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Trump celebrated reunifying Jerusalem in Israel's interest 50 years ago. When will Jews reunify in our own interest?

Old City 's Jaffa Gate prepares for the 50th (Photo: May Golan)
"President Trump's Trailblazing Pro-Israel Actions" by Rabbi Aryeh Spero in American Thinker May 24, 2017 

"During the last three days, Mr. Trump has made trailblazing and unprecedented gestures before the entire world demonstrating an unequivocal bond and affection for the Jewish people and for the Jewish State... 

In his visit to Saudi Arabia, while addressing the assemblage of those representing most of the Arab world, Mr. Trump declared words that previous leaders may have believed but were afraid, unwilling, or hesitant to utter. The President adamantly spoke to them about a State of Israel, a state that he admires... 

US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shake hands after giving final remarks at 50th anniversary event of the reunifying of Jerusalem (Photo: Ha'aretz)
This took great courage; but more so it demonstrated that for Mr. Trump Israel is a country with which he is proud to be associated with, and its recognition as a Jewish state is an incontrovertible basis for Arabic and Muslim participation in the goals of his administration and the contours of global reality."

Israeli political and defense commentator, Alon ben-David, Ch.10 Israel TV News, shares his view of Trump's (vs Obama's) evolving Mid-East diplomacy in exclusive JooTube.TV interview:  

Rabbi Spero continued: "There appears to be real friendship and affection, born of his regard for Israel as a land rooted in a righteous and sacred destiny. It is rooted in Mr. Trump's respect for those nations willing to stand up and stand out in the fight against the scourge of Islamic terrorism. Respect and affection, mind and heart. 

Mr. Trump was the first acting president to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem, treating it not as simply an historic museum piece but with an immediate reverence and sacredness. It is obvious he believes in the Israeli narrative. He speaks of defending the Jewish people and the Jewish State, equating them within a singular destiny. Everything in his trip to Israel resonated and evinced respect, regard, and affection. 

Celebrate Israel Festival attracts diverse support in Los Angeles & across N. America

Thousands of people celebrated Israel's Independence Day at the Festival - now managed under the auspices of the Israeli-American Council by director, Adee Drory. Co-founded by her father, the IAC moved the event back to Rancho Park 7-years ago after a number of years in Woodley Park in the San Fernando Valley. Israeli pop-star, Dudu Aharon, united the audience of Israeli-Americans and others in celebration of Jewish self-governance and autonomy. 

Israeli Consul General to Los Angeles, Sam Grundwerg welcomed all friends of Israel to learn more about her history and culture at the event which has become increasingly about Israel and Israeli-Americans than in previous years. (Select Playlist's menu in video's upper-left corner). 

L.A. City Councilman Paul Koretz said, "It has been a great pleasure of mine to have brought this (Celebrate Israel Festival) back to Rancho Park during the past 6-years. We love working with the IAC and making this happen."
Teacher Luna Kadori-Shalom and talmid

Watch comments from IAC Board Members Adam Milstein and Miri Shepher, along with cause-benefactor, David Wiener, who conveys the need for the Jewish sanctuary after he survived Nazi slave-laboring in Poland. Playlist clips include activities at the event, as well as commentary from diverse attendees at the educational booths around the exhibition. 

In addition to Judaism teachers, Luna Kaduri-Shalom and Miriam Almog, the playlist above also features comments by a couple of non-Jews who attended the event, as well as Yirmiyahu Burke, born Latino-Christian in Panama, who describes his path to Judaism and Zionism, and (as a 32-year U.S. Air Force active & reservist) his recognition of the need for the Jewish-state's safety and survival in order to ensure the freedom of the peoples of the world. 

Victims of National Socialists address appeasement, liberation, and pre-emption on V-E Day

"Netanyahu: Allies could have saved 4 million Jews if they’d bombed death camps in 1942" The Times of Israel, April 24th
Israeli P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu condemned int'l complacency
to earlier intel of Nazi's mass murdering of Jewish people 
at Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance ceremony 
In bitter Holocaust Remembrance Day speech citing new UN documents, PM castigates global indifference 75 years ago, says it persists today Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday launched a blistering assault on Allied policy during World War II, saying world powers’ failure to bomb the Nazi concentration camps from 1942 cost the lives of four million Jews and millions of others.

