In this exclusive interview, former Presidential candidate, ex-Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee denounces President Barack Hussein Obama over his complicity in not stopping Iran's nuclear weaponizing militarily- and straightjacketing of Israel from acting in their own defense.
Atlanta Jewish Times' publisher, Andrew Adler, penned "What Would
You Do," an allegory intended to illustrate the security dilemma that President Barack Hussein Obama's pacificism towards apocalyptic Iran poses for the leader responsible for the safety of Jews. (
Read editorial below).
As a potential strategy under consideration by Israel's Prime Minister seeking to pre-empt an Iranian initiated nuclear exchange, Mr. Adler references the "almost unfathomable" option of the authorizing the Mossad to neutralize Obama and threaten the Vice President. Members of the Jewish establishment, such as the Jewish Federation of Atlanta, the A.D.L., the A.J.C., and Rabbi Abe Cooper of the Simon Wisenthal Center were quick and
harsh to discredit and ostracize Mr. Adler. He was put under investigation by the US Secret Service. The Atlanta Jewish Federation
pressured him to resign editiorship and put the paper up for sale. You can see how they broke Mr. Adler's spirit entirely in this pathetic
mea culpa video with the Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters.
Rabbi Moshe Parry comments (in this exclusive video) that the Jewish "establishment" in North America "served Mr. Adler up" out of fear from perceptions of Jewish dual-allegiance to Israel. He alleges the largely secular Democrat, Jewish establishment prioritized their comfort in America over their Judaic obligations to protect and guarantee Jewish dominion of the Holy Land, Israel.
Text of the controversial column has been removed from the Atlanta Jewish Times website, but is published here on JooTube: