Israel National News reports:
Palestinian terrorists murdered four Jewish civilians in a shooting attack at the Bani Naim junction just south of Hevron Tuesday evening. Emergency service paramedics could do nothing to save the victims whose bodies were riddled with bullets. The terrorists reportedly made sure their victims were dead by shooting them from close range after the initial fusillade.(Video courtesy Hebron Video)
The victims are a husband and wife, parents of six, and two passengers. Their names were cleared for publication Tuesday night by local police:WND's Aaron Klein reports that "Jews killed where Obama demanded removal of checkpoints"
•Yitzhak, 47, and Talya Ames, 45;
•Kochava Even Chaim, 37-year old mother of an 8-year old daughter.
•Avishai Shindler, 24-year old husband.
A Zaka volunteer, Maimon Chaim, who arrived on the scene neared the car and discovered that one of the victims was his wife, Kochava. He broke down in tears on the spot.
Yitzhak and Talya Imes were the parents of six children, the eldest one being 24 years old and the youngest one being a year and a half old. Talya Imes was nine-months pregnant when she was killed today by the terrorists.
Kochava Even Chaim was a teacher in Efrat. She leaves behind her husband and an 8-year old daughter.
Avishai Shindler had only recently moved to Beit Hagai with his wife. The four were all citizens of Beit Haggai. The funerals of all four victims will take place beginning at 11:00am on Wednesday. The IDF is combing the area, searching for the terrorists.
Today's deadly terrorist attack that killed four people near here took place on a road where the Israeli government removed staffed anti-terror checkpoints in line with requests from the Obama administration.The checkpoints were dismantled in line with demands from the Palestinian Authority that were passed on to Israel by the Obama administration. ...
George Mitchell, the White House envoy to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically requested that Israel remove roadblocks and checkpoints as a confidence-building gesture to restart talks with the PA, Israeli officials told WND.
Anti-terror roadblocks and checkpoints impede Palestinian movement, but have been credited with stopping scores of attacks.
Michael Ben-Ari, a Knesset member from Israel's National Union party, slammed the dismantlement of the checkpoints. "The writing was on the wall. Opening roadblocks encourages terror and gives a free hand to terrorists," he said.
Preliminary police reports here show the gunmen today approached the Israeli vehicle and shot the victims multiple times at point-blank range.
The Magen David Adom ambulance authority reported the victims were two men ages 25 and 40 and two women, also ages 25 and 40, one of whom was pregnant.
The victims were all residents of Beit Hagai, a Jewish community in the southern Hebron Hills.
Paramedic Guy Ronen described the shooting scene to the Jerusalem Post: "When we arrived on the scene, all four doors of the car were open and four bodies were strewn on the road. We saw that the vital organs had been struck by a very large number of bullets, and that there was no chance of saving their lives."
"It was a very difficult scene. We had learned to forget scenes like this in recent years," Ronen added.
arab terror murders in chevron 8/31/10 by rabbi moshe parry
music and prose...
4 dead in ol' chevron...
I) "tin soldiers and netanyahu comin'...
we're finally on our own...
this summer i hear the drumming
four dead in ol'chevron...
gotta get down to it ~
arab terrorists are gunning us down...
should have been done long ago...
what if u knew them and
found them dead on the ground...?
how can u run when u know...?
4... 4... 4...
4 dead in ol' chevron...
(play on words from "ohio" on the "4-way street" album by crosby, stills, nash and young)
II) from eicha (the book of lamentations) 2:18-19 & 4:17-20 (by yirmeyahu hanavi/the prophet jeremiah)...
"o wall of the daughter of tzion... let tears run down like a river day and night... give thyself no rest... let not the apple of thy eye cease... arise cry out in the night... in the beginning of the watches pour out thy heart like water before the face of the L-rd...lift up thy hands towards Him for the life of thy young children that faint for hunger at the head of every street..."
