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Are Jews for Obama in denial about building the framework for their own destruction?

Is this evidence of American Jews' failure to learn the lesson of "We're Germans first?" Infidel Blogger Alliance combines Jerusalem-based founder of Jewish Media Resources, Jonathan Rosenblum's well-reasoned editorial from with Memri TV's revelation from Palestinian Television of Islamists' preaching Muslims' obligation (and intention) to destroy) Jews everywhere.

"American Jews who are voting for Obama don't realize it, but they are voting against Israel as their state of asylum in case of another outbreak of anti-Semitism."

"The Jews were sentenced to annihilation, before even a single Jew existed on the face of the earth." - Palestinian cleric, Muhsen Abu 'Ita.

Infidel Bloggers adds 'American Islamist group Sabeel's Naim Ateek professes the Palestinian Authority to be a "liberation" movement.' Apparently, that must refer to the liberation of Jews from this world.

In Khalidi of the PLO, Jerusalem-based scholar, Martin Kramer, proves the strong PLO affiliation of Obama's ideological brother (which the mainstream media seeks to hide):

Rashid Khalidi was known to be affiliated with, and protected by Arafat’s Fatah. A 1979 New York Times report (by Youssef Ibrahim) described Khalidi as “a professor of political science who is close to Al Fatah.” In Beirut, to be “close” to an organization meant you enjoyed its protection in return for loyalty and services rendered.

Khalidi’s wife also worked as an English translator for the PLO’s press agency, Wafa.

So savvy journalists knew that if they wanted the Fatah spin, they could get it from Khalidi.

Full version of Sukkot Hoshana Rabbah service at L.A.'s modern orthodox, Happy Minyan

Soulful modern Orthodox Jewish Sukkot prayer worship with lulav and etrog. Led by Jeff Rohatiner with guest Chazzan Yehuda Greene. Torah reading service, led by Chazzan Lazar Wax, 39-year vet from NYC.

The seventh day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, 21st day of Tishrei, is known as Hoshana Rabbah (Aramaic: הוֹשַׁעְנָא רַבָּא, "Great Hoshana/Supplication"). This day is marked by a special synagogue service, the Hoshana Rabbah, in which seven circuits are made by the worshippers with their lulav and etrog, while the congregation recites Hoshanot. It is customary for the scrolls of the Torah to be removed from the ark during this procession. In a few communities a shofar is sounded after each circuit.


Five willow branches
At the conclusion of a number of Piyyutim (liturgical poems), five willow branches are beaten on the ground or other surface to symbolize the elimination of sin. This is also symbolic as a prayer for rain and success in agriculture. According to the Kabbalah, beating the ground with the five willow branches is done to "Sweeten the Five Severities". There is no blessing said for this ritual, but the Aramaic expression "chabit, chabit velah barich" is chanted. This happens to be the oldest known Jewish custom (or Minhag) in Orthodox Judaism.

"It was customary to make one procession around the altar on each day of Sukkot, and seven on the seventh day" [Sukkah 4:5]. The priests carried the palm branches or willows in their hands. The entire ceremony is to demonstrate rejoicing and gratitude for a blessed and fruitful year. Moreover, it serves to tear down the iron wall that separates us from our Father in Heaven, as the wall of Jericho was encompassed "and the wall fell down flat" (Joshua 6). Furthermore, the seven circuits correspond to the seven words in the verse Erhatz benikayon kappay, va'asovevah et mizbahakha Hashem - "I wash my hands in purity and circle around Your altar, O Lord" (Psalms 26:6).

Despite reduction overall, hate crimes against Jews last-year increase to 68%. Anti-Muslim hate reduced 25% to just 9%

Hate crimes directed against a person's religion decreased in 2007, except against Jewish people according to the FBI's 2007 Hate Crimes Statistics reported in USA Today.

In 2006, the FBI reported 1,597 hate crimes motivated by a religious bias. That figure dropped to 1,477 in 2007, according to the report.

Of the religiously based hate crimes, attacks against Jews rose from 64% in 2006 to 68% in 2007. Anti-Muslim hate crimes, meanwhile, decreased from 12% in 2006 to 9% in 2007.

Hate crimes against Catholics accounted for 4% of the reported hate crimes motivated by religious biases — down from 5% in 2006. Four percent of the hate crimes were motivated by anti-Protestant biases, and 9% were against other religions.

Of the reported hate crimes motivated by religious bias, 18% occurred in churches, synagogues or temples; 26% occurred in or near residences or homes; and 12% occurred in schools or colleges.

A rare, inside look into the spiritual, musical, modern-orthodox Jewish prayer service: The Happy Minyan davens Sukkot / Sukkos Hoshana Rabbah

Hoshana Rabbah is the seventh and last day of Sukkot, which is the day before Shmini Atzeres. Named for the fact that more hoshanot are said on this day than all the previous days of the festival. On Hoshana Rabbah the beating of the aravah, willow branch, is performed. Although Hoshana Rabbah was not accorded any different status by the Torah than the other days of Chol Hamoed, the Jewish people have observe many customs on this day and have invested it with a solemn character. For example, the white parochet, curtain on the ark, in shul remains up until after Hoshana Rabbah.

