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Global March to Jerusalem border aggressors fewer, experience fewer injuries, while Anti-"Zionist" Arabs turn-against anti-Zionist apologists, Neturei Karta 'beards'

Israeli police officers detain a Palestinian man outside
Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City, Friday, March 30.
Sebastian Scheiner/AP Courtesy Christian Science Monitor
A series of rallies across the Arab world that were meant to draw two million participants for a so-called “Global March to Jerusalem,” and which had Israeli authorities heavily deployed at potential border hotspots, fizzled on Friday to localized demonstrations in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

Israel reduces casualties from 38 to only 1 in stopping Arab insurgency against Israeli borders. This year in Gaza- 37 injured and only one death; In Judea and Samaria, 34 arrests, no deaths, only several injuries.

Jonathan Kay on the ‘Global March to Jerusalem’: Hateful ignorance on parade
National Post (Canada) Mar 28, 2012
When Israeli paratroopers entered Jerusalem’s Old City during the Six-Day War of 1967, they had to rely on a passing bystander — an old Arab Jerusalemite — to guide them to the Western Wall of Herod’s long-destroyed Jewish Temple.

Why did these soldiers not know the way to the holiest place in all Judaism? Because none had ever visited it. When the Jordanians ruled Jerusalem, Jewish visitors were persona non grata, and many synagogues were bulldozed. . . .

“The march will demand freedom for Jerusalem and its people and to put an end to the Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and Judaisation policies affecting the people, land and sanctity of Jerusalem,” the Global March to Jerusalem web site informs us. “We aim to highlight the cause of Jerusalem (the City of Peace) which is considered the key to peace and war in the region and the world. The march will confirm that the policies and practices of the racist Zionist state of Israel against Jerusalem and its people are a crime not only against Palestinians but against all humanity.” . . .

Jews and Arabs likely will continue to fight over control of Jerusalem for many years. But let us dispense with the idea that the Israeli presence amounts to a “racist” desecration of an otherwise “peaceful” city. If the moral battle between Jews and Arab were fought on the basis of who governed Jerusalem in a more tolerant and civilized fashion, the victor would not be hard to choose. Read more

Rioters Hurling Firebombs at IDF Forces in Bethlehem

One PA Arab dead in Land Day protests in Gaza. by Eldad ben Ari in Israel National News
Soldiers opened fire after he tried to approach the Erez Crossing.

An Israeli army spokesman said in response that one PA Arab man approached the Erez crossing before soldiers opened fire. The spokesman added that forces acted within the rules of engagement, firing warning shots and then directly targeting him when he refused to stop.

Earlier Friday, Arabs began hurling firebombs and stones at soldiers near the Kalandia checkpoint north of Jerusalem.

The riots began after Friday afternoon Muslim prayers – often a starting point for violence – when dozens of masked Arab youths began rioting at the checkpoint.

Soldiers responded with teargas and deployed the "Skunk" – a vehicle loaded with canons spraying a noxious-smelling liquid. A machine that transmits high frequency sound waves was also employed.

A video uploaded to the IDF Spokesperson's YouTube channel showed rioters in Bethlehem hurling stones and firebombs at an IDF watchtower.

‘2-million-strong march to Jerusalem’ fizzles; anti-Zionist rabbis attacked at Jordan protest

by Elhanan Miller on March 30, 2012, The Times of Israel

A series of rallies across the Arab world that were meant to draw two million participants for a so-called “Global March to Jerusalem,” and which had Israeli authorities heavily deployed at potential border hotspots, fizzled on Friday to localized demonstrations in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

While Israel’s northern and eastern borders remained unthreatened, and the rallies in neighboring countries were largely peaceful, there was violence at the Jordan event: Local media reported that four American ultra-Orthodox rabbis from the extreme anti-Zionist Neturei Karta movement were beaten and verbally abused by local participants at the start of the event. They were rescued by other participants. Neturei Karta members also joined a rally in Lebanon.

