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Hamas War revived Nazi propaganda techniques to incite hatred & violence towards "Zionist Jews"; Antisemitism watchdogs abandon Jewish-American casualty

Paul Kessler stood-up for Israel at an L.A. protest
by Hamas-propagandized Islamists. Loay Alnaji
faces manslaughter charges, but is defended by
advocate C.A.I.R. affiliated attorney, Ron Bamieh
Photo: NewsVCNews

The hollowness of Jewish Holocaust defense apparatus is evinced by the public's complacency towards effecting justice for L.A.'s Paul Kessler, 69. Mr. Kessler was killed for carrying an Israeli flag alongside an anti-Zionist rally by the Muslim Society of Simi Valley on 5 Nov '23. The case against his alleged killer, Jordanian immigrant, Loay Alnaji, is up for trial before April with no Jewish establishment activism or public intervention.

Under the grey skies of Auschwitz, on the 80th anniversary of the camp’s liberation, Ronald Lauder’s words carried the weight of history and the urgency of the present. Speaking in the shadow of the gas chambers where over a million Jews were murdered, Lauder’s address was not merely a commemoration—it was a warning.

“We don’t want our past to be our children’s future,” Lauder declared, invoking the haunting words of Holocaust survivor Roman Kent. But as he surveyed the current state of the world, Lauder admitted that such hope seemed tenuous. “If Roman Kent were here and saw what’s happening to the Jewish people around the world in 2025, he would cry.”

There has been an exponential rise in anti-Semitism in Britain
since the October 7 attacks 
Credit: Alishia Abodunde/Getty

Lauder’s speech was not limited to recalling the horrors of the Holocaust. It was a call to vigilance against a rising tide of antisemitism—one that is not confined to the fringes of society but is increasingly mainstreamed. And it was here, amidst the solemnity of Auschwitz, that Lauder addressed the uncomfortable truths that much of the world, Jews and non-Jews alike, seems reluctant to confront.

But despite 'leaders" professing for years that we ought to prevent such Jew-hatred from recurring, the response to its resurgence since October 7, 2023, reveals a devastating truth: neither Jews nor gentiles have truly learned, nor not yet effectively applied the lessons of the Holocaust to thwart its resurgence

The Silence Surrounding Islamist Antisemitism

Lauder’s address pointed to the “step-by-step progression of antisemitism” that led to Auschwitz. It began slowly, he noted: Jews excluded from universities, boycotted in businesses, and vilified in the media. It culminated in the unthinkable. Today, he warned, the signs are disturbingly similar.

Among the most insidious modern manifestations of this hatred is the antisemitism propagated by Islamist movements. Groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood espouse ideologies steeped in a supremacist hatred toward Jews and Zionism. They cloak their agenda in the language of resistance and liberation, but their objectives—the annihilation of Israel and the subjugation of Jews—are unequivocal. Hamas, in particular, has made no secret of its goals. Its charter explicitly calls for Israel’s destruction, and its actions—from launching rockets at civilians to orchestrating terrorist attacks—are a grim testament to this ideology.

Pro-Palestinian protesters attend a “Flood Brooklyn for Gaza” demonstration, as the conflict between Israel and the terror group Hamas continues on 10/28/23.  REUTERS/Caitlin Ochs
Yet, as Lauder alluded, much of the world remains silent. The mainstream and social media often downplay or ignore the overt antisemitism of these groups. Instead, they frame the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a binary struggle between oppressor and oppressed, erasing the complexities and ignoring the genocidal rhetoric of Hamas and its allies.

“Silence and indifference—that’s what led to Auschwitz,” Lauder reminded his audience. He recalled the world’s muted reaction to Kristallnacht in 1938, an event that signaled the beginning of the Holocaust. “When Hitler heard that silence, he knew he could do anything he wanted with the Jews.” Today’s silence in the face of Islamist antisemitism, Lauder suggested, risks emboldening those who seek to harm Jews and dismantle the Jewish state.  (Article continues).

Hundreds celebrate Hanukah at site where L.A. Jews defended synagogues from Islamists

Hasidic-raised Naftali Sherman was bloodied defending
Temple Adas Torah from Islamo-Marxist rioters. He is 
bothered that officials have not prosecuted his assaulters
Jews re-assert autonomy at the scene of an Islamist riot in front of their synagogues six months ago.