Citing recently released UN documents
that show the Allies were aware of the scale of the Holocaust in 1942, some two years earlier than previously assumed, Netanyahu said in a speech marking Holocaust Remembrance Day that this new research assumed “a terrible significance.”
Film stills from "What the Allies Knew" by Virginie Linhart,
produced by Fabienne Servan-Schreiber and Cinétévé

“If the powers in 1942 had acted against the death camps — and all that was needed was repeated bombing of the camps — had they acted then, they could have saved 4 million Jews and millions of other people,” he said at the official state ceremony marking the start of the memorial day.
Allies declined bombinb railways leading to genocide camps 

“The powers knew, and they did not act,” he told the audience at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem. “When terrible crimes were being committed against the Jews, when our brothers and sisters were being sent to the furnaces,” he went on, “the powers knew and did not act.”
In a bleak and bitter address, the Israeli prime minister said that the Holocaust was enabled by three factors: the vast hatred of the Jews, global indifference to the horrors, and “the terrible weakness of our people in the Diaspora.”
Iran's "World without Zionism" (photo: BlazingCatFur)
Anti-Semitism had not disappeared, and “it would be naive to think” that it would do so in the foreseeable future, he said. It was being exacerbated by “hatred from the East,” led by Iran and the Islamic State, he added.

D-Day to V-E Day

World War II continued for almost 11 months after the successful Normandy landings in France on June 6, 1944, commonly known as D-Day. Here are some of the key moments that led to Victory in Europe Day on May 8, 1945.

Czech Republic Consul General Pavel Sepelak spoke at Museum of Tolerance's Holocaust Remembrance event last year

Bill Harvey, Hollywood stylist and Czech Holocaust survivor (92 years of age when he recorded this) recounts lessons of his experience.

Roumanian Holocaust survivor, Amram Deutsch, recounts his experiences in Nazi camps.

Holocaust survivors, Ben Lesser and Joshua Kaufman at "The Liberators" documentary screening discuss their reunions with the Yankee soldiers who liberated them from Dachau Concentration Camp.  

Prof. Abraham Sion of Ariel University and Czech Consul General Pavel Sepelak discuss the Allies' mistake of sacrificing Czechoslovakia to delay war with Nazi Germany.

How French Jews for Macron undermine own future; Will American Democrats duplicate?

Paris CRIF protest in memory of Mohammed Merah's victims, 2014 (LeMonde/Thomas Samson/AFP)
Paris gunman Karim Cheurfi had a history of attacking police
officers. (Photo: Press Assoc via The Daily Record, Scotland)
As of 2016, France's 460,000 Jewish population is the largest in Europe. As a result of this Sunday's projected presidential election of Emmanuel Macron, that population will shrink, according to gentile French analyst, Dr. Guy Milliere. In "French Elections: Emmanuel Macron, a Disaster" published by Gatestone Institute, socio-political analyst, Dr. Guy Milliere, argues that the example of the shooting of 2 policemen on the Champs Elysées April 20th, in which Muslim Frenchman, Karim Cheurfi, murdered Xavier Jugele, 37, "summarizes everything that is broken in terms of security in France today."

Paris Muslims reveal antisemitic mentality to Ezra Levant
(Photo credit: The New Antisemite)

Dr. Milliere writes, "Men with a profile similar to that of Karim Cheurfi (i.e., suspects not found to communicate with terrorist organizations or appear to be hatching terrorist projects) have, in recent years, been responsible for most of the terrorist attacks in France and Belgium:
  • Mohamed Merah, who killed three Jewish children and the father of two of them in Toulouse in 2012;
  • Mehdi Nemmouche, who attacked the Brussels Jewish Museum in 2014;
  • the Kouachi brothers, who committed the Charlie Hebdo massacre in 2015; Amedy Coulibaly, who murdered four Jews in the Saint Mandé grocery Kosher store Hypercacher;
  • Samy Amimour and others who maimed and murdered 130 innocent people in the Bataclan theater in November 2015;
  • Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who drove a truck into the crowd in Nice in July 2016, killed 86 people and wounded many others, and, among others, those who beheaded a priest in Normandy a few weeks after the attack in Nice.
Antisemitism at IslamoLeftist, anti-Israel protest in Europe
(Photo: Anti-German Translation)
The successive French governments under the presidency of François Hollande showed themselves to be appallingly weak and impotent.

