"When the first wave of terrorism linked to the Middle East started in the 1970s, the assumption in the West was that the disturbing phenomenon reflected Arab anger over the Israel-Palestine issue. . . Peace between Israel on the one hand, and Egypt and Jordan on the other didn’t tone down terror attacks. Nor did the Oslo accords between Yasser Arafat and the Israelis achieve a reduction in terrorist violence."In Ceremony for victims of Independence Day jihad attack at L.A.X. explores motive, negligence, and cover-up (2014) JewTube.Info laid out the details of the July 4th jihad on L.A:
On Independence Day, the survivors of Vicky Hen held the 12th Independence Day Memorial for victims of the 1st jihadist attack in California- upon the El Al ticket counter of Los Angeles Airport's international terminal - on the 4th of July 2002- 9-months after Sept. 11, 2001. The ceremony by Vicky's survivors, father Avi, mother Rachel, and brother Udi, were comforted by around 3-dozen attendees and speakers.The 2016 event was smaller- fewer visitors attended, no one from the Israeli Consulate came (or even sent a press-release as they traditionally did). No El Al employees attended- only retired, El Al station-chief Klaus Ben-amy Hackel (accompanied by his partner, Dror, and their daughters) drove down from Bakersfield.
Rabbi Moshe Parry spoke about the authorities' downplaying the Muslim-terror risk to minorities, then and now, and avoiding addressing the special protection Jews and Israelis require.