As recounted by Daniel Greenfield in JooTube six-months ago, 2024, after the spring college semester, the Islamo-Marxists who disrupted the Univ of Calif, Los Angeles and Univ of Southern Calif campuses set upon a synagogue on Pico Boulevard. Police did not separate the protesters from local Jewish counter-protesters and bedlam ensued. At least one Jewish man and one Arab were arrested in what became labeled the Adas Torah Pogrom.

In this video, Daniel Greenfield, editor of FrontPageMag.com/ThePoint is shown in June criticizing officials, both municipal and Jewish communal, who enabled the hostility in front of several synagogues with only limited police control.

On Sunday, December 29, the Chabad Lubavitch synagogue and school on Pico Blvd resumed its annual public menorah-lighting and concert on the site that, months prior, Islamists had marched around declaring, "Whose streets? OUR streets!" The Jewish families who came out for Chanukah outnumbered the number of protesters in late June. 

We spoke again with Daniel Greenfield, an expert on Islamic Imperialism in the West. We raised concerns regarding insufficient protection and the local government's response to these threats, with critics calling out both Jewish and law enforcement leaders for their failure to prepare adequately for future events. 

Our dialogue advocates for increased awareness of Islamic anti-Semitism, improved cooperation between Jewish and Muslim communities, and stronger federal actions to protect Jewish individuals, especially in places of worship. The overarching message underscores the necessity for proactive measures and heightened vigilance in addressing the rise of anti-Semitism.

Two years ago, the Mensch Int'l Foundation awarded JooTube a Mensch Award for providing (now 20) years of unique Jewish video-journalism service to the public.

How BLM incited Marxist revolution with Jew-hatred - the "Black Xmas" rally before the '24 election

Marxists ally with Islamist crusaders crucifying the persecutors of "Black Palestinian" Jesus
The "Black Xmas" rally in Los Angeles, strategically timed for December 23, 2023 (
within a year of the November 2024 U.S. national elections) evinced a potent blend of Marxist and Islamist agendas, with a particular emphasis on exploiting anti-Israel, "Shut It Down for Palestine" (SID4P) sentiment. At the helm was Dr. Melina Abdullah, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles (BLM-LA). Her success helped position her for selection to be Cornel West's vice-presidential running-mate. Her ideology and rhetoric were central to this event.

The Marxist influences behind the rally were evident, with support from international figures like Neville Roy Singham (CodePink),
George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, and organizations like the ANSWER Coalition. Islamist groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and al-Awda were also pivotal in the "Shut It Down for Palestine" (SID4P) movement, demonstrating a strategic alliance aimed at destabilizing public order and influencing electoral sentiment.
"From Black Xmas to electoral manipulation: 2023's Los Angeles rally was a calculated move to exploit old hatreds for new political ends."

CodePink and Jewish Voice for Peace Action were
among the funded, Marxist disruptor organizers 
Estee Chandler leader of the "barely Jewish"-
Jewish Voice for Peace (J.V.P.) played an insulating role in this anti-Judeo-Christian convergence. She stated, "We must oppose the claims of victimhood by oppressors...we say 'Never again' includes everyone!" Her rhetoric aimed to provide a veneer of moral justification for the anti-Israel sentiment by claiming, "In fact, nothing is more Jewish than the call for a ceasefire to save every single life possible." However, her statements were overshadowed by Abdullah's more direct and politically charged rhetoric, which focused on disrupting "white supremacist capitalism" and equating it with the plight of Palestinians.

Black Liberation Theologist, Tabatha Jones Jolivet, contributed a theo-political manipulation, framing the Palestinian struggle within a narrative of oppression akin to historical black liberation movements. She declared to the crowd: "I come in the name of
an Afro-Palestinian Jew named Jesus! Who entered into this world under the threat of genocide! Who came to turn upside down the empires. Do you know that the empire of Rome lynched this Jesus?"
In the context of Black preaching, the pastor's call of "Ase" (which originated from Nigerian, Yoruba culture) acknowledges the collective power and agreement of the community in the spiritual moment. Her rhetoric was designed to merge religious solidarity with political activism, further complicating the discourse by suggesting that opposition to Israel is inherently just.
Dr. Melina Abdullah, with her roots in Marxist activism, led the rally with a clear message, "We know these corporations, white supremacist capitalism, is behind both the murder of black people here and the genocide of Palestinians there," effectively merging economic critique with an anti-Israel narrative. This was not only a continuation of BLM-LA's tradition of disrupting consumerism but also a strategic pivot towards international politics, especially canny, as months later, she would run with Cornel West as co-candidates for the White House.
Rida Hamida of Latino-Muslim Unity with BLM's
BLM's Melina Abdullah at BlackXmas L.A.12/23