In the morning services of Hoshanna Rabbah, following Musaf (and some places after Hallel) the hoshanot are said as written in the prayerbook, the congregation marches around the bima seven times, after which comes the beating of the aravah, willow branch. The aravahs are beaten against the floor five times. No blessing is recited over the beating of the aravah since it was merely a custom.

Highlights from this year's Hoshana Rabbah Sukkot service. A rare look into the orthodox prayer service that rocks with an open celebration of Jewish spirituality and prayer. Enjoy this 12-min video:

Facilities provided by Cong. Bnai David of Los Angeles. Spirituality provided by The (Carlebach) "Happy" Minyan congregation

Hoshana Rabbah is known as the day of the final sealing of judgment, which began on Rosh Hashannah. During the festival of Sukkot the world is judged for water and for the blessings of the fruit and crops. The seventh day of the festival is the final sealing and since human life depends on water, Hoshanna Rabbah is somewhat similar to Yom Kippur. Hence there are additional prayers and quests for repentance as on Yom Kippur.

"The Jewish case against voting for Barack Obama" - video and articles

Watch syndicated columnist, Ben Shapiro's 3-part video (introduced first in its Preview) in which he presents concerns about the Obamania that is sweeping the nation.

The program examines Obama's advisors, friends, running mate, and own words. Part I (sequentially follows trailer, or is selectable from 2nd Menu Button) covers the introduction and explores his advisors. Then view Parts II and III for his friends, running mate, public statements, and summary.

Particularly important is Barack Obama's team's worrying ideology that America's War on Terror would be better served by handing the Islamists a hostile state in the midst of a bi-sected Israel; and the Obama-team's plan to reprioritize American policy to ally with Islamism - and against Jewish interests in preserving the safety of the Jewish refuge of Israel.

Worthwhile viewing for anyone concerned about the reprioritizing of US policy away from assuring Israel's safety and towards emboldening global Islamism by increasing Iranian regional and global hegemony by attempting to appease the belligerent, Islamist States of Iran and Saudi Arabia, through Obama's team with those self-declared intentions.

Journalist Ed Lasky of American Thinker has detailed many concerns about the anti-Israel character of Obama and his choices for his administration - (in January '08- even before he pulled Robert Malley and Samantha Powers from campaign visibility).
Obama's soothing and inspiring oratory sometimes vanishes when he talks of the Middle East. Indeed, his off-the-cuff remarks have been uniformly taken by supporters of Israel as signs that the inner Obama does not truly support Israel despite what his canned speeches and essays may contain.

Now that Obama has become a leading Presidential candidate, he has assembled a body of foreign policy advisers who signal that a President Obama would likely have an approach towards Israel radically at odds with those of previous Presidents (both Republican and Democrat). A group of experts collected by the Israeli liberal newspaper Haaretz deemed him to be the candidate likely to be least supportive of Israel. He is the candidate most favored by the Arab-American community. ...

Obama has, on his own volition, assembled his networks of friends, mentors, financial supporters and foreign policy advisers. In his judgment -- a judgment that he regularly trumpets as being superior to others - these people are worthy of advising him. There are among those friends and advisers key people who seem to display a great deal of antipathy towards the American-Israel relationshipRead it all

American Thinker lists other sources which document concerns about the Obama's team's anti-Israelism:

Those concerned about Obama and Israel include (click original for links):

Former Israel Ambassador to America Daniel Ayalon (Who Are You Barack Obama?) wherein the Ambassador expressed concern regarding Obama's approach toward Iran and also, based on his own personal experience with Obama dealing on issues concerning the American-Israel relationship, stating that he was left with an "impression that he was not entirely forthright with his thinking";

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick, who also took on Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul in this column;

Jerusalem Post Editorial Page editor Saul Singer (Obama's Mixed Record on Iran );

The New York Post; Writer Hillel Halkin (Obama Gets Israel Wrong);

An American Jewish Committee internal memo questioned Obama's potential approach to Middle East policy;

Commentary Magazine writer Noah Pollak criticized Obama's appointment of Robert Malley and Samantha Power as foreign policy advisers. Pollak notes in a recent post that Power (a key and very public foreign adviser to Senator Obama) echoes the views of Zbigniew Brezenski in calling for "special interest groups" influence over foreign policy to be abolished. Power has also called for the elimination of foreign aid to Israel and its redirection to "Palestine", as well as the massive imposition of US military forces in the area to bring about and enforce a settlement (where, of course, they could find themselves easy targets and be subject to propaganda attacks as another imperial foray into the Middle East).

The blog Powerline has also raised questions regarding Obama;

Slate magazine writer Mickey Kaus has long wondered why Obama and his close relationship with Pastor Wright has all but escaped any media scrutiny and has pointed out that Wright's racial divisiveness is in sharp contrast to Obama's campaign mantra of unity. Many other very credible commentators have raised these issues and others. Yet critics of Lasky's articles have all but ignored the criticism arising from these quarters.

Now why do we bring these people into the discussion? To show that there are serious questions that a wide variety of commentators, including a former Ambassador, have regarding Barack Obama and Israel.

