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"Mugged by Reality:" respected American-Israeli journalist explains Israelis' situation internationally - but with context

Do Anglo-accented speakers enhance the effectiveness of 'hasbara' to the world? Do speakers like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren, or Ambassador to the U.K. Ron Prosor present Israel's case more persuasively to English-speakers than Israeli-accented presenters?

As a recognized world-class correspondent with the Jerusalem Post, American-born, Israeli journalist, Herb Keinon explains how the lack of peaceful Arab-Muslim acceptance to Israel's gestures of peace have jaded many Israelis' prior optimism towards the 'peace-process.' A knowledgeable analyst, Mr. Keinon presents the context of Israel's situation- in this exclusive video interview with JooTube's DemoCast.TV crew - recorded during Mr. Keinon's most recent visit to Los Angeles.

Mr. Keinon, the diplomatic correspondent for the English-language Jerusalem Post, has been at the eye of the Arab-Israeli hurricane for the past 20-years- since assuming the diplomatic beat in August 2000, just after the failed, Camp David Summit.

Mr. Keinon has up-close knowledge and an intimate perspective of the global conflict and the evolution of efforts to maintain Israelis' security. He lives with these issues, residing in the West Bank community of Ma'ale Adumim with his wife and four children.

In our exclusive video, Mr. Keinon, reveals the insecurity that Palestinian terrorism has evolved within Israeli consciousness. Here, he makes a good case for understanding Israel's matured mentality in view of its learned vulnerablity.

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