"as for us... our eyes do yet fail for our vain help... in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save... they hunt our steps (so much) that we cannot walk in our broadplaces... our end is near... our days are fulfilled... for our end is come... our pursures were swifter than the vultures in the sky...they chased us among the mountains... they lay in wait for us in the wilderness... the breath of our nostrils... the anointed of Hashem (the L-rd)... was taken in their pits... of whom we said...'under his shadow shall we live among the nations...'"
III) "a dreamer of pictures
i run in the night...
u see us together
chasing the moonlight..."
(from "cinnamon girl" by neil young)
I) the tin soldiers are the pathetic and useless idf who do nothing to protect us from arab terror save for showing up every few years to throw us out from our homes and off of our land...
those on the yeshuvim are now so utterly isolated and alone... we have squandered so many opportunities to decimate our enemy and end their wanton murder of our people...
and of course we know who the 4 slain are... they are our very own brothers and sisters...
II) the passage from eicha is clear... we need to cry out in bitter anguish for the parents who just lost their sons and daughters in such barbaric fashion and by such savage means... and we must wail even more for the poor bereaved orphans who must now grow up without their parents...
the second phrase teaches us why this befell us because we put our trust in our secular israeli leaders and in the america that they so cravenly and servilely worship and prostrate themselves before in such slavish impotence... both of whom i accuse of having orchestrated today's latest insane round of arab genocidal mania upon Hashem's holy soil... we are lost... so completely and thoroughly avud if we continue down this path and allow these monsters to lead us any further...
III) i'm just one jew swimming against the tide... screaming into the wind... without jews everywhere rising up in righteous indignation ~ in open revolt ~ (massive civil disobedience) then i am just a lone guy running into the night chasing the moonlight in abject futility...
rant to the entire jewish nation in israel and around the world on the eve of the yomim naroiim (high holy days)... (part one)...
jews... have u had enough yet...? have u had your fill already...? your fill of innocent jewish blood and martyrdom...? when will it be enough...? how many more must die until u will awaken...? until u will arise en masse to fight for your own survival...?
arab terror murders in chevron 8/31/10 by rabbi moshe parry
music and prose...
4 dead in ol' chevron...
I) "tin soldiers and netanyahu comin'...
we're finally on our own...
this summer i hear the drumming
four dead in ol'chevron...
gotta get down to it ~
arab terrorists are gunning us down...
should have been done long ago...
what if u knew them and
found them dead on the ground...?
how can u run when u know...?
4... 4... 4...
4 dead in ol' chevron...
(play on words from "ohio" on the "4-way street" album by crosby, stills, nash and young)
II) from eicha (the book of lamentations) 2:18-19 & 4:17-20 (by yirmeyahu hanavi/the prophet jeremiah)...
"o wall of the daughter of tzion... let tears run down like a river day and night... give thyself no rest... let not the apple of thy eye cease... arise cry out in the night... in the beginning of the watches pour out thy heart like water before the face of the L-rd...lift up thy hands towards Him for the life of thy young children that faint for hunger at the head of every street..."
"as for us... our eyes do yet fail for our vain help... in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save... they hunt our steps (so much) that we cannot walk in our broadplaces... our end is near... our days are fulfilled... for our end is come... our pursures were swifter than the vultures in the sky...they chased us among the mountains... they lay in wait for us in the wilderness... the breath of our nostrils... the anointed of Hashem (the L-rd)... was taken in their pits... of whom we said...'under his shadow shall we live among the nations...'"
III) "a dreamer of pictures
i run in the night...
u see us together
chasing the moonlight..."
(from "cinnamon girl" by neil young)
I) the tin soldiers are the pathetic and useless idf who do nothing to protect us from arab terror save for showing up every few years to throw us out from our homes and off of our land...
those on the yeshuvim are now so utterly isolated and alone... we have squandered so many opportunities to decimate our enemy and end their wanton murder of our people...
and of course we know who the 4 slain are... they are our very own brothers and sisters...