Lyrics of "Prince of Egypt" Passover story still apply in our lives

The redemption of the Hebrew children of Israel from the Exodus from slavery outside the Promised Land is brought to life in Disney's animated "Prince of Egypt." Touching, authentic-seeming excerpts from the Hebrew version of the film, translated into English (and transliterated Hebrew subtitles).  

"Deliver Us" ("Hoshia' na") shows the experience of Moses and the Jewish people's exile from Israel into slavery. 

The second song, "When You Believe" ("Eem Na'amin"), shows the experience of the Almighty returning the caretakers of His law and His land to their guardianship of the Promised Land.

Translation credits are due a 22 year-old defender of the Holy Land and the Jewish peopleserving in Israel's Defense Forces, who donated this effort.

'Miracle Kiddush' preserved from shomayim: Challenger astronaut, Ilan Ramon's handwritten Kiddush survived explosion- on exhibit at Israel Museum

by Shawna Ohm, Associated Press Writer
Pages from an Israeli astronaut's diary that survived the explosion of the space shuttle Columbia and a 37-mile fall to earth are going on display this weekend for the first time in Jerusalem. The diary belonged to Ilan Ramon, Israel's first astronaut and one of seven crew members killed when Columbia disintegrated upon re-entering the atmosphere on Feb. 1, 2003. Part of the restored diary will be displayed at the Israel Museum beginning Sunday. A little over two months after the shuttle explosion, NASA searchers found 37 pages from Ramon's diary, wet and crumpled, in a field just outside the U.S. town of Palestine, Texas. The diary survived extreme heat in the explosion, extreme atmospheric cold, and then "was attacked by microorganisms and insects" in the field where it fell, said museum curator Yigal Zalmona. "It's almost a miracle that it survived — it's incredible," Zalmona said. There is "no rational explanation" for how it was recovered when most of the shuttle was not, he said. NASA officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The U.S. space agency returned the diary to Ramon's wife, Rona, who brought it to forensics experts at the Israel Museum and from the Israeli police. The diary took about a year to restore, Zalmona said, and it took police scientists about four more years to decipher the pages. About 80 percent of the text has been deciphered, and the rest remains unreadable, he said. Ilan Ramon holds a kiddush cup during a televised press conference from Space Shuttle Columbia. To his left, astronauts Calpana Chawla, Rick Husband and Laurel B. Clark (Reuters/NasaTV). Two pages will be displayed. One contains notes written by Ramon, and the other is a copy of the Kiddush prayer, a blessing over wine that Jews recite on the Sabbath. Zalmona said Ramon copied the prayer into his diary so he could recite it on the space shuttle and have the blessing broadcast to Earth. Writer, Caroline Glick, knew Ramon personally and wrote about his decision to carry and practice Judaism from space:
Ilan Ramon set off for outer space on the Columbia space shuttle, armed with a picture of the Earth as seen from the moon drawn by a Jewish boy in Theresienstadt concentration camp, a torah scroll from Bergen Belsen, a microfiche copy of the bible, the national flag and the dreams and hopes of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Ramon saved us this time not by clearing our skies of the threat of nuclear attack, but by reminding us of who we are and of what we can accomplish if we only have faith in ourselves.

Ramon made clear at every opportunity that he went to outer space, not simply as a citizen of the State of Israel, but as a Jew. As the representative of the Jewish people he recited kiddush on Friday night. As a Jew he said Shema Yisrael as the space shuttle orbited over Jerusalem. As a Jew he insisted on eating only kosher food in outer space. And as a Jew he told the Prime Minister from his celestial perch, "I think it is very, very important to preserve our historical tradition, and I mean historical and religious traditions."

The diary provides no indication Ramon knew anything about potential problems on the shuttle. Columbia's wing was gashed by a chunk of fuel tank foam insulation at liftoff and broke up in flames just 16 minutes before it was scheduled to land at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. All seven astronauts on board were killed. The diary is being displayed as part of a larger exhibit of famous documents from Israel's history, held to mark the country's 60th anniversary this year. Also on display will be Israel's 1948 declaration of independence, the 1994 peace treaty with Jordan and a bloodstained sheet of paper with lyrics to a peace anthem that was carried by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin at the time of his assassination in 1995.

"Assimilation and its Discontents" - How success ruined the New York Jew

by David Samuels in New York Magazine
The ascendancy of the Jews of New York can be viewed as a Hollywood-style triumph, but it can also be read as the tragedy of a group of brilliant outsiders who remade a city in their own image, only to cut themselves off from the roots of their tribal genius, ensuring that the future will belong to the children of the new outsiders—Koreans, Indians, Russians, and Chinese. ...

I know plenty of Jews who protest the tribal insularity of their community and deny any attachment to religion while proclaiming their fervent attachment to universal values. They fear what it is that makes them signify so powerfully to others. They root for the Mets and vote Democratic out of an atavistic attachment to the idea of the underdog. There is something ineffably sad and utterly American about the communal progression from tribal Judaism to a vague and watered-down idea of “Jewishness.”