A climate of fear has overtaken the country. Attendance at theaters has declined. The particularly targeted Jewish community -- two-thirds of the attacks in France in the last five years targeted Jews -- feels abandoned. When a Jewish cemetery was vandalized on March 30 in Waldwisse, eastern France, neither the media nor the political leaders reacted. A week later, in Paris, a Jewish woman, Sarah Halimi, was tortured and then thrown out of a window by a non-radicalized Muslim, simply because she was Jewish: the French media and political leaders, with the exception of the courageous MP Meyer Habib, also did not react.

A silent gathering below the window was organized by some leaders of the Jewish community. Only Jews came; they were greeted by anti-Semitic insults by Arab Muslims in the neighborhood. The implantation of radical Islam in the country is intensifying. The annual meeting of "Muslims of France" (the new name of the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood), took place on April 14-17 in Le Bourget, ten miles north of Paris. Anti-West, anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish diatribes were delivered to enthusiastic crowds of bearded men and veiled women. 150,000 people attended. 
. . . 

Emmanuel Macron's campaign effectiveness is also due to the fact that in France, virtually no media is likely to contradict what is said in the mainstream media: the French economy is a very state-based economy in which creating and sustaining media independence from the government and from government subsidies is almost impossible. 

The second round of the French presidential election will take place on Sunday, May 7th. Emmanuel Macron will face the only remaining candidate, populist Marine Le Pen. 
Marine LePen distinguished her policies from Emmanuel Macron and Merkel

During the entire campaign, she was almost the only one to speak clearly about the Islamic terrorist threat (François Fillon did, too, but more discreetly) and to offer credible solutions to fight it. She was the only one to speak of the rise of radical Islam in France and to denounce the Muslim Brotherhood gathering at Le Bourget. She was the only one to stress the increasing perils resulting from uncontrolled immigration, and the risk of French culture disappearing. She was also the only one to mention the demographic change that occurs in France and in Europe because of the new migrants. She was the only one to denounce the Islamic anti-Semitism that relentlessly kills Jews in France. Unfortunately, she has a nearly Marxist economic program, close to that of Jean Luc Melenchon. She is the leader of the National Front, a party founded by her father, an anti-Semite, Jean-Marie Le Pen; although she has excluded her father and virtually all her father's anti-Semitic friends from the National Front, she is nonetheless the party leader and is regarded as her father's daughter.
Marine Le Pen and the National Front will be used as scarecrows to urge voters to rally massively behind Macron, in the name of a "Republican front" against "fascism." The strategy was developed thirty years ago by the French left, under President Francois Mitterrand. It has always worked, and in a few days, it will work again.
Analyst, Guy Milliere sees socialists rising through multiculturalist
advocating and importing of Israel-loathing, Mid-East Muslims

Macron now has the support of the entire Socialist party, and the support of virtually all other politicians. He also has the support of all French Muslim organizations. The rector of the Great Mosque of Paris said that Muslims must "massively vote" for him. The Jewish community leaders also rallied on behalf of Macron. On May 7, he will likely get more than 60% of the Jewish vote.

Most will not be based on the support for a project; the risk is high that Macron will disappoint the French even faster than Hollande did. The French may quickly discover that he is just a man chosen by the French left to preserve an unsustainable status quo a little longer, and a member of the self-appointed élites who do not care about ordinary people's problems, who consider that terrorist acts are "imponderable events", and who believe that national identities can melt in a no-border globalized world. When the French discover who Macron is, there will be nothing they can do to change what they voted in. 
Guy Milliere self-exiled from France, interviewed in Nevada

The risk to France in the next five years will probably be painful for the French. According to the Police, more than 12,000 radicalized Muslims live in the country and most of them are not under surveillance. The Police do not have the means to do more than they currently are doing, and Macron does not seem to care. The justice system is in the hands of judges who appear lenient to terrorists, and Macron seems to accept it. The flow of migrants will not stop, and Macron apparently does not intend to do anything about that. More and more, Muslims segregate themselves from French society in expanding Islamist mini-states."

Dr. Milliere predicts that under Macron, France's Jews will face the same choice as he - bigotry from Muslim and Leftists will move them to give up their lives in France. Better to emigrate now than to hastily flee, Milliere quotes from a friend. 

"Nothing Macron proposes can reverse the decline of the French economy and French society. Terror attacks will undoubtedly occur. Jews and others will undoubtedly be killed. Riots and discontent will undoubtedly take place. 

