Veteran U.S. Army Officer James Spence discusses why he feels that minority voters should elect Orthodox urban-activist Rabbi Nahum Shifren to better serve voters in L.A.'s 26th Senate District over Rabbi Shifren's black, liberal opponent, Curren Price. Mr. Spence calls to overcome the pigmentation politics mentality which keeps minorities from electing better public-servant candidates.
Lesley Jordan, an African-American conservative, argues to elicit support for Calif. State Senate Republican Candidate from L.A., Nahum Shifren- a white urban-activist running in a large minority district (26th) against an incumbent black liberal. Black-conservative Les Jordan exposes blacks' playing of racial politics against whites to derail criticism of Obama's Administration - despite what he feels is Obama's betrayal of blacks and whites to benefit alien Hispanics.
Les Jordan, America's Black Shield activist and blog-moderator, absolves non-black critics of Pres. Obama (and the Congressional Black Caucus) from fear of guilt of racism in this fascinating, in-depth discussion. Mr. Jordan reveals unethical black-racism against whites and blacks dissatisfied with Obama as president. He exposes the Nation of Islam as a mafia and asks uncomfortable questions about their ties with Obama.
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