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Israelis and friends in America stage tribute concert in honor of Arik Einstein at Mitchabrim L.A.

Arik Einstein 
Legendary Israeli singer Arik Einstein dies 

One of greatest musicians in Israel's history passes away at 74 after being evacuated to hospital in critical condition due to aortic aneurysm by Yaron Kelner in YNet News Nov 26' 13

Arik Einstein, widely considered one of the greatest singers in Israel's history, died Tuesday evening at the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv. Einstein, 74, was evacuated from his home in critical condition at around 7 pm due to an aortic aneurysm. He was rushed to the emergency room, where he underwent a series of tests while being anaesthetized and given artificial respiration. He was later taken into the operating room, where doctors attempted to fight for his life but were forced to pronounce him dead. "The condition he arrived in made it impossible to save him," Dr. Gabriel Barbash, the hospital's director general, told reporters. "There will be no one to sing for us anymore," he added. 

"The songs he composed and sang are the soundtrack for Israel," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement. "With much sadness Israel parts with a cultural giant." 

President Shimon Peres said that Einstein's songs are the soundtrack of an entire nation; his voice was holding the people and embracing the land… I loved his songs from an early age. Though he's gone, his songs will continue to play life and hope." 

Shawn Evenhaim, chairman of the Israeli-American Council (IAC), said in a statement: “We are sad to hear about Arik Einstein’s death and send our condolences to his family, friends, fans, and to all Israelis. Einstein is an Israeli cultural legend and probably the greatest Israeli singer of all time, and we’re sure that every Israeli who lives in the US today shares in the sadness of his passing. A major icon of Israeli culture has left us, but his memory and songs will stay with us forever.”

Israeli-Americans perform tribute show of Arik Einstein's music
At Los Angeles' Mitchabrim Center  on Sunday 22 December, Israeli-American Sagie Shemesh organized a tribute concert of Arik Einstein's songs.  Both Israeli and diaspora musicians collaborated to perform songs Israelis of the Einstein era identify with. 

Enjoy this video playlist of the impromptu concert. (Advance through lower-right and left menu buttons).

Ms. Hila Halutzy, representing the Mitchabrim Center, introduced the evening, which began with a biography of Arik Einstein from Israel Channel 2 TV.

Guitar/vocalists Dudu Zar, Jimmy Gamliel, and Ronen Pollak alternated fronting the backup band of  Patrick Azria- lead guitar & keys, Avi Broohim- drums, Ayal Vishnitzer- rhythm guitar, Ami Benee Levy- violin, Sagie Shemesh- guitar & shared bass with Scott Jenkins. (Ishay Raveh assisted Sagie in operating the multimedia display).

Psychologists and rabbis confront the challenges facing today's orthodox families: Orthodox Union West Coast Convention in L.A.

Panel: Dealing with contemporary challenges which Orthodox families face 

The Orthodox Union held it annual West Coast Convention over the Shabbos weekend between December 12-15th, 2013.  A number of chachamim from around North America and Israel came to teach and answer questions at orthodox shuls in L.A., including Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rosh Kollel and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University in New York.

The concluding session on December 15th, 2013 was "Dealing with contemporary challenges which Orthodox families face."

(Select among the 9 segments on the Playlist M
enu using arrow button 3rd from lower-right).

Host: Rabbi Adir Posy- Cong. Beth Jacob- Beverly Hills
Moderator: Rabbi Steven Weil- Exec. V.P., Orthodox Union
Panelists: Dr. David Pelcovitz- Psychologist & Professor, Yeshiva University Graduate School
Dr. Yocheved DeBow- teacher, Midreshet Emunah v'Omanut
Rabbi Reuven Bulka- Cong. Machzikei Hadas (Ottawa, Canada)

The panelists were invited to the podium to reply a couple of times each.

Chutzpay: Salary survey of Jewish management- how good results are we getting for our tzedaka?

Ever wonder about how well (or lousy) matters which affect the Jewish community are being
handled by those accepting responsibility to manage them?  Well, now you can match-up the issue, the charity-taking institution responsible for managing, how much the person in that position takes in pay, and estimate the value you feel you're getting for your tzedaka dollars.

