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To thwart Iran's nuclear weapons program, Obama tells Jews to quit sanctions legislation? "Israel can not trust Obama" says ex-V.P. Dick Cheney

Obama presses Senate and American Jewish leaders to hold off on new sanctions as part of Iran de-nuclear strategy.

'Congress loves Israel, but is even more averse to another conflict'  Israel Hayom
Fresh U.S. sanctions over Iran's disputed nuclear program being debated behind closed doors in the Senate aim to slash the country's oil sales in half within a year of the plan being signed into law, an influential senator said this week. Bob McNally, adviser on energy to former President George W. Bush: "There is a concern in Congress about tightening the sanctions so much that it would lead to a conflict"  
Israel Hayom
Day After Rushed White House Meeting With Jewish Leaders, Simon Wiesenthal Center Calls-Out Obama Admin. on Iran Algemeiner Oct 30

A leading Jewish human rights group called out the Obama administration Wednesday for its recent efforts to block new Iran sanctions legislation, and urged the senate to “immediately adopt the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act, which earlier passed the House with broad bi-partisan support.” 

“We respectfully disagree with the White House’s push to give the Iranians more time,” said Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper (founder and dean and associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center) who also called on the President to sign the bill if it is ratified by the senate.

The criticism comes only a day after Jewish leaders were urgently summoned to the White House to discuss sanctions on Iran. Although Jewish leaders touted the meeting as a “constructive and open exchange,” the Jerusalem Post characterized it as “an effort to dissuade them from lobbying the Senate towards passing harsh new sanctions against Iran.” The Simon Wiesenthal Center was not invited to participate in the meeting.

JooTube asked Rabbi Hier to clarify his position during a screening of Moriah Films' "The Prime Ministers" in Los Angeles.

On Monday U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that “the US would not ‘succumb to fear tactics,’ of those who oppose diplomacy,” with Iran, the Jerusalem Post reported. The post said that the remarks “could be construed as a reference to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s warnings to the world not to fall for the ‘charm offensive’ of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.”  Algemeiner Oct 30

On US CBS-TV news, former Vice-President Dick Cheney said President Obama ought be trusted by Israel to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Vice-President Cheney believes that Israel should attack Iran's nuclear facilities.

While Obama has been criticized for impeding past Israeli attack plans, the Bush / Cheney  administration also stalled Israeli military pre-emption to rely on sanctions and diplomacy. Israeli intelligence now views Iranian weaponization as imminent, and Mr. Cheney now appears to doubt the Obama administration's Middle East strategies.

Friends of I.D.F. Western Regional Gala brings soldiers, celebrities, and donors together

Tickets to the annual, Friends of the I.D.F. fundraiser have again sold-out. 

Watch JooTube's coverage from FIDF's 2012 event (with David Foster presenting Chaka Khan who replaced the controversially, bowed-out Stevie Wonder ), and their 2011 event (with Barbara Streisand, Antonio Banderas, and Zionistic Christian singer, Michael W. Smith).

2012 F.I.D.F. JooTube Event Video Playlist

2011 F.I.D.F. JooTube Event Video Playlist

AFSI to commence "strengthening mission" to Israeli settlements without Charlotte Wahle, 92, z"l

German-Jewish-Zionist, Charlotte Wahle, devoted her life to promoting Israel and the Jewish people against anti-Israelism & anti-Semitism

From Helen Friedman, Executive Director: "Americans for a Safe Israel mourns the passing of our beloved volunteer of over twenty years, Charlotte Wahle (z"l).  She was buried today at the Beth-El cemetery in Paramus, NJ. Rabbi Schwartz and Rabbi Gans officiated. A devoted group of family and AFSI friends, who made up a large part of her extended family, were present to pay their last respects. An Israeli flag was placed at her grave symbolizing her great passion for Yisrael Shlayma (a whole Israel).
Those who knew Charlotte were always amazed at her tenacity and devotion to AFSI and its principles. She was at every demonstration and protest, wrote letters to the editor, and was a driving force in the AFSI office, even in her 92nd year of life.  In addition, Charlotte's interests kept her active in her synagogue, in politics, and with her many friends and associates.

