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High-Holiday special: What does G-d really expect from me? Faith? Ritual? Conduct? Orthodox rabbis answers may surprise you

Observant or secular: "Conduct unbecoming" a Jewish person?  Leading Orthodox Rabbis on Jews' behavioral obligations

Orthodox Rabbis Shmuel Goldin (Rabbinic Council of America) and Joel Tessler (Int'l Rabbinic Fellowship) are asked about Jewish ideals we should uphold- and what's hypocritical and what isn't.

Secular humanism (being a good person) alone does not make one a "good Jew," says Potomac, Maryland Rabbi Joel Tessler.

What are our obligations to G-d in faith, conduct & deed? Rabbi Moses Parry explains:

Faith without deeds- can one be "a good Jew"?  Orthodox Rabbi Shmuel Goldin of N.J.


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