II) the passage from eicha is clear... we need to cry out in bitter anguish for the parents who just lost their sons and daughters in such barbaric fashion and by such savage means... and we must wail even more for the poor bereaved orphans who must now grow up without their parents...
the second phrase teaches us why this befell us because we put our trust in our secular israeli leaders and in the america that they so cravenly and servilely worship and prostrate themselves before in such slavish impotence... both of whom i accuse of having orchestrated today's latest insane round of arab genocidal mania upon Hashem's holy soil... we are lost... so completely and thoroughly avud if we continue down this path and allow these monsters to lead us any further...
III) i'm just one jew swimming against the tide... screaming into the wind... without jews everywhere rising up in righteous indignation ~ in open revolt ~ (massive civil disobedience) then i am just a lone guy running into the night chasing the moonlight in abject futility...
rant to the entire jewish nation in israel and around the world on the eve of the yomim naroiim (high holy days)... (part one)...
jews... have u had enough yet...? have u had your fill already...? your fill of innocent jewish blood and martyrdom...? when will it be enough...? how many more must die until u will awaken...? until u will arise en masse to fight for your own survival...?
i saw the report... i heard our spokeman's response... it is woefully inadequate... it is too mild... too submissivley consigning... too accepting... too weakly resigning ourselves to our fate... it only encourages our enemies to let our blood flow in even greater and greater torrents and rivers of pain and agony...
i'm sorry if what i'm saying troubles u... i am truly remorseful if this makes u feel uncomfortable... but u must awake now before it is too late and u are unable to awaken ever again until techiat hamatim (the resurrection of the dead)...
oslo is a death-trap for our nation and its continuation is a death-knell for the state of israel and the jewish people in our entirety... doesn't anyone else get this and see this at all...? don't we all know this to be the undeniable truth by now...? sure u do... most of us do... but by remaining silent u allow today's tragedy to constantly repeat itself and happen over and over again ad nauseum with total impunity and at will...
the response we are looking for... the one we need right now more even than we need continuous oxygen to breathe is a revolution in the streets of the world... in israel and in every corner of the planet... and we need to stay in the streets until all governments (including israel's and the u.s.')... all who support the oslo death-to-israel process/roadmap back to auschwitz... until they all crumble and fall... we need to blow our shofrot and trumpet our teruah and tekiah blasts until Hashem causes all their high and mighty walls of jew-hatred (self-hatred in israel's case) and of arrogance and indifference to come tumbling down to the ground and turn into rubble...
we need to hold every elected official in every oslo-supporting country on the earth directly responsible for today's bloodshed... because in truth they are all guilty by their support for this insane death process which they have all foisted upon us... we need a clean wash of them all... right down the drain and out into the sewer... and "good riddance to bad rubbish..."
as for our own... as for israel's treasonous, perfidious and callous bunch of murdering thugs and their bullying henchmen who we know are at least complicit in today's bloodletting in chevron... (i know them to be far more than just complicit)... they must feel our ire in a very special and unique way... we must apply to all of them the same curse which rav ovadia yosef just leveled this week at the pa and hamas leadership...
i call it death-davening...
and we have no other recourse... any government which cannot or in my opinion WILL NOT protect its citizenry has no moral authority to govern... no right to rule... NONE!!! NOT ONE IOTA WHATSOEVER!!! and so they should be taken down... by any means necessary...
but knowing full-well that we haven't the fortitude (or the firepower sans a full-on coup d'etat from the presently worthless idf) or the gumption to strike them down as they deserve... as the chashmanoiim/maccabees of old did to the hellenist jews of their day... during the second temple period... when their traitorous brethren were running roughshod over their rights and freedoms (no different than our hellenist jews of today are doing to us) and were so brazenly and openly desecrating (with glee and relish) everything authentic judaism holds dear and sacred... the torah, the land, the good torah-loyal jews, the beit hamikdash itself and of course the holy name of Hashem...
but even if we lack the courage of matisyahu and his 5 sons... at the very least we can hit the streets and enter into the shuls to daven for their demise... to say tehilim in mass gatherings of jews everywhere... psalms for their downfall... prayers to G-d for their precipituous fall from grace and power...
ah but i hear u ask... "how do u know that our leaders are more than just complicit...?" i will tell u...
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