Who Earns What at America's Biggest Jewish Non-Profits  Jewish Daily Forward: Salary Survey Shows Who Is in Charge and What They Take Home
The resulting charts and stories go further than we’ve ever gone in examining the gender gap in leadership and pay, and the inequality in compensation among Jewish charity executives.  Salaries from 2012 are listed.
1  Richard Joel                    Yeshiva University...........................................................$855,037 
2  Marvin Hier                    Simon Wiesenthal Center ...................................................751,054 
3  Stephen Hoffman          Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland...................... 722,061 
4  Frederick Lawrence      Brandeis University..........................................................705,843 
5  Abraham Foxman          Anti-Defamation League....................................................688,280 
6  Jerry Silverman              Jewish Federations of North America................................612,989 
7  Matthew Brooks             Republican Jewish Coalition..............................................563,372 
8  Howard Kohr                  American Israel Public Affairs Committee.........................556,232 
9  Matthew Levin               Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.................551,548 
10  Alan Gill                         American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee..................539,439 
11  David Harris                 American Jewish Committee..............................................504,445 
12  Marc Terrill                  The Associated: Jewish Comm Fed of Baltimore.................501,678 
13  Steven Nasatir             Jewish United Fund/Jewish Fed of Metro Chicago.............496,014 
14  John Ruskay                JA Fed of Jewish Philanthropies of New York................... 494,000 
15  Alan Kadish                  Touro College................................................................... 491,356 
16  Allan Finkelstein        Jewish Community Centers Assoc of North America.........481,437 
17  Jacob Solomon            Greater Miami Jewish Federation......................................460,676 
18  Alex Stroker                 Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia........................450,824 
19  Jeremy Fingerman     Foundation for Jewish Camp.............................................443,552 
20  Morton Klein               Zionist Organization of America........................................435,050 
21  Barry Shrage                Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston.,.........428,501 
22  Janice Weinman         Hadassah...........................................................................410,000 
23  Jay Sanderson             Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles.............403,536 
24  Malcolm Hoenlein     Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Orgs.................400,815 
25  David Fisher                 Birthright Israel.................................................................369,270 
26  Daniel Mariaschin     B'nai Brith International.....................................................351,429 
27  Russell Robinson        Jewish National Fund........................................................344,783 
28  Steve Rakitt                 Jewish Federation of Greater Washington...........................332,260 
29  David Phillips              Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County...........................325,000 
30  Max Kleinman            United Jewish Communities of MetroWest New Jersey......322,976 
31  Eric Fingerhut             Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life...................316,064 
32  Jennifer Gorovitz      Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco.................311,044 
33  Jeffrey Finkelstein    United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh..............................304,323 
34  Ruth Messinger          American Jewish World Service.........................................301,422 
35  Michael Horowitz      Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta..................................291,439 
36  Brad Hirshfield           CLAL (Nat'l Jewish Center for Learning & Leadership)....... 282,392 
37  Andrew Rehfeld          Jewish Federation of St. Louis............................................273,703 
38  Mark Hetfield              Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society..........................................268,834 
39  Irwin Kula                     CLAL (Nat'l Jewish Center for Learning & Leadership)........259,142 
40  Scott Kaufman            Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit........................ 254,042 
41  Nancy K. Kaufman    National Council of Jewish Women....................................238,774 
42  Alan Klugman              ORT America.....................................................................226,031 
43  Robert Wexler            American Jewish University...............................................225,560 
44  Jason Shames              UJA Federation of Northern New Jersey............................225,144 
45  Debra DeLee                Americans for Peace Now...................................................220,450 
46  Alan van Capelle        Bend The Arc..................................................................... 220,000 
47  Michael Glickman     The Center for Jewish History............................................219,890 
48  Samuel Norich            Forward Association..........................................................219,474 
49  Josh Block                    The Israel Project...............................................................212,000 
50  Michael Makovsky   Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.....................210,833 
51  Jeremy Ben-Ami         J-Street..............................................................................207,868 
52  Lee Sherman                Assoc of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies.................194,192 
53  Matthew Levin            National Conference on Soviet Jewry................................187,500 
54  Ann Toback                 Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring........................................185,712 
55  Steve Gutow                Jewish Council for Public Affairs.......................................184,755 
56  Roz Rothstein             Stand With Us....................................................................180,000  
57  Ami Eden                      Jewish Telegraphic Agency................................................173,387 
58  David A. Harris          National Jewish Democratic Council..................................171,200

