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Anti-Israel antagonists met by brave defenders outside AIPAC's D.C. conference

Organized left-wing and Islamist protesters antagonize pro-Israel, AIPAC Policy Conference attendees at D.C. Convention Center, March , 2016. We examine the provocation and the responses from Zionistic attendees, including one Tennessee Christian. 

Rabbi Ben Packer of Heritage House in Jerusalem set up a stand on the streetcorner at 8am. When asked why so few of the 10,000+ conference attendees had come out to oppose the protestors, Rabbi Packer replied he was told that AIPAC would revoke conference access to anyone who did.

Michael Aliff, a Christian, stands alone against oncoming anti-Israel marchers 
Mr. Aliff says he comes from Knoxville, Tennessee year after year to encourage US support for Israel, waving his Israeli and American flags.

"It's time for this country to wake and realize Israel is our ally and our friend," Mr. Aliff said.  "We don't break friendships. In Tennesee, that's what being a Tennessean and a "volunteer" is all about. Friendships- period. You don't turn your back on your friend. Israel is our friend and ally and I will always support her- always! I will say that those that are for them are greater than those who are against them."

A number of conferencees came out to engage the protestors in what was likely the first dialogue they've ever had with Jews, Christians, or anyone else with differing views on Israel-Arab relations and resolution of the conflict. Watch our original news chronicling.

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