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Israel's Amb. Hon. Michael Oren inspires Israeli-American Leadership Council to remain vigilant

Recorded live at the Israel Leadership Council Gala at the Beverly Hilton, March 20, 2011.

Newly-independent, Israeli Defense Forces' Chief Gabi Ashkenazi encourages American supporters of Israel

Recenly retired IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gavriel Ashkenazi called for political, policy, and social support for Israel from Israeli-Americans in his address to the Israeli-American Leadership Council in Los Angeles, at its annual Gala on Sunday March 20, 2011.

Lt. Gen Ashkenazi expresses pride in IDF strength and ethics. He offers recommendations on how civilians can help Israel defeat the forces which oppose it - particularly the campaign to delegitimize Israel's sovereignty and the threat from nuclearizing Iran.

Lt. Gen Ashkenazi attested a personal commendation for Israeli Leadership Council Executive Director, Shoham Nicolet, recognized during his days in uniform.

Jewish Fogel family's virtues - and the immorality of the Muslim culture which instigates Jewish-child slaughter - acknowledged at L.A. memorial service to slain Israeli family

Los Angeles Jewry held a memorial to the Jewish family of Rabbi Ehud & Ruth Fogel and their 3 children, slain by Palestinian terrorist hands in their home in Itamar, Samaria on Friday 11 March 11. The event was held Thursday 17 March '11 at Temple Bnai David Judea, officiated by congregational Rabbi Joseph Konefsky and organized by Fogel-family acquaintance, Shlomo Mirvis of Bnai Akiva. Mirvis presented this eulogy of a family so piously Zionistic that they hosted in their home a Bnai Akiva Oneg Shabbat of 30 children. 

Mr. Mirvis adds that Rabbi Ehud, though exempt as a father of 6 children, chose to serve his people's defense one-month annually in the Israel Defense Force reserves.

'How moral is a culture which inspires the slaughtering
of children in their own parents' faces,' queries Rabbi Hier
In this JooTube exclusive video, Museum of Tolerance's Rabbi Marvin Hier warns Palestinian slayers of the lambs of the G-d of Israel that history has shown that their acts against the G-d of Israel are wicked, immoral, futile, and will eventually backfire onto them.

Roz Rothstein, Executive Director of StandWithUs, denounces the slaughter of 5 Fogel family members by the 'premeditated evil and hate' advocated by Palestinian leadership against Israel.
Mrs. Rothstein portrays the Islamist crusade against Israel as an objectionable continuation of the Nazi movement against the Jews - which ultimately results in strengthening Jewish resiliance.

Touching, music video tribute to Itamar's Fogel family from Shmuel Schwartz and Daniel Sultan

Five members of an Israeli family were slaughtered Friday night when a Palestinian terrorist broke into their home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar and stabbed them all to death. The innocent victims were Rabbi Udi Fogel, his wife Ruth, and three of their children Elad, Yoav and Hadas.

Composed and Sung by Shmuel Schwartz, Arranged and Performed by John Sawoski, Video by Daniel Sultan

Itamar massacre: the result of culture of hatred by Fiamma Nirenstein

Itamar massacre: the result of culture of hatred - Fiamma Nirenstein

Responsibility for the attack is claimed by the “moderate” side of the Palestinian political spectrum, the Brigades of Al Aqsa, the armed branch of Fatah, founded by Marwan Barghouti. Word has it that a meeting has also been held in Khartoum by members of Hamas and sundry Muslim Brothers, attended by Palestinians, Egyptians, Tunisians and even English people: they supposedly coordinated a large-scale international plan for Islamic terrorist attacks to be headed by Iran, the primary target of which would be Israel.

