Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's 2005 choice to let Gazan Arabs prove their neighbor-readiness if the Gazan Jewish communities would be removed has failed long before the Palestinians' October 7th '23 genocide of non-Muslims.
JewTube.Info has documented evidence of empowering Palestinian nationalism over the past two decades:
Many of those "Disengaged" Jews moved to the Israeli side, referred to as the Gaza Envelope and attempted cohabitating for years. Yet in 2023 October, the Palestinians attempted to genocide the Jews - not only along the Gaza Envelope, but in central Israel.
Why now, is the Democrat Administration and E.U. pushing Israel to cede more territory in East Jerusalem and the West Bank to trust that a sovereign Islamic State of Palestine would prove safe for Israelis?
Residents of Eshkol, a region along the border with Egypt and Gaza, share their challenges, including threats from Palestinian attacks and Hamas' intention to target them with short-range rockets. Eshkol is a county consisting of 32 communities along the border triangle of Israel, sharing a 40km border with Gaza and a further 20km Egypt.
Mrs. Michal Uziyahu, at the time of this appearance in '18, directed the Community Center of the Eshkol Regional Council, explains that no matter where Jews sacrificed land, Muslims never ceased hating, nor endeavoring to drive them out, not only of Gaza & Judea / Samaria, but of the recognized 1948 armistice lines of Israel.
Mrs. Michal Uziyahu, who grew up in Sinai and was displaced during "the Gaza disengagement," emphasizes that these communities are not heroes but people who love the land and Israel. The Jewish resident expresses her thoughts on the Palestinian situation in Gaza and the Sinai withdrawal, advocating for Palestinians to take responsibility for their revolution and remove Hamas from power. She questions the potential for peace with a Palestinian state in Gaza, expressing optimism for a democratic Palestinian state but doubting peace could be achieved if the Palestinian culture remains Islamist and fixated on reclaiming land.
Mrs. Uziyahu is currently the volunteer Liaison for the Mayor of Eshkol Regional Council assisting with partnerships & collaborations for the rehabilitation of Eshkol following the massacre of the Black Sabbath on Oct 7th.
Gazan Jewish man recalls life in & after '05 de-occupying Gaza gauging Palestinian reality of touted peace.
First-hand Israeli perspective from Mr. Yedidiya Harush on Muslims driving out Jews from legal communities in Gush Katif on the Gaza Strip (such as Atzmona) resettled to "safer" new desert community Halutza, where the Jewish National Fund contributes to their habitat. Recorded at Stephen Wise Temple in Los Angeles.
19-years ago today, Israel uprooted Jewish Gaza/ Gush Katif resident, Yedidya Harush (among 8,000 other Jewish inhabitants) to test Palestinians' readiness to provide peace from their proposed "state." Today, Mr. Harush serves as the Jewish Nat'l Fund's representative to the re-settled Jews along Israel's southern border with Gaza. He reveals the Palestinians' terror attacks on his Jewish communities.
Israeli-American, Mrs. Mirie Ezer (of Free Israeli & American Hostages) Rally October 23, in Encino, Los Angeles argues against further empowering Palestinians led by Islamist Hamas and the Fatah Party-led Palestinian Authority.