Ms. Rida Hamida from Latino-Muslim Unity added to the narrative, using her platform to call for political upheaval alongside economic critique. Her previous actions, including protests at Disneyland, underscored a consistent effort to link economic protests with geopolitical agendas, accusing Israel of genocide while downplaying Hamas's role.
In the absence of leadership from pro-Israel or pro-patriot organizations, around 50
Zionistic and/or patriotic Jews and Christians gathered in opposition to the 300 protesters
Anti-Zionists march to impede traffic and shopping at Beverly Center Mall on the shopping day before Christmas Eve: Beverly Hills Councilman John Mirisch contextualized these protests, stating, "This was the first organized pro-Hamas rally that we've had in Beverly Hills." He acknowledged BLM's sponsorship but emphasized the rally's anti-Israel stance, "BLM sponsored it, yes, but nonetheless, it was regarded as an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas rally." Mirisch also commented on the rally's one-sided narrative, highlighting how it misleads those uninformed about the conflict.

By prioritizing the anti-Israel narrative over economic critique, these protests not only risked alienating supporters but also contributed to the normalization of anti-Semitic rhetoric under the guise of social justice. The proximity to elections suggests a strategic move to manipulate voter sentiment through chaos and division, a tactic historically used by Marxist movements to sway political outcomes.

The implications of these protests extend beyond immediate disruptions, signaling a worrying trend where domestic and international political agendas are intertwined to exploit societal divisions. This could set a dangerous precedent for how activism is used in electoral politics, potentially leading to more instances where racial and religious tensions are strategically inflamed for political gain.

The 2023 "Black Xmas" rally in Los Angeles was a clear example of how Marxist and Islamist ideologies can converge to exploit anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment for political gain, especially in proximity to national elections. With Dr. Melina Abdullah at the forefront, the rally was less about critiquing capitalism and more about sowing division. Her later political candidacy with Cornel West as an independent further underscores the strategic nature of these protests. This manipulation of public sentiment and historical prejudices poses a significant challenge to democratic processes and the fight against genuine oppression.

Islamic bigotry against non-Muslims: When will it be recognized as a bias-motive in anti-Israel protest-violence?

Islamic Iran-backed war against Israel is a manifestation of Islamic doctrine to subjugate or eliminate the Jew. When Mid-Eastern fundamentalist Muslims drove to a more Jewish-populated, Los Angeles neighborhood to angrily protest Israel's defense against the jihadist war to annihilate them, only a few Jewish-Americans turned out to counter demonstrate- Paul Kessler and Jonathan Oswaks among them.

Mr. Paul Kessler (pictured left) a Jewish-Californian demonstrated support for Israel against a hostile, MidEast Muslim immigrant protest in Nov. '23. It's alleged that enraged fundamentalist Jordanian immigrant, Mr. Loay Alnaji (pictured right) bashed his megaphone into Kessler's face, knocking him down and killing him. Ventura County D.A. chose not to charge religious bigotry in Alnaji's motive, which limited sentencing to four-years maximum. (Photo credit: @NewsVCNews)

Veteran reporter, Hal Eisner of Fox11-KTTV News, covered a November '23 rally seeking justice for the late Mr. Paul Kessler, whom it is alleged that Mr. Loay Alnaji battered with a megaphone. Mr. Kessler's colleague  Jonathan Oswaks, who is shown in this story, claims that Mr. Alnaji specifically went after Mr. Kessler because he was holding an Israeli flag. Hal Eisner points out that people he interviewed believe that the motive of Alnaji's attack qualifies for "bias-motive" (California law term for what's commonly considered "hate-crime" charge enhancement) for Kessler's association with Israeli nationality (and possibly Jewish faith). Ventura County D.A. Erik Nasarenko's office has not added bias-motive to the charges. Yet anti-Jewish bigotry is a recognized part of Islamic culture, particularly in fundamentalism and certainly in the Middle East and Pakistan. 