JooTube spoke with Neturei Karta leader Rabbi Dovid Yisroel Weiss when they protested with Muslim anti-Zionists outside Prime Minister Netanyahu's meeting with President Obama at the White House on March 5th. The extremist sect, Neturei Karta interprets that a sovereign state for Jews must be established by the Messiah, and so they don't accept modern Israel as the official Jewish state. The problem is that they sell their endorsement to haters of Jews ruling Israel at all - at any time. Here, leader, Rabbi Dovid Yisroel Weiss discusses why his group is in Washington, in the anti-Israel frontlines along with hard-left and Islamist anti-Zionists, opposing AIPAC and opposing Prime Minister Netanyahu's command invited meeting with Pres. Obama inside the White House we're standing before.

Zionistic Hollywood stars and producers promote 26th Israel Film Festival running in L.A. through March 29

Opening night of the 26th Israel Film Festival in Hollywood: executive director Meir Fenigstein honors Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Arnon Milchan, and Howard Gordon (Homeland, 24). Emcee is comedian Elon Gold.

Pure Jewish souls sacrificed during week of Vayikra, detailing the laws of korbanot

Slain Rabbi Jonathan Sadler, 30, with sons, Arieh 5, 
Gavriel, 3, and Monsonego family's daughter, Miriam, 7 
The families that sacrificed their children in Toulouse, France were pious, pedigreed Jews with a special mission,, Israeli Jewish leaders acknowledge.

Bryan Bijaoui, 17, shot struggling with assailant
In Israel National News, an uncle of Chava Malka (the mother of slain schoolgirl, Miriam Monsonego), tells of the family's yichus and the coincidental circumstances surrounding the shooting of Miriam, Rabbi Jonathan Sadler, and his two sons, Arieh and Gavriel. Hospitalized in serious condition with gunshot wounds in his heart and lung is Bryan Bijaoui, 17, a student at Ozar ha Torah who tried to save Miriam Monsonego.

Yehuda Meshi Zahav, the chairman of special burial group- ZAKA, relates how French mother, Chava Malka Monsonego, hugging her deceased daughter Miriam at the funeral home in Jerusalem, requested that he convey this week at the Western Wall of the Beit Hamikdash "how I brought her first-fruits to Jerusalem- that I brought the best of my children as a sacrifice to G-d.

A friend of Rabbi Jonathan Sandler's family, Yaakov ben-Shushan, relates that at a farewell party thrown by Jonathan Sandler's kollel before the Sandler family's 2-year assignment to France, Jonathan cried more than anyone could understand.

Mr. ben-Shushan believes that Jonathan's soul probably felt where he was going, as it says in the Talmud. He himself did not know where he was going, but his soul feared that he was going to a mission from which he wouldn't come back.

Anti-Semitic massacre at Toulouse school; Can Muslims in the West be relied upon to rid the hostility from their culture? Are humanist Jews exploited by CAIR claims of NYPD's "Islamophobia"?

Photo Courtesy: http://privateinvesigations.blogspot.com 
Rabbi Jonathan Sandler of Kiryat Yovel, his two young sons and the young daughter of the principal of the Otzar HaTorah Jewish day school in Toulouse were gunned down by a man wearing a black helmet who had arrived at the school on a black motorbike. A 17-year-old boy was critically injured by the shooter, who reportedly chased children around the school.

Investigators also confirmed Monday evening that they are investigating the connection between the murders of French paratroopers last week and those at the Jewish day school.

Two Paris synagogues were sent threatening letters since Friday, one of which was received Monday morning. “You are the people of Satan, Hell is waiting for you,” was the message written in one of the letters, police sources told the AFP news agency. An investigation has been launched, but at last report, police had not yet linked the threats with the murders at the school in Toulouse. (Source: Israel National News)

Investigators of the Toulouse-murder say they're concentrating on right-wing motives of a suspect. Initial assumptions that an attack on a religious Jewish school in Toulouse, a city with an approximate 10% Muslim population, would be that the attacker would be that a Muslim has targeted Jews.

In this Pew Global Attitudes Project poll released in July, 2011, ratings for Jews are uniformly low in the predominantly Muslim nations surveyed -- in all seven of these nations, less than 10% have a positive opinion of Jews. Indeed, outside of Indonesia, less than 5% offer a positive opinion.

