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Long-awaited, Jeff's Gourmet Sausages lets kosher fans feel respected; Gentiles elated by quality, value

Dodger fan, Rabbi Zvi Block, finally enjoys game like others
With its decades-long legacy playing in the Jewish-deli capital of America, the former Brooklyn Dodgers never brought the tradition of kosher hot dogs to Elysian Park. This left many kosher-observant, night-game attendees empty-stomached. With Sandy Koufax back as a pitching consultant, and centerfielder, Joc Pederson on the roster, did new President & CEO, Stan Kasten, finally bring the momentum to add the club to the list of Major League Baseball stadiums offering kosher food at the ballgame?

Despite the city's large number of Jewish emigrants from the Northeast, L.A.'s Dodger Stadium hasn't offered much for those with a taste for a traditional-deli frank. The staple, Farmer John "Dodger Dog" contains "traif"- pork. While some stands sell a more expensive "All-Beef" variety, brown-mustard has become rare to find- and no sauerkraut at all- the only vegetable condiments are minced, raw-onions and pickle relish.

How well does Americas 2nd most populous Jewish town accomodate kosher diners at the ball park? NYC-raised, sports radio host, Vic "the Brick" Jacobs (AM570) discusses the LA Dodgers players' dining idiosyncracies as we recognize Dodger Stadium finally accomodating kosher attendees through the glatt, Jeff's Gourmet Kosher Sausages stand in the Right Field pavilion.

After 35-years of importuning by civic-activists, like Stanley Treitel, Jeff's Gourmet Kosher Sausages of Pico Blvd managed to work-out a glatt-kosher concession arrangement with Dodger Stadium, to fill the void for kosher attendees. Long after a number of other cities stadiums accomodated kosher fans, Jeff's started in July 2015 and the 2016 is their first full season (closed for Sabbath observance Friday eve and Saturday).

Jeff Rohatiner brings Pico kosher franks to ballpark
Rather than situating it in a central location, Jeff's Gourmet Kosher has been relegated to a barely marked booth behind the scoreboard in Right Field. Fans sitting in the upper decks have to travel down guarded stair levels (and back) just to procure a kosher frank in between innings.

But, the word has gotten out that not only does Jeff's offer only kosher franks and sausages, they are a better meal than Dodger Dogs. Not only do they have brown mustard for their custom buns, they serve sauerkraut- and they'll even grill peppers and onions to top your wurst.

What affect has Jeff's had on Dodger fans- both Jew and Gentile? Listen to Jewish actor Josh Malina ("The West Wing," "Sports Night") and father, Robert, relate how the Dodgers' kosher offering has enhanced their MLB game experience- among others' as well.

The well-kept secret is that the kosher stand offers the best franks in the park.  Look for Jeff's Gourmet Kosher Sausages in the Pavilion-area behind the Right-Field bullpen at Dodger Stadium- or on 8930 W. Pico Blvd, west of Robertson Blvd. The Dodgers hold their annual, Jewish Community Day on Sunday Aug 28, 2016.

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