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L.A. Dodgers reciprocate love, accomodating ethnic-minority, Jewish community with kosher hot-dogs at 2 stands on Jewish Community Day

Rabbi Jason Weiner and Calif. Nat'l Guard
Lt. David Becker open the game
How well does Americas 2nd most populous Jewish city reciprocate the love from their Jewish fans? Dodger Stadium held its first, full-season offering kosher diners hot frankfurters at home ballgames in 2016.

Jewish Community Day is part of the Dodgers marketing to regional ethnic groups. L.A. Dodgers V.P. of Ticket Sales, David Siegel discussed their annual Jewish Community Day with JooTube in the accompanying videos.

Dr. Adam Silver shows how fans pray from Hebrew tablets
The Los Angeles Dodgers recognize their Jewish-American fans in their ethnic community marketing. Two chaplains, Rabbi Jason Weiner and Lt. David Becker, participating in the pre-game activities, discuss the Jewish community's connection to the Dodgers.

Joc Pederson generously signs autographs before game-time
Currently, centerfielder, Joc Pederson, is the only Jewish player on the Dodgers, but Jews serve in notable front-office roles, such as Andrew Friedman, Pres of Baseball Operations, and Stan Kasten, Pres & CEO.

More in-depth interview with Dodgers' V.P. of Ticket Sales, David Siegel, along with some shenanigans from fellow Jewish-Angeleno, E.V.P. & Chief Marketing Officer, Lon Rosen.

David Siegel, VP of Ticket Sales, discusses Dodgers' outreach
The 2017 Jewish Community Day will be held Sunday, August 13th vs the San Diego Padres. Tickets include a Dodger cap in Hebrew.

David Goldshan's 30-Years After friends' got Hebrew t-shirts
Jewish Community Day attracts synagogue and cultural groups
says Tanaz Golshan of Iranian-Jewish, "30-Years After"
Temples and cultural groups often buy tickets in blocks- which brings people (such as single females) who might not ordinarily come to a game on their own during the season. Iranian-Jewish group, 30-Years After is one such group, its members David Gobahar and Tanaz Golshan explained.

In an interview with JooTube in a prior season, the famous L.A. sports radio host, Vic "the Brick" Jacobs discussed the Jewish angles of his relationships with various Dodger players'- primarily centering around their dining idiosyncracies. (Ironically, Vic was diagnosed with stage three colorectal cancer in March 2017 and we wish him a complete recovery of body and spirit).

Jeff's Gourmet Kosher Sausages can be found in the Right Field Pavilion and on Jewish Community Day, also on the Left-Field Reserve, Level 31 above 3rd Base.

Kosher families wait for Jeff to serve his glatt kosher hot-dogs
(Thanks to http://Cedar-Audio.com of Cambridge, England for their assistance in reducing the stadium noise in some of the interview footage above). 

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