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At Jerusalem Conference, Israeli candidates address Jews' domestic and global-relations concerns

Obama pulls Netanyahu towards concessions
to cede land to Palestinian state led by Abbas
The 6th Jerusalem Conference is an annual forum for the discussion of Israel's national priorities, social values, and aspirations, which hosts key figures and policy makers from Israel and around the world -- all leaders in the political, economic, academic, communal, security, military, and rabbinic spheres. 

The 2009 Jerusalem Conference focused on the "New Leadership and New Direction" that will emerge this year in Israel and the United States following the national elections in both countries. 

Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who leads the Likud Party, discusses maintaining the Jewish integrity, demographically and politically, between life in Jerusalem, East Jerusalem, and Yesha.

Amb. Danny Ayalon, Deputy Foreign Minister's addresses the 6th Jerusalem Conference.

Tzipi Livni of 2008/9 Kadima Party addresses Jerusalem Conference (English translated)  

Compiled speeches by MK Maj. Gen. Danny Yatom (Labour); Dr. Martin Kramer, historian / political analyst; MK Yuval Steinitz (Likud, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Defense Readiness); and MK Dr. Arieh Eldad (National Union).

After Netanyahu's Jerusalem Conference speech, he convened with his fellow party member Dr. Yuval Steinitz and Ichud Leumi (National Union) party Chairman Yaakov Katz. Katz asked the Likud chairman what his plans are for a coalition after the Israel elections. Netanyahu responded, "We will establish a broad coalition based on all the Zionist parties - blue and orange."

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