     Wouldn't Say  /  Not Available / Couldn't Determine
      Steven Wernick         United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism  
     Arnold Eisen                Jewish Theological Seminary 
     David Saperstein        Religious Action Center 
     Perry Tirschwell        National Council of Young Israel
     Zvi Bloom                      Torah Umesorah - National Society for Hebrew Day Schools 
     Julie Schonfeld           Rabbinical Assembly (Conservative) 
     Rick Jacobs                  Union for Reform Judaism 
     Steven Fox                    Central Conference of American Rabbis (Reform)
     Mark Dratch                Rabbinical Council of America (Orthodox)
     Steven Weil                  Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
     David Ellenson           Hebrew Union College
     Dan Ehrenkrantz       Reconstructionist Rabbinical College 

Read more:

Bret Stephens' speech on Obama's "Worse than Munich" deal allowing Iran the ability to to build a nuclear bomb within weeks

"In 1938, Chamberlain bought time to rearm. In 2013, Obama gives Iran time to go nuclear. To adapt Churchill : Never in the field of global diplomacy has so much been given away by so many for so little." -Bret Stephens "Worse than Munich" column in the Wall St. Journal
In addressing a Zionist banquet by StandWithUs in Los Angeles on Sunday, 8 December, Mr. Stephens augmented this theory, echoed by other experts.  Listen to the speech audio here: "Now, it will come as no surprise to anyone that I want to spend most of my time tonight talking about Iran, but I think that it is also fitting feel that I should begin by speaking about Nelson Mandela and the meaning of his legacy and its meaning for us as Americans- for us as Jews."

Click the CC button on the lower right of the frame to display sub-titles. To read the edited transcript of the first half of this speech, see companion article on DemocracyBroadcasting.TV.  The second half of the transcript appears below. 


Bret Stephens: (transcript by Nurit Greenger): "There is one skill that every dictatorial regime, every tyrant needs in order to survive in power as long as the Islamic Republic and the Ayatollah Khamenei has survived. And that is the ability to sense the weakness of others and to take advantage of that. That is exactly how Iran is behaving towards us today. So now we have this interim agreement and the pressure is going to be powerful, almost overwhelming to make a go of the final, any final, agreement.

I do not think that there is much that I can do that will change the administration's views. But let at least be smart about what we, in this room, can do. For starters, we can support Mark Kirk and Senator Menendez, in pushing to increase sanctions, now, immediately to send a signal to the Iranian regime that we are not simply folding. But I want to bring another idea to this room. In September the president decided that the issue of military strike on Syria required congressional approval. I am not sure that this was really true, but let us concede that point for now. If the president thought congress's approval was necessary back then, should congress also demand that any deal the administration reach with Iran require the approval of the senate, just as all international treaties constitutionally require the agreement of two thirds of the United State senate. Now is the time to tell Senator Boxer and Feinstein from California, and Senator Schumer and Gillibrand in New York that they should demand an up and down vote on any agreement the administration reaches with Iran. We know these senators are pro-Israel and pro-Iran sanctions when they are giving speeches at AIPAC policy conference or before audiences like this one. We, let us make them go on the record. Are they seriously prepared to stand up against the bad nuclear deal with Iran, to stand with us, even if it means crossing the administration? Let us see if all of those friendly speeches are anything more than simple donor's maintenance. 

How South Africans (Jews and Christians) took risks to enlist to defend the nascent Israel against annihilation by Muslim armies

Volunteers from Abroad enlistees defended
Israel in War of Independence 1948-49
The War of Independence, in which Israel was attacked by six invading Arab Armies, was undoubtedly Israel’s most fateful war, as Israel’s very survival was at stake.”

The word “MACHAL” is an acronym for the Hebrew words “Mitnadvei Chutz L’Aretz”, meaning “Volunteers from Abroad”, and the word “MACHALNIKS” means the members of Machal. Approximately 4,700 Machalniks from 56 countries – men and women, Jews and non-Jews, volunteered to help Israel in its “War of Survival.”

804 South Africans enlisted to defend Israel against Arab invasion against her independence in May, 1948.
They left their studies, their families and homes to fight for a cause they felt passionate about.  

In 2012, in connection the premiere of the documentary "804" with the Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival, an event was held in Los Angeles  with some South African Machalniks to recognize their contributions.

