Aaron Klein reports for World News Daily President Obama's policies against Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank were slammed as "racist" today by participants in a rally drawing about 2,000 Israelis in front of the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem.
Speaking at the rally, Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, who heads the prestigious "Nir" Torah seminary in the West Bank city of Kiryat Arba, called Obama a "racist."
"How dare he tell the Jews where they can or can't live! The era when Jews were banned from living in different places has ended," Waldman exclaimed.
(JPost TV video courtesy Conservative New Media) Historically, there was never any separation between eastern and western Jerusalem. The terminology came after Jordan occupied the eastern section of the city, including the Temple Mount, from 1947 until it used the territory to attack the Jewish state in 1967. Israel reunited Jerusalem when it won the 1967 Six Day War.
European Court of Human Rights finds that calls to boycott Israel or her products are discriminatory and punishable. On the same day that the Hizb ut Tahrir of America Conference demonstrated that the enemies of Zionism are Jihadists, the far-left emerged online, revealing the video of their vandalizing Trader Joe's products made in Israel on June 20th, which they called National Don't Buy Into Apartheid Day.
While Trader Joes' prepared for a chain-wide alert, only S.F. Bay Area and Sacramento stores experienced vandalizing. The vandals defaced store merchandise with their propaganda stickers, making them unsellable. Trader Joe's store management were passive to the dispoiling of their merchandise and did not demand payment from the leftists for it. Despite warnings by employees to refrain from in-store videographing, the vandals filmed their encounter with the manager who did not stop their filming - and even wished them luck with their campaign to stop Trader Joe's to carry products from Israel.
Update 20 July: On Thursday, the Council of Europe's European Court of Human Rightsupheld a French ruling that it was illegal and discriminatory to boycott Israeli goods, and that making it illegal to call for a boycott of Israeli goods did not constitute a violation of one's freedom of expression
The court held the view that France's former Mayor of Seclin, Jean-Claude Fernand Willem, who initiated a boycott of Israeli goods was not convicted for his political opinions, "but for inciting the commission of a discriminatory, and therefore punishable, act. The court found that interfering with the former mayor's freedom of expression was necessary to protect the rights of Israeli producers.
Col. Richard Kemp, Former Commander British Forces in Afghanistan, spoke at the conference "Hamas, the Gaza War, and Accountability under International Law," hosted by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs 18 June. Col. Kemp reviewed the difficulties of any kind of warfare, but emphasized the challenges faced by Israel when fighting a terrorist organization that purposefully rejects and defies international law.
International Law and Military Operations in Practice, Colonel Richard Kemp - CBE. 18 June 2009
Excerpt from Transcript
"But what of the Israeli Defense Forces? The IDF face all the challenges that I have spoken about, and more. Not only was Hamas's military capability deliberately positioned behind the human shield of the civilian population and not only did Hamas employ the range of insurgent tactics I talked through earlier. They also ordered, forced when necessary, men, women and children , from their own population to stay put in places they knew were about to be attacked by the IDF. Fighting an enemy that is deliberately trying to sacrifice their own people. Deliberately trying to lure you in to killing their own innocent civilians.
And Hamas, like Hizballah, are also highly expert at driving the media agenda. They will always have people ready to give interviews condemning Israeli forces for war crimes. They are adept at staging and distorting incidents.
Their people often have no option than to go along with the charades in front of the world's media that Hamas so frequently demand, often on pain of death.
What is the other challenge faced by the IDF that we British do not have to face to the same extent?
It is the automatic, pavlovian presumption by many in the international media, and international human rights groups, that the IDF are in the wrong, that they are abusing human rights.
So what did the IDF do in Gaza to meet their obligation to operate within the laws of war? When possible the IDF gave at least four hours' notice to civilians to leave areas targeted for attack.
Attack helicopter pilots, tasked with destroying Hamas mobile weapons platforms, had total discretion to abort a strike if there was too great a risk of civilian casualties in the area. Many missions that could have taken out Hamas military capability were cancelled because of this.
During the conflict, the IDF allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza. This sort of task is regarded by military tacticians as risky and dangerous at the best of times. To mount such operations, to deliver aid virtually into your enemy's hands, is to the military tactician, normally quite unthinkable. But the IDF took-on those risks.
In the latter stages of Cast Lead the IDF unilaterally announced a daily three-hour cease fire. The IDF dropped over 900,000 leaflets warning the population of impending attacks to allow them to leave designated areas. A complete air squadron was dedicated to this task alone.
Leaflets also urged the people to phone in information to pinpoint Hamas fighters vital intelligence that could save innocent lives.
The IDF phoned over 30,000 Palestinian households in Gaza, urging them in Arabic to leave homes where Hamas might have stashed weapons or be preparing to fight. Similar messages were passed in Arabic on Israeli radio broadcasts warning the civilian population of forthcoming operations.
Despite Israel's extraordinary measures, of course innocent civilians were killed and wounded. That was due to the frictions of war that I have spoken about, and even more was an inevitable consequence of Hamas' way of fighting.
By taking these actions and many other significant measures during Operation Cast Lead the IDF did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other Army in the history of warfare.
But the IDF still did not win the war of opinions - especially in Europe. The lessons from this campaign apply to the British and American armies and to other Western forces as well as to the IDF.
We are in the era of information warfare. The kind of tactics used by Hamas and Hizballah and by the Taliban and Jaish al Mahdi work well for them. As they see it, they have no other choice. And they will continue to use it." Read full transcript
Annual awards banquet and installation of officers. Held June 16, 2009 at Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel, Los Angeles. 2009 Award recipients: Award for Professional Excellence in Fundraising: Karen Schetina; Mark Meltzer New & Innovative Prgramming Award: Marsha Katz Rothpan; Alan Kassin Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement: Miriam Prum Hess; Dora & Charles Mesnick Award for Excellence in Senior Programming: Karen Leaf, Susan Leitch; Bobbi Asimow Award for Professional Mentorship: Rhoda Weisman (featured); Career Achievement Award: John Fishel (featured); President's Message: Michael Hirschfeld (featured); Installation of 2009-10 Officers: Mark Meltzer (featured).
July 3 - Toronto — Gene Simmons says he's heard enough celebrity tributes to Michael Jackson, and wants to hear from the kids who accused the late pop singer of molestation.
Simmons, the bassist/vocalist for classic rock stalwarts Kiss, says he's less interested in Jackson's talent than he is in accusations that the singer molested young boys.
"I want the kids who've accused him, to be blunt, of molestation, to have their say," Simmons told The Canadian Press in a telephone interview from Los Angeles on Thursday.
"I want to hear what they have to say. Not celebrities. Let's celebrate the talent and everything later, let's just figure out if there are any victims here." ...
Simmons, who's a popular - and reliably outspoken - reality TV star in addition to a rocker, said he initially declined to provide his opinion on Jackson, but that enough time had elapsed since the singer's death for him to break his silence.
Simmons said he knew Jackson roughly 26 years ago. At the time, Simmons was living with Diana Ross and found Jackson to be "charming and shy and self-effacing, you know, very pleasant, obviously talented."
Jackson paid millions of dollars to settle out of court with a 13-year-old who accused him of molestation in 1993, Simmons noted.
"I want to know what that boy has to say," Simmons said.
"So while it's sad that (Jackson) had this sad life and I understand, that's horrible - Michael's not the only victim. I want to know what these boys have to say."