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Obama impedes Jewish self-defense against Jihad- Rabbi Zvi Block at LAX terror memorial

Rabbi Zvi Block at the Los Angeles Airport, El Al jihad victims' memorial
Speaking at the "Independence Day from Jihad" memorial for victims of the West Coast jihad attack at Los Angeles Airport, Rabbi Zvi Block says America's commitment to the war against jihadism requires the government to protect the jihads primary targets: Jews & Israelis- both in America and Israel.  He believes that an American administration should reciprocate Jewish support for America by assisting the self-defense of the Judeo-Christian sanctuary in the Middle East, ally Israel, in her defense against jihadism. This involves both political support, at the UN and not forcing premature ceasefires, and selling replacement arms and ammunition, which the Obama administration now impedes.


Rabbi Block takes exception to the Obama White House's embrace of Islamists, e.g., Iran, Qatar, & Turkey for supporting jihadist Hamas & Hezbollah. Also Saudi Arabia for supporting Al Qaeda. 

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