The Parisian synagogue threats also stand a fair chance of being similarly motivated. SunTV of Canada's Michael Coren alleges here that the murders were Islamist-motivated.

But when the NYC Police Department was revealed to have been educating its officers in counter-terror ideology with reference to supremacist elements within Islam, Council for American-Islamic Relations (C.A.I.R.) charged the NYPD- with being "Islamophobic," that is, not the literal phobia/"fear" of Islam, but a  prejudice against Islam.  Rabbi Gerald Meister has declared that given the hostility and terror against non-Muslims manifested in the name of Islam, fear of Islam or true Islamophobia is a healthy reaction of self-preservation. He spoke last month in Nashville about Islamo-fascism as the Muslim holy-war against the G-d of the Jews.

NYC Rabbi Marc Schneier, co-founder of the Foundation For Ethnic Understanding (which fosters “twinning” programs between mosques and synagogues), took the opportunity to organize a gathering of support of Jews and Christians opposing the NYPD's perceived prejudice against Islam or "Islamophobia."

Hindu and Jewish protestors denounced Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Manhattan hosting "Combating Islamophobia" symposium in the wake of Muslim chastising of NYPD for teaching ideology behind Islamist terrorism.

Over 30 protestors gathered in front of the JCC in Manhattan to express their outrage over a forum entitled “Combating Islamophobia.” Article by Phyllis Chesler & Fern Sidman in Israel National News  3/16/12
On Wednesday evening, March 14th, over 30 protestors representing both Jewish and human rights organizations gathered in front of the Jewish Community Center on Manhattan’s upper west side to express their outrage over a forum entitled “Combating Islamophobia.”  
Speaking about the recent controversy that has swirled around New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly for authorizing police surveillance of mosques in the New York area and for using the documentary entitled “The Third Jihad” as a training tool for his department - protestor Marion Dreyfus addressed the gathering passionately. “Commissioner Kelly is defending us. He should not be castigated. He should be admired and supported,” Dreyfus remarked.  
The panelists of the program, moderated by former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, included Rabbi Marc Schneier, co-founder of the Foundation For Ethnic Understanding (which fosters “twinning” programs between mosques and synagogues) and Imam Shamsi-Ali, the spiritual leader of the Islamic Cultural Center of New York and the chairman of the Al-Hikmah mosque in Astoria. 
Narain Kataria, the President of the Indian American Intellectual Forum, declared, “We should not be talking about Islamophobia - but about whether Islam is (actually) a religion of peace. This should be debated all over the country. We Hindus have suffered at the hands of radical Islamists. I believe that somehow the organizers of the conference on Islamophobia have been either heavily funded or misguided by Muslim organizations into believing that Islam if the religion of peace.” Joining Kataria was protestor Dr. Arish Sahani who declared, “Shame on our intellectuals! Why don’t they teach their students that for 1400 years Muslims have been persecuting non-Muslims?”  
Mrs. Helen Freedman, the executive director of Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI), said, “The JCC, in sponsoring ‘Combating Islamophobia’, is suggesting that it is un-American to fear Islam. Our liberal upbringing causes us to be offended by the accusation that we are racist when it comes to Islam, but isn't there ample justification for concern about a political agenda disguised as a religion which promotes hatred of non-Muslims and women?"
Mrs. Freedman spoke with JooTube about Jewish-Muslim relations, too-forthcoming Jewish apologism for non-Jewish Islamophobia, and whether the Muslim community is doing enough public, self-policing of radicalism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Israelism to justify the bonhomie of Jews.

Canadian Parliamentarian Irwin Cotler: 'My pro's and con's on Obama regarding Israel'

Filmed at the AIPAC Policy Conference, March 5, 2012.

Andrew Breitbart: Don't leave Israel's safety in Barack Obama's hands

Andrew Breitbart on Israel under Obama Democrat administration
Andrew Breitbart: Obama's harsh treatment of Netanyahu manifests his anti-Israelist indoctrination; Obama proved untrustworthy for Israel's security.