This video shows the vitriol of members of the Islamic Society of Simi Valley towards Jewish-people and Israel at the demonstration on November 5, 2023. Mr. Mamdouh Elalami crassly shouts anti-Zionist slurs at Jews through his megaphone, even as Paul Kessler, who had just had his face smashed open by Loay Alnaji, lay just meters away - with open wounds on a stretcher in an ambulance. 

Video courtesy: @NewsVCNews

In "Celebrate Diversity: Kansas City Imam Wants Allah to Kill All the Zionists, One by One" by Robert Spencer in PJ Media, December 4th, 2024

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported that in a recent Friday sermon he preached at the Kansas City Islamic Center, the imam, Muhammad Tarife told the congregants: 
While the Qur’an calls Muslims “the best of people,” it calls non-Muslims “the most vile of created beings” (98:6). Also, Muslims are “the best of people” because they “command what is right and forbid what is wrong.” This is the basis for the widespread assumption among many Muslim migrants in the West that they need have no respect for the laws of the vile unbelievers, and need adhere only to the law of Allah. This does not exactly make for mutual respect and peaceful coexistence, as the skyrocketing crime rates in Europe attest. 

Tarife continued: "Oh, Allah, annihilate the criminal Zionists – those of whom are Zionists and those who are not. Oh, Allah, count them, kill them one by one, and do not spare a single one of them, for they are no match for You. Oh, Allah, allow us torment them with our own hands, humiliate them, grant us victory over them, and heal the hearts of the believers."
As if that weren’t bad enough in itself, Tarife also prays: “Oh, Allah, annihilate the criminal Zionists – those of whom are Zionists and those who are not.” This apparently means that he wants Allah to annihilate the leftist Jews who are not Zionists along with the Zionists.

Even worse, the Qur’an tells Muslims: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you victory over them, and he will heal the hearts of people who are believers. And he will remove the anger of their hearts.” (9:14-15). If Allah punishes the unbelievers by the hands of the believers, Tarife’s prayer that Allah would kill the Zionists could conceivably be understood as a direct call to violence.

Tarife’s prayer that Allah would kill the Zionists one by one is all too common. In late November, a Muslim entered a Montreal Jewish business and screamed “We’re gonna kill you one by one.” Just weeks ago, the Palestinian Authority Supreme Shari’ah Court Director Alaa Dweikat prayed: “Strike the aggressive Zionists. O Allah, kill them one by one and count them one by one, and do not leave [even] one.

Lebanese-descended scholar of Islam, Robert Spencer explains that the supremacist and annihilationist dogma against non-Muslims is ubiquitous in Islam. Western liberals' 'political correctness' has inhibited criticism of Islam's theology, cultural bigotries, and its imperialism against non-Muslims. Search-engines minimize- and social-media censors commentary on the topic. This taboo-ing inhibits police, investigations, and prosecutors from addressing and confronting the theology in motives for uncivil and criminal conduct.

In the case of the November '23 attack by Jordanian-Muslim Loay Alnaji which killed native Jewish-Californian, Paul Kessler, the Ventura County District Attorney Erik Nasarenko did not recognize there was sufficient bias, based on religion or association with Israel to enhance the battery and involuntary manslaughter charges. 

A Khan-Yunis Palestinian (given, Muslim name: Ayman Abu Suboh) converted to Judaism, adopted the name Dor Shachar, and explains what fundamentalist Muslims, such as in Jordan, Palestinian Territories, Iran, and Egypt are indoctrinated to believe about  - and how to subordinate and persecute - Jewish people and Jewish autonomy in an ever, Muslim-ruled territory.

In cities such as New York and Los Angeles, where the police no longer submit to District Attorneys cases lesser than felonies, police charging without the bias-enhancement (whether based on race, nationality, or association with nationality, such as Americans supportive of Israel) leaves cases of assault or battery as misdemeanors - and don't even receive full investigative resources - and the perpetrators know they can get away with injurious crimes - which poses no deterrent to future attackers and injured victims. The maximum penalty for Loay Alnaji if convicted as charged (without the bias enhancement) in the death of Paul Kessler is only four-years of jail-time (if even sentenced to the maximum). 

Given these logistical limitations, shouldn't police and prosecutors stop avoiding the indoctrinated bigotry Islam inculcates against non-Muslims (e.g., Hindus, Kurds, Copts, Christians, Jews) which has wreaked the Middle East and now, with immigration into the West, also incites bigotry expressed during inciteful protests?