The background to the attack carried out the other night is on one side that of the revolution occurring in the surrounding Arab countries, and on the other side that of the most traditional form of hatred. The leadership of Abu Mazen and Fayyad is in a state of alarm, which led both of them to adopt aggressive, unwavering attitudes toward Israel in a bid to win over the masses who are threatening their power on Internet and out in the streets. They call Abu Mazen the slave of Israel and of the Americans and their campaign has been dominated by the call for unity with Hamas. The social networks act as a sounding board, praising the “resistance” and rejecting any peace projects, including the largely unknown new interim project which Netanyahu intends presenting at Washington to facilitate a return to the negotiation table. At any rate, Abu Mazen and Fayyad have already said they are not interested. 
They also issued indignant denials of stories revealed in the "Palestinian papers", which actually only stated that negotiations were underway with Olmert’s government. Current opinion has it that to be a pure and real Palestinian, you cannot be involved in negotiations and therefore they deny any evidence, even of speaking with the Israeli. As a matter of fact, the Palestinians have no intention of negotiating for "two States for two people": to them, Palestine is a single entity that includes Israel.
 Read more: Massacre- the result of culture of hatred by Fiamma Nirenstein

Are recent global events G-d's alarm bell to complacency to Islamists' intentions to scorch the earth- starting with Israel?

Melvin Bledsoe at son Carlos's graduation before Islamism
"God help us, God help us!" pleaded Homeland Security Committee Hearing witness Melvin Bledsoe, the father of Muslim-radicalized, Memphis teen, Carlos Bledsoe, accused of murdering one U.S. soldier and wounding another in attacking an Arkansas military-recruiting office.

Pennsylvanian Rev. John McTernan, author of As America Has Done to Israel, points out a correlation between political acts to interfere with the safety of the Jewish people, and natural acts of disaster.  McTernan points out that since Hitler's times, “God is trying to warn America. We are in a collision course with Him.”  Key verses in the Bible to which deal with this are Genesis 12:3, Joel 3:2, and Obadiah 1:15 which says, “The day of the Lord is near for all nations. As you have done (to Israel), it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.”

Even recently there has been a noticeable correlation between political acts against Jews and natural disasters. Only days ago, as Iranian warships bearing anti-Israel missiles destined for Syria approached the Suez Canal on Feb 21, the Suez was struck by an earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale, tremoring for 27 minutes.

Yesterday, as the US House Committee on Homeland Security held a hearing to expose Islamic radicalization within America's mosques (which disproportionately affects Jews and Jewish targets, from the terror attacks at the El Al counter at L.A.X., to the Seattle Jewish Community Center shootings) both leftists in the hearing as well as the Muslim Brotherhood-influenced media commotion surrounding it- attempted to de-rail the message exposing anti-Semitic, Saudi Wahabist extremism hijacking Islamic institutions and teachings.

Only hours later, the Pacific Ocean was struck with a mega 8.9 Richter earthquake, causing a great tsunami whose waves touched upon the American shores of Washington, California, and Oregon.  What an ironic coincidence?  A connection?  Who can confirm that the events are unrelated?  There is an ironic pattern of coincidence of Mother Nature making her voice heard around issues affecting the Jewish people's safety and guardianship of the Holy Land.

Rabbi Fogel's family, relocated from Gaza, slain in their bedrooms (both parents, 3 children) in Itamar, near Awata

A terrorist slaughtered Gush Katif refugees, Rabbi Udi & Ruth Fogel, along with 3 of their 6 children, slain erev Shabbat inside their bedrooms in Itamar. The terror act was claimed by Fatah's al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade.

The surviving Fogel children are Tamar, 12, Ro'i, 8, and Shai, 2. Until August 2005, the Fogel family had resided in the Netzarim Gaza community in Gush Katif.

Israel expelled Jewish communities in Gaza, in a move partly geared to demonstrate the Palestinians' ability to live in peace with Jews outside of their border.

A film was made by Israel's National Religious Party, cautioning that removing the IDF from Gaza would imperil Israelis inside Israel - because the Palestinians' inculcated hatred of Jews and quest to remove them from all of Israel, and not borders for Israel, is the obstacle to safety for Jews.

Now that Pres. Barack Obama pressed Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to remove checkpoints on the West Bank, terrorists also have freer movement to kill

Is the girl in the first clip the same weeping Tamar as in the second clip?

Israel Matzav: How Iran uses the Arabs

Israel Matzav: How Iran uses the Arabs

A fascinating article in Sunday's New York Times by Iranian Karim Sadjapour provides some insight into how Iran uses Arab Muslims in its war against Israel.
Until now, Iran’s interests have been served by the Arab status quo:
frustrated populations ruled over by emasculated regimes incapable of checking
Israel, and easily dismissed as American co-dependents. A conversation I once
had with a senior Iranian diplomat is instructive.