Israel National News reported today, "Netanyahu to Demand Obama Commit to Military Action in Iran."  Prime Minister Netanyahu will demand that President Barack Obama commit to a strike on Iran if sanctions fail, say sources.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will press U.S. President Barack Obama for an explicit threat of military action against Iran if sanctions fail and Tehran's nuclear program advances beyond specified “red lines,” it was reported on Thursday. 
According to the British Guardian, Netanyahu is expected to raise the issue during his meeting on Monday at the White House with Obama. 
The report quoted diplomats as having said that Israel is angered by the Obama administration's public disparaging of early military action against Iran, saying that it weakens the prospect of Tehran taking the warnings from Israel seriously. 
While the two sides are attempting to agree on a joint public statement to paper over the divide, the Guardian noted, the talks will not be made easier by a deepening distrust in which the Israelis question Obama's commitment to confront Iran. 
One diplomatic source was quoted as having told the Guardian that Netanyahu and Obama “are poles apart.”
Jewish Conservative activist, Andrew Breitbart, believed that Pres. Barack Obama, under the anti-Israelist tutelage of Orientalist Prof. Edward Said, can not be trusted to provide security for the Jewish state of Israel. In June, 2011, Mr. Breitbart told JooTube that the pro-Palestinian / anti-Israelist academic and political culture Mr. Obama was indoctrinated in manifests in Obama's harsh treatment of Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


JooTube: What do you think about Obama's treatment of Netanyahu at first, and then how Congress reacted to him?

Andrew Breitbart: The body-language of Obama sitting next to Netanyahu showed... you can tell the disgust that Barack Obama had towards Netanyahu- that this is an enemy of his, not just a visiting dignitary. And this is why (even though I've been against the birthers, saying stop it, guys) I have been a "course-er"- I believe that we need to see what classes he took when he was at Columbia and Occidental- and I think that you're going to see that Edward Said played an important role in his educational background. I think that the missing Los Angeles Times video of Rashid Khalidi, who is a pro-Palestinian professor- where clearly Barack Obama praised this man.

The American media does not want you to see - especially since the American media is covering up so that Jewish liberals will see, that we voted the most anti-Israel, most anti-Jew person in the history of this country - and that they knew that he had to get through that group of people, that donor base (I would call them my bretheren, I'm Jewish) the dumb, liberal Jews who can't figure out that this guy does not have Israel in his interests. It's so clear. Why is the L.A. Times hiding the Rashid Khalidi tape? It's now more than ever- we need to see what's on the Khalidi tape. And his grades. Edward Said is dead. But there is a hard-core leftist, anti-Israel bent that I saw with my own eyes after 9/11 at the Federal Building - shut down 2 lanes of traffic. Not only was there anti-Americanism from the organized left - from the professors, from the hard-left- it was also against Israel. The day that we were hit the hardest by a purely villainous group of people, these people were trying to figure out how this could be turned against Israel, how this could be turned against America. And I believe that Barack Obama sits right in the center- of the epicenter of that leftist philosophy. I am not religious, but the conservative Christians of this country have Israel's back. Without them, Israel would be up shit's creek. And the very idea that liberal Jews side with a Barack Obama, side with a Rashid Khalidi, side with an Edward Said ... it is a suicidal pact for the sake of- I don't even know - what are you getting in return? Nothing.

JooTube: In terms of those who would donate and support his re-election coffers?

Breitbart: I want to see the percentage of people who are either suicidal or scientifically-proveably stupid. Because of their support of Barack Obama and being liberal-Jew Zionists. It's suicide or stupidity- it's either one or the other. Theses people, the organized left, the professors in the Humanities Departments on campus have been anti-Israel. We've been brainwashing our kids in this Rashid Khalidi / Edward Said, Orientalism bullshit for too long.

JooTube: Arafatism?

Breitbart: Yes, Arafatism, which is hypocrisy- speaking out of one side of their mouth in Arabic and then speaking another way in English. And all you have to do is look at the transcripts and you see these people do not have democracy at heart- they don't see a future of co-existence... they are a warring faction who want Israel dead! Question: Are you concerned about Islamists infiltrating this administration? Breitbart: Absolutely, because there is no transparency with this group of people. Until I get to see the Khalidi tape, I'm allowed to harbor doubts about this man (Obama) and Israel- and this man and America.