Those wishing to send donations in her memory are encouraged to send them to AFSI, her favorite organization. Contributions can be sent by check, or through the donation buttons on the www.afsi.org website."   

Part of Charlotte's energies went to help arrange AFSI's "Chizuk" (Strengthening) missions to Israel.  AFSI begins another trip this weekend, with Charlotte participating this time from shomayim. 

Helen Freedman spoke with JooTube last year about AFSI's tour which would focus on (rather than most others which avoid) Jewish settlements and outposts to live on Jewish holy lands.  Many of these developments face the similar threat of uprooting that Gush Katif experienced in 2005, but at the behest of a new American administration.

"The Hebrew Hillbilly," musical about the life of a bluesy, Dolly Parton-esque entertainer, offers broad appeal

The Hebrew Hillbilly, written and performed by singer songwriter Shelley Fisher, is a musical one woman play which chronicles Ms. Fisher’s Hollywood odyssey that begins in the heart of the Mississippi Delta in her hometown of Memphis, Tennessee, birthplace of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Blues and Bar-b-cue. Growing up Jewish in the deep South with a flamboyant mother who frowned on her dating the local redneck boys, the Hebrew Hillbilly begins singing as a little girl and never stops.

From her early years as a blonde bombshell, through her current incarnation as The Memphis Belle of L.A., Ms Fisher has been on a show business rollercoaster that slows down just long enough for her audience to climb on board this deeply personal, yet universally appealing and hilarious ride. The production is directed by Rory Mitchell and produced by Debra Ehrhardt, with 14 songs written by Shelley Fisher, Ken Hirsch (musical director and keyboard accompanist), and Harold Payne. 

 JooTube visited the Santa Monica Playhouse where The Hebrew Hillbilly debuted its fall-run, for weekends through November 3rd. We spoke with Cantor Linda Rich, Johany Locayo, Shelley and composer Ken Hirsch, and Shelley's daughter, Melissa, whose life is referenced in the show.

British wedding-video imbroglio exposes European Jews plight amidst failures to thwart anti-Israelism from philo-Islamic media

Israeli dancing was described as 'mental'  in the
cameraman's vile remarks (Photo: Eve Standard)
While it's understood that mistreating one's restaurant waiter might backfire with a spiteful tampering with one's food in the kitchen, the notion of disillusioning other service-providers (whether through disrespect or under-payment) is too often forgotten.  Whether its a doctor's office or videographer we must trust to care for our precious needs, resentment and spite can be a detrimental dynamic.  

When a gentile wedding videographer perceives that a yuppie  couple is splurging on other services, but skimping on his videographic efforts, and his resentment- evident on the audio track of the wedding day recording- there might be trouble with his effort. 

Compound his feeling of being underpaid with the offenders being better-off, but culturally lesser Jews, exacerbated by 2-decades of tolerated anti-Israel/ anti-Semitic fomenting by the British (and European) media (with insufficient rectifying by the Jewish establishment) we wind-up with an imbroglio spread across the pages of British newspapers.  Are Britain's minority, affluent Jews the undeserved victims of this anti-Semitic brouhaha?  Is this a product of the families' conduct? Should they know to only hire their own kind?  Or is it a manifestation of years of failure to redress anti-Semitic reportage of Israel-Palestine conflict?  And how will the claim (and exposure) of anti-Semitic treatment from the videographer affect future treatment of British Jews and allegations of anti-Semitism?

Watch the video, courtesy of the Jewish Chronicle.

A Jewish bride and antisemitic wedding video" Original article by Sandy Rashty, Jewish Chronicle, Oct 10, 2013

'Not a very attractive bride at all': Newlywed's horror at anti-Semitic rant caught on cameraman's video during Jewish wedding he was recording. Daily Mail
  • Stan and Claudia Gocman say film 'completely ruined memories of our day'

  • Anthony Aurelius sent unedited video to couple of their Jewish wedding 

  • When asked about the Holocaust he said: 'I don't think I blame Hitler for Holocaust' 
  • Muslim assistant replied, "That's why Holocaust"

  • Branded guests 'f****** cows' and called Jews 'meanest people in the world'

  • Cameraman has written to apologise and sent a full refund after incident
"Wedding video ruined by cameraman's anti Semitic rant" Daily Telegraph

A newly married couple were shocked when they requested a copy of video footage of their wedding day and it included the cameraman’s anti Semitic rant and criticism of the bride.