The Israel Film Fest resumes in L.A. for a 36th year with a glimpse into Israeli culture - beyond this year's war headlines

After 2 ½ years of delays due to the pandemic and the on-going war, the 36th ISRAEL FILM FESTIVAL in Los Angeles, the largest showcase of Israeli films in the United States, held its sold-out Gala Opening Night at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills on November 13th, 2024. 

Hon. Israel Bachar, Ynon Kreiz, Gal Gadot, Ms. Tom Nesher, and Meir Fenigstein

Among those joining IFF Festival founder/executive director Meir Fenigstein were Ynon Kreiz, Mattel Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, who was presented by actress/producer Gal Gadot with the 2024 IFF Industry Leadership Award. Also in attendance was Israel Bachar, Consul General of Israel in Los Angeles, and writer/director Tom Nesher, whose film Come Closer, Israel’s Academy Award submission for Best International Film, had its West Coast Premiere at the Festival event. Fifteen visiting Israeli filmmakers and actors who have movies in the Festival also joined the celebration. 

The Israel Film Fest L.A. during a year of news of war and protesters' maligning. Meir Fenigstein, Exec. Director,and Sharona Farber, composer.


How has anti-Israel newsreporting influenced interest in Israeli films? LA Consul Gen @ IsraFilmFest


Will war-coverage or protest-bias prejudice Oscar Academy voters on Ms. Tom Nesher's "Come Closer?"


Mr. Kreiz noted to the audience that he fondly recalled being an Israel Film Festival volunteer 31 years ago in Los Angeles while he was studying at UCLA. Gadot, when presenting her friend Kreiz with his award, said “We both champion this festival because it champions bold voices, breaking barriers through the power of storytelling. It is why, amidst the chaos in our world, this week we celebrate the enduring, unstoppable Israeli creativity. And why tonight, we celebrate a man who understands every story’s potential to transport, transform and transcend.”

Why did #GalGadot salute #Barbie's fellow #Israeli-Amer filmmaker, Ynon Kreiz? #IsraelFilmFest's #MeirFenigstein


Meir Fenigstein welcomed the audience, noting “We are proud to present during this year’s Festival more than 40 new feature films, thought-provoking documentaries, and our new initiative of a student short film competition. We remain dedicated to fulfilling our promise to our generous sponsors, our community partners, the beloved filmmakers and their great films, and our wonderful audiences to bring Israeli culture and cinema to Hollywood which has, and will always stand with, the creative community of Israel.” 

How Israel Film Fest represents a return to roots for honoree, Ynon Kreiz, exec pdcr Mattel's "Barbie"

"Wonder Woman" actress, Gal Gadot honors fellow Israeli-American, Ynon Kreiz, "Barbie" Executive Producer and Mattel CEO, on opening night. Comic actor, Elon Gold, introduces Ms. Gadot with amusing observations.

Taking place through November 26th, the ISRAEL FILM FESTIVAL screenings will show at the Laemmle Royal Theatre (West Los Angeles) and the Laemmle Town Center 5 (Encino).

Visit  https://IsraelFilmFestival.com for more information, schedules and tickets.

Veterans Day: Tribute to Jewish, U.S. Medal of Honor recipients: Col. Jack Jacobs (Vietnam War- era) and Benjamin Salomon (WWII- era) in L.A.

The War against the West, launched by Iran's proxies around Israel on October 7th, 2023 was exacerbated by antagonist riots and media around the world. Communist and jihadist militarism increased the need for deterrent preparedness from Israel, the United States, Taiwan, and NATO / Ukraine. 
During the past year, media propaganda has vilified the image of the Jewish State of Israel, Zionism, and exacerbated antisemitism against Jews in the Diaspora.

Negative press about Israel's war against Hamas and Hezbollah has revived antisemitic challenges to Jewish ethos toward non-Jews. Israel's ameliorating Hamas' attacks have come more through military than diplomacy through the Biden administration's appointed Qatar. Social-media spreads accusations of Jewish dual allegiance to our native diaspora countries. Factual media reminding the public of Jews' military contributions to Western nations' freedoms are necessary. Moreover, according to many military analysts, the US, Israel, and allied forces need to fortify their ranks through military and national service from our younger citizens. 

