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Top Cyber-Jihadist Brought to Justice by Jewish American: DemoCast.TV

British Muslim diplomat's son top al-Qaeda cyberterror organizer

American Zionist volunteer blogger tracks & helps capture most-wanted, notorious cyberjihadist.

How Internet Haganah's Aaron Weisburd helped bring down "Terrorist 007" - featured on UK TV- BBC2 Newsnight and BBC News24 on Our World.

""Terrorist 007" was participating in (jihadist forum) discussions about which part of my body they wanted when I was killed, and he said he wanted one of my fingers as a souvenir.”

"In December, Younes Tsouli’s sentence was increased from 10 to 16 years. His conviction was the first for incitement to commit an act of terrorism through the internet, and a sign of what terrorists are capable of.

“What it did show us was the extent to which they could conduct operational planning on the internet,” Peter Clarke, the head of the Metropolitan Police Counter-Terrorism Command, told me. “It was the first, 'virtual' conspiracy to murder that we had seen.”

As Internet Haganah's Aaron Weisburd puts it: “If you’re a terrorist and you’re dependent on the internet, I have bad news.”

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