Israel 'Apartheid' Activities pollute university campuses- who pays the price, and who is fighting back?

Univ of Calif at Irvine teacher, Gary Fouse, teaches Gulf students the English language. He lends some insight into the annual "Israel 'Apartheid' Week" events and Wall- as part of the Islamization of academic and youth culture - at the expense of Jews and Israel. Who is behind this campaign and how does it affect attitudes about Israel, Jews, and Muslim interests? Please watch video:

The aggressive Muslim Students Union (infamous for disrupting Israel Amb. Michael Oren's speech- which we filmed live in Feb, 2010) brought a leftist, Israeli, pro-Palestinian sympathizer to carry their water.

Their domination of the public square was challenged by L.A.'s Rabbi Moshe ("New Moses") Parry, who gave them a lesson in religious Zionism. Please watch video:

Shoah cave-survival movie, No Place on Earth, screened in L.A. during Days of Awe / Sept 11th anniversary; Patrons reveal why

In October 1942, Esther Stermer, the matriarch of a Jewish family in the Ukraine, leads her family underground to hide from the pursuing Nazis -- and stays nearly a year and a half. Their harrowing story of survival living in near total darkness in two cold, damp caves is one like no other ever told. It was life...like no place on earth.

In L.A. Jewish philanthropists, led by Jill Black Zalben, presented a screening of
No Place on Earth (directed by Janet Tobias and produced by Rafael Marmor) the documentary tale of Jews who evaded the Nazis by hiding in an underground cave for a year and a half.

During the Days of Awe / Sept 11 anniversary this year, Mrs. Zalben's parents Stanley and Joyce Black, along with Holocaust survivor, Jonah Goldrich, express their reactions to the screening and their intentions for putting it out in public at that time in 2013.

Obama prefers Rohani's tricks over Bibi's evidences; Is Obama sacrificing Israel on an Iranian 'deal' altar?

Israel no longer certain Obama would ever use force against Iran, Likud MK indicates

(Video courtesy EuroNews Monday 30 Sept)

Tzachi Hanegbi: In his UN speech, PM was telling Iran that Israel will take action ‘even if the Americans will be prevented from acting against you’  by Raphael Ahren in The Times of Israel, October 2, 2013

Tzachi Hanegbi with PM Netanyahu (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
“The prime minister essentially is telling the Iranians: ‘Do not delude yourselves. Even if the Americans will be prevented from acting against you, we will know how to defend ourselves, with our own forces.’”

Asked whether, rhetoric aside, Israel could actually strike at Iran when the US president was engaged with Tehran in a diplomatic effort to resolve the nuclear crisis, Hanegbi dismissed such a scenario. “The non-diplomatic option will only become applicable once it is clear that the diplomatic option failed,” he said. “Since the American president clarified what he expects in the diplomatic realm, it is clear that if this doesn’t work, he couldn’t come and complain to any other player.”

However, a senior official in the prime minister’s delegation to the US told The Times of Israel Wednesday that a preemptive Israeli strike against Iranian nuclear facilities remains a viable option even while Washington is engaged in a diplomatic process with Tehran.

“The prime minister was very clear about it. He said that that option is still on the table,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “It is not the preferred option, as we prefer a successful solution to the crisis through diplomatic means, but it’s always on the table.”

In his comments to The Times of Israel, Hanegbi added that “the prime minister’s position represents the State of Israel, and he is very skeptical about Iran’s willingness to give up on a dream they have tried to advance for more than 15 years.”

Hanegbi, who is considered close to the prime minister, also noted that Netanyahu’s speech included a “hardening of positions” regarding Jerusalem’s demands of Iran, as for the first time he required that Iran close its uranium enrichment plant in Natanz, as well as its facilities at Qom and Arak.

