing the threat would convince us to lay aside our furious left-right debates, and teach us instead to make Israel’s basic case – from the left as well as from the right. It would gather the support of non-Jews and distinguish clearly friends from enemies. Most important, a new leadership would bravely and tirelessly tell us the truth about our new situation and recruit our talent and resources to the task.

If current Jewish leaders – in this country which has been so good to the Jewish people – can’t or won’t do these things, then this small but enormously talented people will have to get new leaders. For in this, the Jewish community cannot and must not fail."

Support Israel's safety against the Jihad

Freedom-lovers support the safe sanctuary for the globally-persecuted, Jewish people in their ancestral homeland (the definition of 'Zionism'). Israel stands with the world against the genocidal, global Jihad.

To be a free people in their own land - the Land of Zion- Jerusalem & Israel.

(Courtesy: DominationInc)

Passover Special: "The Prince of Egypt" Excerpts

Deliver Us (in Hebrew with English subtitles)

There Can be Miracles (in English without subtitles)

'Espionage case could seriously damage relations with US'

Senior Israeli official warns arrest of Ben-Ami Kadish, the 83-year old American accused of spying on Israel's behalf in 1980's could impair diplomatic relationship with key ally despite decades that have passed since affair.

'This will overshadow Bush's visit and, primarily, decrease any chance of securing a pardon for Jonathan Pollard,' say Israeli government sources in Jerusalem.

The arrest and grave nature of the indictment filed against Kadish were the leading topics on the agenda among Israeli cabinet ministers on Tuesday evening.

One of them estimated, off the record, that the timing of Washington's move was premeditated.

According to the minister, US defense and federal law officials are concerned that Bush may pardon Pollard in his last days in office and therefore chose to indict Kadish over two decades after the time of his offense, long after he ceased to pose a threat to national security.

The decision to move forward with the stagnant case, said the minister, was intended to thwart Pollard's release as a US gesture on Israel's 60th anniversary. However, Bush has not hinted towards any such move ahead of his visit to Jerusalem.

'Kadish is an American patriot'

Good friend of US citizen accused of spying on Israel's behalf says Kadish a loyal American, adds he saw no change in his behavior over past weeks. A US army veteran himself, Kadish was active in charity fundraising for disabled former US servicemen.

The Department of Justice in Washington reported that Kadish is suspected of giving military secrets involving nuclear weapons, fighter jets and air defense missiles to Israel during the 1980s. Court papers indicate Kadish acknowledged his spying in FBI interviews and said he acted out of a belief that he was helping Israel.

Applebaum, who is also 83-years old, met Kadish and his wife Doris at a retirement home in New Jersey seven years ago. Applebaum said that he and Kadish were both active in American and Zionist organizations, and that they belonged to a group of Jewish veterans who had served in the army. Applebaum had served during World War II, while Kadish had belonged to the Palmach before immigrating to America.

Jews and Muslims Clash at the Doha Inter-Faith Dialogue Conference

Following are excerpts from the Doha Conference on Inter-Faith Dialogue, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on May 8, 2007. Memri TV clip number 1449:

Raquel Ukeles, a Jewess academic at Harvard University said: "It is difficult for me to persuade the Jews to change their views on Islam, in light of the many books and pictures about the Jews that are widely distributed in the Muslim countries. I myself have seen hundreds of books titled "The Jews in the Koran and the Sunna" or "The Jews throughout History." The authors of these books take the criticism of the Jews in the Koran, which pertains to the conflicts between the Jews of Al-Madina and the early Muslims, and apply this criticism to Jews in every time and every place. Unfortunately, we cannot blame only the extremists for writing these books, because there are even cases of clerics who are considered moderate. For example, it was painful for me to come across the Ph.D. dissertation of Sheik Al-Azhar Muhammad Sayyed Al-Tantawi, titled "The Israelites in the Koran and the Sunna." Even though he wrote this dissertation in the 1960s, he wrote a new preface to the third edition in the 1990s, in which he endorsed the validity and importance of this book.

In this work, Al-Tantawi shows that the Jews have depraved and despicable morals through three studies: The Israelites in ancient times, the Jews at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, and the Jews throughout history, until the creation of the State of Israel. What is the purpose of this analysis?

Sheik Al-Tantawi says: "When I chose the topic of my dissertation - The Israelites in the Koran and the Sunna - my initial purpose was to reveal to the Muslim youth in particular, and to the wise and the just in general, the condition of the Israelites, their history, their morals, their lies, and their despicable deeds, based on what is written about them in the Koran and the pure Sunna of the Prophet, and in the true history."