Israel's independence was defended by 804 South Africans of 3,500 total diaspora volunteers in 1948.  Mrs. Sharit Shapiro Krengel discusses the history of the documentary "804" she co-produced.


 S. African Jewish volunteer in Israel's defense against Arab attackers,
, Hyman Kurgan, reveals why he fought.

Los Angeleno, Lee, discusses with 804's French director, Stephanie Ronnet, why and how he  volunteered to emigrate Holocaust "displaced persons" from Europe to Israel


Testimonials from Norma Todes, wife of Israel volunteer defender, Helman Todes, and their cousin, Myra Monk, who emigrated to California.

South African volunteers (both Christians and Jewish) were killed while defending Israel from Arab onslaught.

Machalniks also resettled Holocaust refugees from Europe into Israel during and after the War.

To learn more history, please point your browser to https://www.machal.org.il/

Dr. Eugene Narrett, scholar and author of "World War III- The War on the Jews (and the Rise of the World Security State") slain Friday night by hit-and-run driver- 3-weeks short of 65th birthday

Eugene Narrett – professor, writer, painter, commentator and strong advocate for Israel and the Jewish People – died tragically this past Friday evening after being struck by a hit-and-run driver in Brattleboro, Vermont. Eugene was a pedestrian, having just visited an art gallery a short distance away.  It was three weeks short of his 65th birthday.

Funeral services for Eugene Narrett will take place this Wednesday, December 11, at the Jewish Memorial Chapel at 841 Allwood Road in Clifton, NJ, commencing at 11 a.m.

Professor Steven Plaut of the University of Haifa, characterized" "One of the most prolific and intelligent Zionist thinkers in the United States today, Eugene Narrett's comments on the politics of the Middle East should be required reading.  His keen eye and sharp wit make him a great American and Jewish resource."

Eugene in Israel's 1st N. Capital, Shchem/Nablus
Eugene received a PhD in English Literature from Columbia University and taught Art, Art History, History, Literature and Philosophy. He had an extraordinary knowledge and appreciation of the Classics, and had reached a scholarly level in the area of Jewish studies. In his early 20's, Eugene began educating himself about the history of ancient and modern Israel, and he became one of the foremost authorities on the geopolitics of the Middle East, providing commentary on numerous radio programs, including Israel National Radio (many times) and the Barry Farber Show.

Dr. Narrett held strong views about Israel, based on history, Jewish identity and the current reality. He believed in Israel's Biblical, legal and historical rights to all of the land between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, and was an outspoken critic of the 1993 Oslo Accords between Israel and the Arab-"Palestinians." He would be quick to point out the deadly consequences of that failed political strategy. Many of Dr. Narrett's writings and radio commentaries may be accessed through his Israel End Times blog,

Treat and educate yourself by listening to Dr. Eugene Narrett on this edition of the Tovia Singer Show.

Eugene, may the Almighty comfort you amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. And, may all of your hopes and dreams for Israel come to fruition in the very near future.

Description of Dr. Narrett's book World War III- the War on the Jews and the Rise of the World Security State  (Kindle $9):  Eugene Narrett's remarkable study looks to the composite roots of western civilization for perspective on these questions. His knowledge of ancient and modern history and his remarkable ability to integrate disciplines produce startling analysis and answers to the most pressing issues of our time. 

Tragic political and historical realities fuel our nation's misguided Middle East policies that, startlingly, bring America into confrontation with Israel, its best friend, invaluable ally and nourishing historical root. Professor Narrett provides a detailed overview of the existential forces and dangers with which our own nation already is struggling and has been suffering for some time. The book serves as a teaching text and a troubling revelation of what we are becoming, and how we may go a better way.  

Description of his book Israel and the end-times:  (Kindle $4)
The ethics, laws, origins and hopes of Western civilization are rooted in the history of the Jewish people and their unified way of life, Judaism.

Why then has Western civilization for so long abused the Jewish people and, since 1920, their attempts to rebuild and develop their ancient nation? 

Why especially now when Israel serves as the West's bulwark against terror, do western elites facilitate the destruction of Jewish sovereignty and of Jewish life in its holy places, hills, farms, and towns? 