He complained, justifiably, about Washington’s excessive focus on military
power to solve political problems. I posed a simple hypothetical: What if,
instead of having spent several billion dollars financing Hezbollah, Hamas and
Islamic Jihad over the past three decades, Iran had spent that money educating
tens of thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese Shiites to become doctors,
professors and lawyers? Wouldn’t those communities now be much better off and in
a much stronger position to assert their rights vis-à-vis Israel?“

What good would that have done for Iran?” he responded candidly. (He
himself had a doctorate from a British university.) “Do you think if we sent
them abroad to study they would return to southern Lebanon and Gaza to fight
Israel? Of course not; they would have remained doctors, lawyers and

Iran, in essence, understands that it can inspire and champion the region’s
downtrodden and dispossessed, but not the upwardly mobile. Its strategy to
dominate the Middle East hinges less on building nuclear weapons than on the
twin pillars of oil and alienation.
The longer I live here and the more I read, the more convinced I am that it is Islam that is responsible for Israel's dispute with the Arabs.

Talk-radio hostess Janet Parshall honored at NRB '11 for standing with Israel

Mrs. Janet Parshall calls anti-Semitism "a sin, pure and simple";' calls Christians to unite to fight anti-Zionism, anti-Semitism and to defend the Jewish people, in honor by Christian Zionist group, Proclaiming Justice to the Nations group at National Religious Broadcasters confab in Nashville this week.

Radio personality, Janet Parshall, declares anti-Semitism "a sin - pure and simple" in accepting the Christian Zionist PJTN group the Ed McAteer Tree of Life Award from activist group, Proclaiming Justice to the Nations / PJTN.

Founded by Laurie Cardoza-Moore, PJTN named the Tree of Life Award after Ed McAteer, who called on Christians "to honor Israel, to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and to express their unconditional love for G-d's ancient people." Ms. Parshall denounces the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions ("B.D.S.") movement and false libels of apartheid in Israel. She implores Christians to "never be silent" regarding the new wave of anti-Israeli, anti-Semitism.

Pope Benedict book repudiates New Testament's Jew-damning interpretations; Daily Show Jon Stewart sends it up

Jewish organizations are hailing Pope Benedict XVI's unequivocal repudiation of the claim that the Jewish people can be held forever responsible for the death of Jesus.

The Vatican already rejected the claim in general terms in 1965 with the landmark Nostra Aetate document issued by the Vatican II Conference, opening the door to formal Catholic-Jewish dialogue. But in a new volume of his book, "Jesus of Nazareth," Benedict employs a detailed scholarly analysis of Catholic teaching to make the point clear.

The Anti-Defamation League called it “an important and historic moment” in Catholic-Jewish relations that would build on Nostra Aetate.

Excerpts of the book, which is due out March 10, were released Wednesday.

"Now we must ask: Who exactly were Jesus' accusers? Who insisted that he be condemned to death?" Benedict writes in a passage regarding Jesus' condemnation to death by Roman governor Pontius Pilate.

Noting that the Gospel of St. John states that it was "the Jews," he asks, "How could the whole people have been present at this moment to clamor for Jesus' death?" John's use of the term, he writes, "does not in any way indicate -- as the modern reader might suppose -- the people of Israel in general, even less is it 'racist' in character. After all, John himself was ethnically a Jew, as were Jesus and all his followers."

What John meant by "the Jews", Benedict writes, was the priestly "temple aristocracy."

In another passage, Benedict explicitly rejects the notion that the expression reported in the Gospel that "His blood be on us and on our children" meant an eternal curse against the Jewish people. Instead, the pontiff writes, "It means that we all stand in need of the purifying power of love which is his blood. These words are not a curse, but rather redemption, salvation."

Elan Steinberg, vice president of the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, said the pope's book marked "a landmark moment" in Catholic-Jewish relations.  "Pope Benedict's theological repudiation of the deicide charge not only confirms the teachings of Vatican II, which formally rejected collective Jewish guilt, but seals it for a new generation of Catholics," Steinberg said.
Jon Stewart sends-up Pope Benedicts decision on "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central:

The Daily Show - The Pardon of the Christ
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Daily Show: The Pardon of the Christ
Pope Benedict XVI lets Jews off the hook for Jesus' death, the 2012 Olympics logo angers Iran, and John Galliano covers Jewish affairs from Paris.