In spring of 2023, the good offices of Ms. Stephanie Stone (the Chief Deputy Director of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs for Los Angeles County) combined with the initiative of Mr. Greg Lee (a Jewish War Veterans California State former Commander) to host NBC/MSNBC military analyst, Col. Jack Jacobs - a Vietnam War Medal of Honor recipient - to participate in a day of Minorities and Women Veteran activities at Patriot Hall in Los Angeles.

In the morning, the Department gave regional an opportunity to Col. Jacobs participated in a roundtable discussion with an aggregation of Southern California, veterans' affairs officials. In this exclusive video interview, Col. Jacobs emphasizes the historical contributions of Jewish Americans in serving in the military and stresses the importance of recognizing and honoring these contributions. He also discusses the challenges faced by Jewish Medal of Honor recipients in being recognized for their bravery due to discrimination.

 Col. Jack Jacobs at 4/23 CalVet event which saluted him and
Capt. Benjamin Salomon, both Jewish US Medal of Honorees
Col. Jacobs expressed his concerns about the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, particularly in relation to Iran, and highlights the need for better policies to prevent such proliferation. Additionally, he touches upon the media's portrayal of Israel, acknowledging the presence of bias in media coverage and emphasizing the importance of educating the public on issues affecting national security and the defense of allies. He discusses the increase in anti-Semitism and the need for political leaders to do a better job of educating the public to decrease it. He emphasizes that elected leaders play a crucial role in shaping attitudes and must work harder to inform their supporters and combat anti-Semitic beliefs.          

In keeping with the theme of Minorities and Women Veterans affairs, Patriot Hall presented an afternoon event to educate officials and the military and veterans' community. 

The afternoon ceremony highlighted Jewish War Veterans and Jewish US Medal of Honor recipients, WWII dentist Capt. Ben Salomon (a Los Angeleno - honored through painter David Schwartz and Rep. Brad Sherman's District Director Scott Abrams) and Col. Jack Jacobs in person. 

Here is an excerpt from Col. Jacobs' remarks to the gathering in which he relates the story of Ted Rubin, a Jewish soldier whose nomination for Medal of Honor was bigotedly denied 5 times, only to be conceded 55 years after  his documented bravery.

Part 1: Honoring Jewish-American, US Medal-of-Honor Heroes- Ben Salomon, WWII, & Jack Jacobs- Vietnam. Welcome from Jim Zenner, Director of M.V.A.; Color Guard: N. Valley Military Institute; National Anthem performed by N. Valley Military Institute Band; Intro to Emcee: Jim Zenner; Program Overview: Major Michael Gregory; Presentation to Honorees from Rep. Brad Sherman: District Director Scott Abrams; Chaplain Dov Cohen; JWV Calif State Commander Col. Dr. Gerry Silver introducing National Commander, Nelson Mellitz.

Part 2

David Schwartz personalizes his painting poster of Capt. Ben Salomon
for Mr. Mat Millen, Cmndr, JWV Santa Monica Post

Captain Ben Salomon was born September 1, 1914, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He graduated from the USC Dental School in 1937 and began a dental practice. In 1940, he was drafted into the United States Army and began his military service as an infantry private, qualifying expert in rifle and pistol. 

In 1942, he was notified that he would become an officer in the Army Dental Corps and was commissioned a first lieutenant. In May 1943, he was serving as the regimental dental officer of the 105th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division. He was promoted to the rank of Captain in 1944. 

In June 1944, Salomon saw his first combat — going ashore on Saipan with the 105th Infantry. Salomon volunteered to replace the 2nd Battalion's surgeon, who had been wounded. As the 2nd Battalion advanced, casualties were high. On July 7, Salomon's aid station was set up only 50 yards behind the forward foxhole line. Fighting was heavy and a major Japanese assault soon overran the perimeter, then the aid station. Salomon was able to grab an M1 Garand that was near him, kill the enemy that entered the hospital tent and ordered the wounded to be evacuated, while he stayed and fired upon the incoming enemy with an M1917 machine gun to cover their withdrawal. 

When an Army team returned to the site days later, Salomon's body was found
slumped over the machine gun deceased, with the bodies of 98 enemy troops piled up in front of his position. He received the Medal of Honor posthumously in 2002 by President George W. Bush only after his military courage was campaigned by USC Dental School alumnus, Dr. Robert West.