Israelis donate blood given to Muslims, Jews, & Christians; Southern Californians donate $3 mil for bunkered, blood services center

Magen David Adom administers both ambulance and blood service operations in Israel.  American Friends of Magen David Adom held its first major event in Los Angeles this October in which philanthropists Fred and Dina Leeds helped to raise over $3 million towards underground, Blood Services Center for Israel. 

(Advance through video playlist using 3rd button from lower-right).

MDA's Blood Services Director, Prof. Eilat Shinar explains how blood services are managed in Israel.  Since blood donated in the Jewish state is allocated without regard to race, creed or color - blood donated by Jews (>70% of Israel's population) gets infused into the bodies of every faith, including Muslim, Druze, and Bedouin.

American Friends' CEO Arnold Gerson explains the success of the the group's first major L.A. event.  Entertainment was provided by Neil Sedaka and Jackie Mason.

Pride vs. prudence? How publicly should we flaunt Judaism in this diaspora climate? Hanukah's metaphor for our survival

Dearbornistan: Shi’ite Muslim Subject to Hate Crimes for Hanging US, Israel Flags at Home – Hezbollahstan USA - Debbie Schlussel  
What happens to a (Shi’ite Muslim Arab) husband who displays American and Israeli flags at his home in Dearborn, Michigan?  He is subject to non-stop hate crimes from fellow Muslims in his Muslim-dominated city  “They left Nazi signs in our front yard,” said wife, Terresa, raised in Canada. “Two people were standing there, one with a lighter and one with a gas tank, telling us that they were going to burn our home down.” And late Friday night, Nov 30, a group of men in an SUV came back firing paintballs at the cars and on the side of the house. 

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Meanwhile in Salt Lake City early Sunday morning, Dec 1s, a large menorah was vandalized in front of a Chabad synagogue center:
Around 1 a.m., police were notified that the 6-foot menorah that is on display outside the Chabad Lubavitch of Utah had been vandalized. Three arms had been ripped off the left side, including the wiring that enables the menorah to be lit during Chanukah, according to Rabbi Benny Zippel, executive director of the Chabad Lubavitch of Utah.  Read more at KSL-TV
Yet, on Sunday evening Dec 1st, over 1,000 (mainly orthodox) Jews attended L.A. Chabad of The Valley's 12th annual Chanukah at Universal CityWalk.   Is such an orthodox event in such a public space- too public? Or is such a public expression of orthodox Jewish pride actually good for the Jewish public image?  JooTube interviews Chabad of the San Fernando Valley Rabbis Mayer Greene and Yochanon Baitelman, and Dovid Eliezre (of Orange County Chabad in Yorba Linda) give their views on the event's message to both gentiles and Jews.

 JooTube's video report includes performers Eli Gerstner and the Yeshiva Boys Choir soloists, joined by Yisroel Williger, Moshe Hecht, Yakov Mordechai Gerstner and Yossi Newman. 

Time to Take Back Hanukkah by Ari Soffer, Arutz 7 Managing Editor 

Is Hanukkah a festival or a farce? How many of those who celebrate it appreciate what it's all about? And is it even worth celebrating at all?
The superficial popularity of Hanukkah is a charade. It is not real. In fact, it is precisely the "ease" with which the day can be (at least on a basic, ritualistic level) commemorated which is its downfall - despite the crucial significance it holds. ... 
Hanukkah is actually one of several rabbically-ordained festivals (as recorded in the "Megillat Ta'anit") which took place during the Second Temple period. And yet, whereas all the others were annulled by the sages following the tragic destruction of the Second Temple and onset of exile in 70CE, Hanukkah remained. Why? . . . 
The observance of Hanukkah has morphed into a tragicomic light show. Tragicomic, because so many of those who inanely go through the motions of Hanukkah emphatically reject all, or most, of what it represents in their daily lives. And a mere light show, because without appreciating its core message, that is all that it is.  . . . 
Hanukkah is not just some quaint historical reenactment of a Jewish military victory; and the Maccabean Revolt was not a simple struggle of national liberation - though it was that as well - but rather an ideological struggle between good and evil.   By celebrating the Maccabees' victory we are expressing our solidarity with their values, and its triumph over hellenistic Greek values, with all the latter represented (and still represents). 
Enjoy the complete article

At CityWalk's conclusion last year, British-American ba'al tshuvah, Yehuda Landsman, discussed his perceptions of the holiday in the context of  his Chassidic theology in the world.