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Rabbi discredits Galloway's Scottish Crusader standing in preaching immorality over legal Jewish sanctuary to Muslims

Alleged Muslim Brotherhood-affinitied, UC Irvine Muslim Students Union employs Scottish descendant of Crusaders to preach morality to Muslims and Jews over maintaining Jewish sovereignty of Israel. Under Muslim rule of East Jerusalem and Hebron, pre-'67, Jewish worshipers were prohibited access to Jewish holy sites and Jewish holy sites were kept desecrated.

Moral British leaders restored Jews sovereignty in their national homeland, Palestine, from 1917 - which was ratified by the League of Nations in 1922.


rabbi moshe parry said...

hello everyone... well i tried but i did not have a really good run at him... anyone interested in my full response to him in three parts... e-mail me... nikmatdam@yahoo.com and i will send it right out to you... thanks... and keep up the fight... mosh

Rabbi Moshe Parry said...

Mr. Galloway…

I wish to respond to and refute the message you delivered Thursday evening last on the campus at Irvine to the Muslim student union there…

I was the orthodox Jew who arose to challenge you but I felt I was unable to adequately express myself due to the regiment of the q&a format set up… for someone who stated that he was not afraid of those who had come to object and to challenge you… you certainly made it difficult for anyone to really sail into you and make you have to deal with the many substantively hard issues your words left you wide open for… what are you afraid of…?

But we… you and I… we do not need a large audience to debate this issue… and so I am going to totally destroy the premise of your remarks and utterly obliterate the so-called ”facts” as you see them and hold them and expressed them so bombastically to be…

You are a fraud… either a very ignorant one or an extremely slick liar who really knows the true score but chooses to ignore the truth or has been sent out to deliberately to distort and to dissemble… but let’s leave all of this alone for right now and get on with it… shall we…?

In your remarks you several times referred to G-d… so let’s handle this point first and foremost…

You said “G-d is not an estate agent…” in the U.S. we call them real estate agents… but no matter… the point being sir, that this statement of yours was of course completely blasphemous… and I rise in defiant righteous indignation to counter this notion and defend the honor of G-d…

G-d sir is the penultimate and supreme real estate agent… He created the whole entire earth and owns it… every square inch of it… for as the great psalmist King Djavid described it: “Hashem’s (the L-rd’s) is the earth and its fullness (and everything in it); the inhabited land and those who dwell in it…” (psalm 24:1)…

He therefore can and does dispense with it as He sees fit… He decides… not us… (not mankind who is merely just another created entity of G-d)… He decides who gets what… which nation or people gets which lands, where, to occupy and He alone determines for how long they get to keep it as well… and He does so right down the ages… throughout all of human history… and thus if we ourselves in body and soul all belong to Him and the fate of our very lives hangs in the balance and is controlled solely by Him each and every moment… then certainly our property belongs to Him as well… and everything else we have and call our own does too… READ IT ALL http://themadjewess.wordpress.com/2009/05/25/bp-g-galloway-confronted-by-orthodox-rabbi-uc-irvine-the-debate-continues-here/