Prof. Judea Pearl and Steven Geiger commemorate UN's 70th
Anniversary of Partitioning Palestine for a Jewish Israel
at Sinai Temple ceremony, L.A. 27 Nov '17
Finally, let us remind the Arab world that the UN voted for two states, not for a Jewish state only.
"For several years now, I have been campaigning to declare November 29 the Jewish Thanksgiving Day; a day where we give thanks to Lady History and to the many heroic players who stood behind the historic UN vote of November 29, 1947, an event which has changed so dramatically the physical, spiritual and political life of every Jew in our generation.
I have argued that Jewish communities in every major city in the world should invite the consuls general of the 33 countries who voted yes on that fateful day to thank them publicly for listening to their conscience and, defying the pressures of the time, voting to grant the Jewish nation what other nations take for granted – a state of its own. . . .
This year, on its 70th year anniversary, I will celebrate November 29 by myself, if needed, and if you and you community care to join me, it would make the celebration so much more meaningful.
The 70th anniversary of the U.N.'s Partition Plan was commemorated with a panel discussion before an audience at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles on 27 Nov. Shown in this JooTube.TV video-playlist, it was emcee'd by actor/director Mike Burstyn and featured remarks from Professors Judea Pearl, Michael Berenbaum, and Michael Bazyler.
Hungarian-American Steven Geiger presented his annual Mensch Awards on that occasion to Prof. Michael Berenbaum, Meir Fenigstein (Israel Film Festival), Ms. Zane Buzby (Survivor Mitzvah Project), and Sinai Temple's Rabbi Emeritus Zvi Dershowitz.
Let us give thanks to the 33 countries who voted yes on the spectacular turn that Jewish history took in November 1947, and for the dignity, pride and self-image that every Jewish soul has enjoyed since.
Let us give thanks to Eddie Jacobson, president Harry S. Truman’s friend and former business partner from Kansas City, who risked that friendship and wrote to Truman on October 3, 1947: “Harry, my people need help - and I am appealing to you to help them.”
Let us give thanks to Albert Einstein who pleaded, albeit unsuccessfully, with Jawaharlal Nehru, then prime minister of India, to vote for “the august scale of justice.”
Let us thank Cardinal Spellman, head of the Catholic Church in New York City who, days before the vote, used his personal influence in Latin American countries urging them to vote yes.
Let us thank the many ordinary yet courageous people, from Peru to the Philippines, who understood the collective responsibility that history bestowed upon them in 1947, and used everything in their power, from person - al pleading to arm twisting, to get their governments to vote yes.
Let us thank 33 ethnic communities in our hometowns and remind them that we Jews do not forget friends who stood with us on the side of justice – we give thanks and ask for nothing in return.
And while we thank history for its miracles, let us remind ourselves and others of a few basic facts.
Let us remind the world that Israel is there by historical right, not by force or favor.