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Limmud L.A. - learn with top rabbis and teachers; then celebrate Jewish heritage with dance and song

A Jewish festival of life and learning, LimmudLA Conference 2011 offers over 100 presenters and 250 sessions ranging from Talmud to psychology, pop culture to Bible, and drama to Israeli politics. Sprinkled throughout are concerts, films, workshops, yoga, mitzvah projects and opportunities to connect - all organized by teams of dedicated volunteers.

No matter your beliefs or customs, there is a topic in each session block for everyone. LimmudLA attracts some of the most acclaimed Jewish thinkers, artists and activists in the world. It also offers you the opportunity to experience new or undiscovered talent from our own Los Angeles community.

Diversity is more than just a buzzword for us. Jews of every denomination and affiliation (or non-affiliation) attend and present. Different ages, ethnicities, marital statuses, sexual orientations, educational backgrounds and occupations are part of the mix. It is a supremely democratic model of Jewish education.

The format allows you to immerse yourself or dip in as much as you choose. The learning, in all the ways it unfolds, is nonstop, inspiring and invigorating.

The terrific learning with rabbis and other teachers at the annual Limmud L.A. provides a personal and communal enrichment - and gives reason to celebrate each night. Watch JooTube's video highlights from Limmud LA '09-'10. 

Limmud LA reconvenes this weekend, Feb 18-20 in Costa Mesa, California. Check out their website for details.

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