 . . . In the next election, in 2022, Catholic France may well see a Muslim candidate run -- and win."  Read the full article

On Holocaust Memorial Day (April 24th), Dr. Milliere addressed how the Islamo-Fascist Axis (under the ideal of "diversity") ascends to power by promoting pro-Palestinian/anti-Zionist Muslims to intimidate the pacifistic, secular West. He claims that socialists today apply Nazi strategy to garner power: vilify Zionists, promote totalitarian Islam to the Left.

Israel survives 89-years of the Arab-influenced world against them

Dr. Daniel Doron, president of the Israel Center for Social and Economic Progess, contends that Moslem intolerance of traditionally subjugated Jews causes them to undermine the true history, present, and future of the Middle East. On the occasion of Israel's 3,600 birthday (69-years in modern sovereign state), Dr. Doron retells the true history of the establishment of the Arab and Israeli states.

Dr. Daniel Doron
Following World War I, the Ottoman Empire was carved into states, on the condition that 2% would go to re-establish the Jewish National Home in Palestine, Arab King of Hedjaz, through his son Emir Feisal, Arabs accepted the all of the remaining the territory for their states. The Arabs later reneged, and the British stripped 80% of Palestine away from the Jews to create Trans-Jordan, despite the fact that all "Palestine" had been designated as a Jewish National Home.

Sharif of Mecca, Hussein bin-Ali, formally endorsed the Balfour Declaration in the Treaty of Sèvres of 10 August 1920, along with the other Allied Powers, as new King of Hedjaz. Ezer Weizmann continued to maintain that the treaty was still binding. In 1947 Weizmann explained : "A postscript was also included in this treaty. This postscript relates to a reservation by King Feisal that he would carry out all the promises in this treaty if and when he would obtain his demands, namely, independence for the Arab countries.

"I submit that these requirements of King Feisal have at present been realized. The Arab countries are all independent, and therefore the condition on which depended the fulfillment of this treaty, has come into effect. Therefore, this treaty, to all intents and purposes, should today be a valid document."

A taste of how Israeli Independence Day started and is celebrated around the world, from the street parties and ceremonies in Israel, to festivals all around the world.

(Video by BimBam (formerly G-dcast) http://bit.ly/2dFrxnn)

On Israel's Independence Day, UNESCO passed a resolution demanding that Israel disavow Jerusalem as its capital. This resolution is part of the ongoing Palestinian campaign to delegitimize Israel in the international arena and disseminate false history and libel against the State of Israel. It ignores the continuous Jewish presence in the Land of Israel throughout the past 2,000 years - as documented in this new Jerusalem Center video.

 In her, "The British Foreign Office Remains True to Type," writer Melanie Phillips characterizes the problem with Britain's government being asked to renounce the Balfour Declaration by the "Palestinians" still today:
The Palestinians have been demanding that the British government apologise for the 1917 Balfour Declaration which supported “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”. This declaration was embodied in the 1922 Mandate under which Britain accepted the administration of Palestine and the obligation to settle the Jews there...
... in the 1930s, the British actually reneged on the Mandate, betrayed the Jewish people and instead of settling them in Palestine kept them out during the Holocaust.
British writer, Melanie Phillips
The assumption is that this is a conflict over the division of land between two peoples with legitimate claims to that land. This is untrue. It is an Arab war of extermination against the Jewish homeland. What’s more, Britain patented this so-called solution in 1937 when it offered to carve out of Palestine a state for the Arabs alongside one for the Jews. This two-state offer has been subsequently repeated several times. In each case the Jews agreed but the Arabs merely responded by war, terror and the mass murder of yet more Jews.
That’s because their agenda, the destruction of Israel, is non-negotiable. By definition, there can be no compromise with a non-negotiable agenda. The very act of negotiation is a signal of surrender. Britain would never urge a compromise with al Qaeda or Isis.
So why doesn’t it recognise the analogous threat to Israel? At root it’s because the British don’t regard the Jews as a nation. They don’t therefore understand that the Jews have the only legitimate political claim to the land. Today’s Foreign Office is thus in line with the British diplomat who said in 1938 that the Arabs and Jews were “each as loathsome as each other”. The Balfour Declaration was the high-water mark of British decency towards the Jewish people. It’s been downhill all the way, Mrs May, ever since.
Read it all.