Any “meaningful” diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear standoff would require four steps, Netanyahu told the UN: “First, cease all uranium enrichment… Second, remove from Iran’s territory the stockpiles of enriched uranium. Third, dismantle the infrastructure for nuclear breakout capability, including the underground facility at Qom and the advanced centrifuges in Natanz. And, four, stop all work at the heavy water reactor in Arak aimed at the production of plutonium.”

In an op-ed in Israel National News, Italian journalist, Giulio Meotti of Il Foglio, assesses that
Obama is Sacrificing Israel on an Iranian Deal Altar

"It is now on the table:  Obama prefers implementing his policy towards the Arab world to ensuring Israel's existence.

Barack Obama is sacrificing Israel on the altar of the deal he wishes to broker with Iran.

The Jewish State should unilaterally act against the Iranian nuclear program, as Prime Minister Netanyahu warned in his speech at the United Nations on Tuesday, October 1, but it is currently more probable that Ayatollah Khamenei will arm himself with nuclear bombs.

(Video of PBS NewsHour's report)

Because Obama's damage to Israel's deterrence has already been immense.  
Under the possible deal with Washington, Teheran will preserve the 20 per cent level of uranium enrichment that will turn Iran into a "nuclear threshold state".

Obama will accept that. Obama's record against Israeli Jews is long and abundant. He is the most anti-Semitic US president ever.


(Video: CNN Int'l)

The Obama Administrations fomented a war on Jerusalem and treated Israel like a banana republic. Israeli-American relations are the worst they have been in memory."

Israeli Arabist Prof. Mordechai Kedar analyzes the Obama - Netanyahu - Rohani Mexican-standoff in our exclusive interview from his U.S. visit.

"Obama said in front of an Israeli parterre in Jerusalem: “See the world through the eyes of Palestinians”. And "peace must not be made through occupation". Obama not only backs the Muslims; he identifies with them and asks the Jews to commit suicide.

Obama sees the Israeli Jews as “disturbers of the peace.” He wants to see them so disheartened that in the end they will choose not to fight, but to surrender.

Statesman Netanyahu address to U.N. shows true western leadership: 'If Obama continues to enable Iran's nuclear weaponizing, Israel will defend many others from her"

Netanyahu tells U.N. General Assembly, "He (Iranian President Rouhani) fooled the world once. Now he thinks he can fool it again. You see, Rouhani thinks he can have his yellowcake and eat it too!  . . . But I will never compromise on the security of my people and of my country of the one and only Jewish state." Remarks by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu During General Debate of the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, October 1, 2013 "I feel deeply honored and privileged to stand here before you today representing the citizens of the State of Israel. We are an ancient people. We date back nearly 4,000 years to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We have journeyed through time, we've overcome the greatest of adversities, And we reestablished our sovereign state in our ancestral homeland, the Land of Israel. The Jewish people's odyssey through time has taught us two things: Never give up hope. Always remain vigilant.  Hope charts the future. Vigilance protects it. Today, our hope for the future is challenged by a nuclear-armed Iran that seeks our destruction. But I want you to know: that wasn't always the case. Some 2500 years ago, the great Persian King Cyrus ended the Babylonian exile of the Jewish people. He issued a famous edict in which he proclaimed the right of the Jews to return to the Land of Israel and rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. That's a Persian decree, and thus began an historic friendship between the Jews and the Persians that lasted until modern times. But in 1979, a radical regime in Tehran tried to stamp out that friendship. As it was busy crushing the Iranian people's hopes for democracy, it also led wild chants of "Death to the Jews!" Now, since that time, Presidents of Iran have come and gone. Some presidents were considered moderates, others hardliners. But they've all served that same unforgiving creed, that same unforgetting regime – that creed that is espoused and enforced by the real power in Iran, the dictator known in Iran as the Supreme Leader, first Ayatollah Khomeini and now Ayatollah Khamenei. President Rouhani, like the presidents who came before him is a loyal servant of the regime. He was one of only six candidates the regime permitted to run for office. Nearly 700 other candidates were rejected.  So what made him acceptable?