To those who claim that books of this type do not deal with Judaism as a religion, but pertain to the political conflict with Israel, we say: "Regardless of whether this was true at the beginning (and I do not accept this opinion) the cursing of all the Jews has become a widespread and permitted phenomenon, which has nothing to do with politics. The Jew has become a depraved and miserly murder and traitor, who tries to take over the entire world. We witness these characteristics in cartoons and TV series, and we hear them in sermons, and even on the news.

Read full transcript

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Where is Jewry?

Security warnings from Israel to Americans and from an American to Israelis.

The Silent Jews by Adina Kutnicki in Israel National News

For an entire portion of the Jewish population to live under siege, while the remainder remains generally oblivious to their plight, is not only unseemly, but it places Jewish lives the world over in peril. Whatever is allowed to happen to a portion of Jews in Israel reverberates worldwide. For if Jews do not care enough to protect their own, surely the expectation for strangers to do otherwise is clearly whistling past the graveyard.

Furthermore, history will be totally unforgiving to this generation of Jews, who have been blessed to return to reclaim their homeland and to have the finest army in the Middle East, yet who remain passive as sheep to the slaughter. The calling to this generation of Jews - both in Israel and in the Diaspora - is to meet these deadly challenges we are faced with in a bold, resolute and unflinching manner. Our collective fate depends on how we answer the call to what history has placed before us, by confronting Israel's malignant leadership and our outside enemies seeking to destroy us.
(Zionist pioneer and former Parliamentarian, Elyakim ha' Etzni, once among Hebron’s original settlers, today a prominent publicist for Eretz Yisrael causes writes Where is American Jewry? in the Jewish Press).

"We address our cries to those for whom Eretz Yisrael still holds a place in their hearts – and to their organizations and institutions. We ask them the following: Where are you in our hour of need? Don’t you know that if we sink, the ground beneath your own feet will quake? Have you not yet learned that the very fact that the Jews have their own country has buttressed your status in the Diaspora?

Don’t you understand the danger looming over Israel? The entire world, led by the United States, is hunting Israel down to wrest from it Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, the Land of the Bible – its entire raison d’etre as a Jewish state.

And faced with all this, you remain silent? Worse, most of your organizations support this anti-Jewish, pro-Arab policy! Today, missiles are flying from the ruins of Gush Katif and landing in the Negev. On the day that missiles are being launched from the ruins of the Jewish towns in Samaria, please don’t say, “We didn’t see. We didn’t hear. We didn’t know.”

You knew very well! The Annapolis Conference, in which a blind, stumbling, defeatist Israeli government open to American pressure knowingly consented to commit national suicide, occurred in your country. Rice, whose total identification with Palestinian interests is patently obvious, is applauded by your audiences. And you call President Bush, the man with the “vision” of a Palestinian state that will endanger every city and village in Israel, “the greatest friend Israel ever had in the White House.” You say this when in reality (and history will be the judge) he is the first president openly and explicitly raising the demand and exerting heavy pressure to establish in our midst a devil, a dragon, a dybbuk – in the form of an Islamic, Arabic, radical terrorist state called by the false name of “Palestine.” That state would transform every day in the life of the Jewish state to Hell. And all this for the sake of a fictitious people and a fictitious land that never existed throughout history.

Many Jews in America have good reason to be embarrassed that the only organized American community supporting the rights of the Jewish people to its historic homeland in Judea and Samaria and its eternal capital, Jerusalem, consists of non-Jews. They are the Evangelical Christians. For Jews faithful to their patrimony, some Christian churches are more open today than many Jewish temples. Their organizations and media are more open to nationalistic Jews than are the mainstream Jewish establishment. They visit Hebron, Shiloh and Beit El – places that many Jewish leaders stay away from.

Everyone talks about the political power of American Jewry, but from here we see only the weakness and lockstep obedience to every presiding administration. We ask ourselves, “Why do Christian pastors have no inhibitions about criticizing their president regarding his policy toward Israel, while Jewish rabbis wouldn’t dare?”

Please send comments to Zvi Katzover, mayor of Kiryat Arba, at Rivka@kiryat4.org.il.

Mr. Ha'Etzni's presentation "Worshipping the false G-d called 'Peace'" from the Knesset Christian Allies' Caucus' Days of Elijah Symposium continues here:

and here:

Israeli firm, Elbit, acknowleged as most ethical foreign company in the world to the U.S. government

An Israeli firm was named as the most ethical foreign company that works with the U.S. Government.

Elbit Systems was the choice of Ethisphere- the American journal which tracks international business practices. Ethisphere issued its annual assessment of government contractors this week.

Elbit, which specializes in defense technologies, topped the list of the five best foreign companies. The remaining four other companies are British.

Israel Matzav: Kos bans Zionist American for asking if there was ever a 'Palestine'

Israel Matzav: Kos bans Zionist American for asking if there was ever a 'Palestine'